xAPI statements creation plugin.
This is an ongoing development. The documentation will be provided as it becomes available.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "rails-xapi", git: "https://github.com/Hipjea/rails-xapi"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Create the migration files:
$ bin/rails rails_xapi:install:migrations
Mount the engine in config/routes.rb
mount RailsXapi::Engine, at: "rails-xapi"
Create a service class or controller method within your main application that handles data preparation and invokes RailsXapi::StatementCreator
class XapiStatementCreator
def self.create_statement(data:, request: nil, user: nil, async: false)
if request.present? && user.present?
user_name = "#{user.firstname} #{user.lastname}"
actor = {
objectType: "Agent",
name: user_name,
mbox: "mailto:#{user.email}",
account: {
homePage: "#{data[:base_url] || request.base_url}/users/#{user&.id}",
name: user_name
statement_creator = RailsXapi::StatementCreator.new(data, actor)
return statement_creator.call_async if async
You can then use the class within your controllers, for e.g.:
XapiStatementCreator.create_statement(request: request, user: current_user, data: {
# We can omit the actor struct if we pass the current_user to create_statement.
verb: {
id: "https://brindlewaye.com/xAPITerms/verbs/loggedin/"
object: {
id: new_user_session_url,
definition: {
name: "log in",
description: {
"en-US" => "User signed in"
type: "sign-in"
def logs_per_month(year = Date.current.year, month = Date.current.month)
RailsXapi::QueryActor.user_statements_per_month({mbox: "mailto:#{email}"}, year, month)
bundle exec rails db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rspec spec/
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.