- Upgrade to PHP 8.4
- upgrading packages
- Updating hints for missing lang directory
- Detect dependencies for Laravel 11
- Support for Laravel 11
- Testing with PHP 8.3
- Adding title helper in the TermOutput
- Adding RectorPHP in the code quality tools
- Support for Laravel 10
- Add requirements check for Laravel 10
- GitHub Actions Workflows: cleaning and fine-tuning
- Using Pint for Check styleguide (PSR12)
- Using PestPHP for testing
- Removing Makefile and using composer scripts to launching code quality tools
- migrating tests from PHPUnit to PestPHP, thanks to @dansysanalyst
- Fix skip-database option, now with works with all "show" options. Before the fix it worked only with "show all" option.
- Fine tuning dependencies for PHP 8.1, and Symfony / Doctrine packages
- Drop supprt for PHP7.4, for older PHP and Laravel, use Laralens v0.2.x
- Add Termwind package
- Review console output, thanks also to @exodusanto
- Support for PHP 8.0 and greater
- Add Support for Laravel 9
- Add tests for PHP8.1
- Drop support for PHP7.3
- Some fine tuning for Static Code analysis
Hacktoberfest!!! We would like to say thank you to @tweichart and @martijnengler for the contributions.
- Add --all option for showing all information (verbose output). Thanks to @tweichart
- Add --large option for using 120 chars width. Thanks to @martijnengler
- Add some Operating System information:
- PHP script owner's UID
- Current User
- Operating System
- Hostname
- Release name
- Machine Name
- Version info
- In runtime information, added upload_max_filesize and post_max_size from php configuration ( thanks to @yogendra-revanna )
- Check DEBUG and ENV configuration for production (if production avoid having debug on);
- Check Storage Links and show the user a waring if some directory links are missing
- improve tests and checks script for Workflows
- Add configuration parameters (config/lara-lens.php) for managing webview: LARALENS_PREFIX, LARALENS_MIDDLEWARE, LARALENS_WEB_ENABLED, thanks to @yogendra-revanna, @JexPY, @Zuruckt;
- Initial support for PHP8-rc;
- Show available PHP extension via --show=php-ext option (thanks to https://github.com/yogendra-revanna);
- Show PHP ini configuration via --show=php-ini (thanks to https://github.com/yogendra-revanna).
- Managing default show options. Before this change the default was to show all options. Now we have a lot of option to show (also the long list of PHP extension and PHP ini configuration), so by default LaraLens shows: configuration, runtime, HTTP connection, database, migrations.
- You can watch your LaraLens report with your browser (not just with your terminal);
- Makefile to manage development tasks;
- Add a timeout when checking HTTP connection;
- CI/CD: Add Caching vendors in GitHub actions pipeline.
- DOCS: Update README, add some docs about skip database connection and database.
Thanks to phpstan :
- using $line instead of $row
- initialize correctly $show
- re throw exception for HTTP connection
- Add --skip-database in order to execute all checks except database and migration status (it is useful for example if the application it doesn't need the database);
- Code more PSR2 compliant (phpcs);
- Fix LaraHttpResponse::status(). The method returns the http status code. Close #19
- Support for Laravel 8
- Adding support for Laravel 6
- Check server requirements for PHP modules needed by Laravel;
- Check server requirements for PHP Version (based on the Laravel version);
- Adding PORT display for Database connection;
- List PHP modules installed, needed by Laravel;
- Updating test cases
- Adding php linter in CI/CD. We use php 7.2 linter for incoming support to Laravel 6.
- Fix syntax in DatabaseLens.php. Close #17 ;
- Add --url-path for using a specific path during HTTP connection. For example --url-path=test (for checking "test" path)
- Refactor logic with traits for: database connection, configuration, runtime parameters, filesystem, http connections (issue #11);
- Improve the HTTP Connection check (configuration url, url generated)
- Refactoring "check" functionality
- add warning messages
- show report check
- add alert green
- managing multiple type of message (warning / error / hint)
- try catch for db connection, for checking files, for scanning directories
- check PDO for database connection
- Add hints for database tables (table exists, column exists)
- Fix typo in banner. ( close #6 )
- updated tests
- When a check is not working properly, now it is displayed some hints;
- Add hints for database connection;
- Add hints for HTTP connections.
- Improved list of languages;
- Update readme
New function for check files.
- check .env file
- check language storage
- list languages available
New runtime config about some paths:
- "langPath" =>"Path to the language files",
- "publicPath" =>" Path to the public / web directory",
- "storagePath" => "Storage directory",
- "resourcePath" =>"Resources directory",
- "getCachedServicesPath" => "Path to the cached services.php",
- "getCachedPackagesPath" => "Path to the cached packages.php",
- "getCachedConfigPath" => "Path to the configuration cache",
- "getCachedRoutesPath" => "Path to the routes cache",
- "getCachedEventsPath" => "Path to the events cache file",
- "getNamespace" => "Application namespace"
💅 Style output table via --style option. You can choose one of these styles (box-double is the default used by LaraLens):
- default
- borderless
- compact
- symfony-style-guide
- box
- box-double
👓 Runtime config:
- environmentPath
- environmentFile
- environmentFilePath
- Refactor for App::"function"()
- update tests
- update readme
- update help (-h)
Database connection:
- connection name
- getQueryGrammar
- getDriverName
- getDatabaseName
- getTablePrefix
- database server version
Runtime configuration:
- Laravel version
- PHP version
- Add show option --show (all|config|runtime|connection|database|migration)
- managing a better output
- extracting long message from tables
- settings width for columns tables
- Catch HTTP connection exception
- detect DB connection type;
- get tables for mysql;
- get tables for sqlite;
- count and retrieve last row from a table. Table and column name are as input parameters;
- test database diagnostics;
- update readme for documentation.
- Add new argument as input (it is optional):
- overview: you can see configuration, http connection, db connection etc.;
- allconfigs: you can see the verbose configuration from Laravel application. Try to use 'php artisan laralens:diagnostic allconfigs' in your laravel application. You will see the dump of all configuration parameters in json format.
- Add runtime config:
- App::getLocale()
- App::environment())
- Generated url via asset() and url() helpers
- Invoke migrate:status
- 🎉 initial release
- Add laralens:diagnostic artisan command (Laravel)
- Check config parameter like app.url, app.locale, app.url and database.*
- Check the http connection with "app.url" defined in base configuration
- Check the connection with DB and counts the row for a specific table (users by default)