Releases: Hi-Folks/gh-actions-yaml-generator
Releases · Hi-Folks/gh-actions-yaml-generator
- Adding select for PHP 8.3 in the workflow files
- Adding select for Laravel 11 in the workflow files
- Adding select for Node 20 in the workflow files
- Updating GitHub Actions versions:
- symfonycorp/security-checker-action@v5
- github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
- webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.9.0
- actions/checkout@v4
- actions/setup-node@v4
- actions/cache@v4
- Upgrading larastan usage in the Workflow
What's Changed
- Enhanced the presentation of the file by @tvermaashutosh in #156
- Add PHP 8.3, Laravel 11 and Node 20 to GitHub Actions Workflow by @roberto-butti in #160
- Updating GitHub Actions versions by @roberto-butti in #162
- Upgrading Larastan GH actions by @roberto-butti in #163
New Contributors
- @tvermaashutosh made their first contribution in #156
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
Upgrade to:
- Laravel v11
- Livewire v3
- PestPHP v2
- Larastan v2
- LaraLens v1
What's Changed
- Upgrading to Laravel 11 by @roberto-butti in #158
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Switching from Webpack to Vite
- Updating node version for auto-generate command
- Updating PHP version for auto-generate command
- Updating dependencies (PHP and Node)
- Added Laravel 10 options for using L10 in the GitHub Actions workflows
- Upgrading Actions:
- actions/checkout@v3
- actions/setup-node@v3
- github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
- symfonycorp/security-checker-action@v4
- webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0
- Introducing Laravel Pint
- Introducing PestPHP
- Converting Feature tests for PestPHP, thanks to @dansysanalyst for #151
- Using composer scripts for executing code quality tools
Pull requests
- Feature/laravel10options by @roberto-butti in #145
- upgrading actions by @roberto-butti in #147
- Feature/live twitch code quality refactor by @roberto-butti in #150
- Example of Pest + Livewire plugin by @dansysanalyst in #149
- Convert Feature Tests to Pest by @dansysanalyst in #151
New Contributors
- @dansysanalyst made their first contribution in #149
Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.7.0
PHP 8.2
- PHPStan Level 6
- Support for PHP 8.2
autodetect php8.1
- added php8.1 for auto-detecting php version for matrix
- added make install command by @AlessandroMinoccheri
- fix load template for matrixTestbenchDependencies
Laravel 9, Tailwindcss 3 and DaisyUI 2
Upgrade to Laravel 9, Tailwindcss 3 and DaisyUI 2
Laravel 9 option
- added laravel 9 mapping for testbench, thanks to @dkemper
- improve dark/light mode
- update npm packages
Welcome PHP 8.1
Welcome PHP 8.1
- update GitHub actions workflows for 8.1
- add option for 8.1 in the UI
- Now you can deploy with Forge with your CI workflow
- UI refactoring: Introducing DaisyUI components
- Report for command line execution
- Upgrade to PHPstan 1
- Command line: added --dry-run option
- Now is possible to install Ghygen with composer create-project hi-folks/ghygen