A collaborative streaming platform for watching videos with friends, anytime, anywhere.
- Create Watch Parties: Start a virtual room to stream and watch videos with friends in real-time.
- Low Latency Streaming: Enjoy smooth playback with minimal delay, even during group streaming sessions.
- Upload and Share Videos: Host videos directly on the platform for instant access.
- Scalable Architecture: Supports multiple concurrent users for a seamless experience.
- Batch Processing: Optimized for high-speed data transfer during video uploads and sharing.
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3.3.5
- React
- TypeScript
- Users create a room on the platform.
- Videos are uploaded to the platform or selected for streaming.
- Friends join the room via a unique link, and playback is synchronized in real time.
- The platform uses event-driven architecture for notifying users and ensuring a seamless experience.
- JDK 17 or higher
- Maven 3.6+
- MySQL 8.0+
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Himanshu4776/apni-watch-party.git
cd apni-watch-party/backend
- Configure the database: • Update the application.properties file with your MySQL credentials.
- Build and run the backend:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd ../frontend
- Install Dependencies
npm i
- Start the server
npm run dev
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add amazing feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
- Open a Pull Request