This repository contains an API Rest created with Java SpringBoot, using some techniques such as Hypermedia Controls,documented with OpenAPI, OAuth 2.0 security.
The API manages the information of baseball Players.
The parts of software development (building, testing, and deploying) could be automated using Jenkins.
- This project has 3 modules: client, model and web.
- The controller doesn't use entities, data is shared through DTO (Data transfer object)
- The project has 4 layers: Controller, Service, Dao and Repository
- Layers communicate using interfaces
- Bean Validation annotations are used to validations such as: @NotBlank, @NotNull, @Min
To test execute
./mvnw clean test
To run the app execute
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Rest endpoints
- GET: http://localhost:8080/players = Gets all players in the system
- GET: http://localhost:8080/players/{idPlayer} = Gets the player identified by idPlayer
- POST: http://localhost:8080/players =Adds a player
- PUT: http://localhost:8080/players/{idPlayer} = Replaces the player identified by idPlayer
- DELETE: http://localhost:8080/players/{idPlayer} = Deletes the player identified by idPlayer
API Info