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File metadata and controls

1496 lines (1158 loc) · 64.2 KB


Form behavior is a controller modifier used for easily adding form functionality to a back-end page. The behavior provides three pages called Create, Update and Preview. The Preview page is a read-only version of the Update page. When you use the form behavior you don't need to define the create, update and preview actions in the controller - the behavior does it for you. However you should provide the corresponding view files.

Form behavior depends on form field definitions and a model class. In order to use the form behavior you should add it to the $implement property of the controller class. Also, the $formConfig class property should be defined and its value should refer to the YAML file used for configuring the behavior options.

namespace Acme\Blog\Controllers;

class Categories extends \Backend\Classes\Controller
    public $implement = ['Backend.Behaviors.FormController'];

    public $formConfig = 'config_form.yaml';

Note: Very often the form and list behavior are used together in a same controller.

Configuring the form behavior

The configuration file referred in the $formConfig property is defined in YAML format. The file should be placed into the controller's views directory. Below is an example of a typical form behavior configuration file:

# ===================================
#  Form Behavior Config
# ===================================

name: Blog Category
form: $/acme/blog/models/post/fields.yaml
modelClass: Acme\Blog\Post

    title: New Blog Post

    title: Edit Blog Post

    title: View Blog Post

The following fields are required in the form configuration file:

Field Description
name the name of the object being managed by this form.
form a configuration array or reference to a form field definition file, see form fields.
modelClass a model class name, the form data is loaded and saved against this model.

The configuration options listed below are optional. Define them if you want the form behavior to support the Create, Update or Preview pages.

Option Description
defaultRedirect used as a fallback redirection page when no specific redirect page is defined.
create a configuration array or reference to a config file for the Create page.
update a configuration array or reference to a config file for the Update page.
preview a configuration array or reference to a config file for the Preview page.

Create page

To support the Create page add the following configuration to the YAML file:

    title: New Blog Post
    redirect: acme/blog/posts/update/:id
    redirectClose: acme/blog/posts
    flashSave: Post has been created!

The following configuration options are supported for the Create page:

Option Description
title a page title, can refer to a localization string.
redirect redirection page when record is saved.
redirectClose redirection page when record is saved and the close post variable is sent with the request.
flashSave flash message to display when record is saved, can refer to a localization string.
form overrides the default form fields definitions for the create page only.

Update page

To support the Update page add the following configuration to the YAML file:

    title: Edit Blog Post
    redirect: acme/blog/posts
    flashSave: Post updated successfully!
    flashDelete: Post has been deleted.

The following configuration options are supported for the Update page:

Option Description
title a page title, can refer to a localization string.
redirect redirection page when record is saved.
redirectClose redirection page when record is saved and close post variable is sent with the request.
flashSave flash message to display when record is saved, can refer to a localization string.
flashDelete flash message to display when record is deleted, can refer to a localization string.
form overrides the default form fields definitions for the update page only.

Preview page

To support the Preview page add the following configuration to the YAML file:

    title: View Blog Post

The following configuration options are supported for the Preview page:

Option Description
title a page title, can refer to a localization string.
form overrides the default form fields definitions for the preview page only.

Defining form fields

Form fields are defined with the YAML file. The form fields configuration is used by the form behavior for creating the form controls and binding them to the model fields. The file is placed to a subdirectory of the models directory of a plugin. The subdirectory name matches the model class name written in lowercase. The file name doesn't matter, but fields.yaml and form_fields.yaml are common names. Example form fields file location:

      models/            <=== Plugin models directory
        post/            <=== Model configuration directory
          fields.yaml    <=== Model form fields config file
        Post.php         <=== model class

Fields can be placed in three areas, the outside area, primary tabs or secondary tabs. The next example shows the typical contents of a form fields definition file.

# ===================================
#  Form Field Definitions
# ===================================

        label: Blog Title
        description: The title for this blog

        label: Published date
        description: When this blog post was published
        type: datepicker




Fields from related models can be rendered with the Relation Widget or the Relation Manager. The exception is a OneToOne or morphOne related field, which must be defined as relation[field] and then can be specified as any other field of the model:

        label: User Name
        description: The name of the user
        label: Avatar
        description: will be saved in the Avatar table
        label: Published date
        description: When this blog post was published
        type: datepicker


Tab options

For each tab definition, namely tabs and secondaryTabs, you can specify these options:

Option Description
stretch specifies if this tab stretches to fit the parent height.
defaultTab the default tab to assign fields to. Default: Misc.
icons assign icons to tabs using tab names as the key.
lazy array of tabs to be loaded dynamically when clicked. Useful for tabs that contain large amounts of content.
cssClass assigns a CSS class to the tab container.
paneCssClass assigns a CSS class to an individual tab pane. Value is an array, key is tab index or label, value is the CSS class. It can also be specified as a string, in which case the value will be applied to all tabs.

Note: It is not recommended to use lazy loading on tabs with fields that are affected by triggers.

    stretch: true
    defaultTab: User
    cssClass: text-blue
        - Groups
        0: first-tab
        1: second-tab
        User: icon-user
        Groups: icon-group

            type: text
            label: Username
            tab: User

            type: relation
            label: Groups
            tab: Groups

Field options

For each field you can specify these options (where applicable):

Option Description
label a name when displaying the form field to the user.
type defines how this field should be rendered (see Available fields types below). Default: text.
span aligns the form field to one side. Options: auto, left, right, storm, full. Default: full. The parameter storm allows you to display the form as a Bootstrap grid, using the cssClass property, for example, cssClass: col-xs-4.
size specifies a field size for fields that use it, for example, the textarea field. Options: tiny, small, large, huge, giant.
placeholder if the field supports a placeholder value.
comment places a descriptive comment below the field.
commentAbove places a comment above the field.
commentHtml allow HTML markup inside the comment. Options: true, false.
default specify the default value for the field. For dropdown, checkboxlist, radio and balloon-selector widgets, you may specify an option key here to have it selected by default.
defaultFrom takes the default value from the value of another field.
tab assigns the field to a tab.
cssClass assigns a CSS class to the field container.
readOnly prevents the field from being modified. Options: true, false.
disabled prevents the field from being modified and excludes it from the saved data. Options: true, false.
hidden hides the field from the view and excludes it from the saved data. Options: true, false.
stretch specifies if this field stretches to fit the parent height.
context specifies what context should be used when displaying the field. Context can also be passed by using an @ symbol in the field name, for example, name@update.
dependsOn an array of other field names this field depends on, when the other fields are modified, this field will update.
trigger specify conditions for this field using trigger events.
preset allows the field value to be initially set by the value of another field, converted using the input preset converter.
required places a red asterisk next to the field label to indicate it is required (make sure to setup validation on the model as this is not enforced by the form controller).
attributes specify custom HTML attributes to add to the form field element.
containerAttributes specify custom HTML attributes to add to the form field container.
permissions the permissions that the current backend user must have in order for the field to be used. Supports either a string for a single permission or an array of permissions of which only one is needed to grant access.

Available field types

There are various native field types that can be used for the type setting. For more advanced form fields, a form widget can be used instead.

<style> .collection-method-list { column-count: 3; -moz-column-count: 3; -webkit-column-count: 3; column-gap: 2em; -moz-column-gap: 2em; -webkit-column-gap: 2em; } .collection-method-list a { display: block; } </style>
- [Text](#field-text) - [Number](#field-number) - [Password](#field-password) - [Email](#field-email) - [Textarea](#field-textarea) - [Dropdown](#field-dropdown) - [Radio List](#field-radio) - [Balloon Selector](#field-balloon) - [Checkbox](#field-checkbox) - [Checkbox List](#field-checkboxlist) - [Switch](#field-switch) - [Section](#field-section) - [Partial](#field-partial) - [Hint](#field-hint) - [Widget](#field-widget)


text - renders a single line text box. This is the default type used if none is specified.

    label: Blog Title
    type: text


number - renders a single line text box that takes numbers only.

    label: Your Age
    type: number
    step: 1  # defaults to 'any'
    min: 1   # defaults to not present
    max: 100 # defaults to not present

If you would like to validate this field server-side on save to ensure that it is numeric, please use the $rules property on your model, like so:

 * @var array Validation rules
public $rules = [
    'your_age' => 'numeric',

For more information on model validation, please visit the documentation page.


password - renders a single line password field.

    label: Password
    type: password


email - renders a single line text box with the type of email, triggering an email-specialised keyboard in mobile browsers.

    label: Email Address
    type: email

If you would like to validate this field on save to ensure that it is a properly-formatted email address, please use the $rules property on your model, like so:

 * @var array Validation rules
public $rules = [
    'user_email' => 'email',

For more information on model validation, please visit the documentation page.


textarea - renders a multiline text box. A size can also be specified with possible values: tiny, small, large, huge, giant.

    label: Contents
    type: textarea
    size: large


dropdown - renders a dropdown with specified options. There are 6 ways to provide the drop-down options.

The first method defines options directly in the YAML file(two variants):

(value only):

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    default: published

(key / value):

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    default: published
        draft: Draft
        published: Published
        archived: Archived

The second method defines options with a method declared in the model class. If the options element is omitted, the framework expects a method with the name get*FieldName*Options to be defined in the model. Using the example above, the model should have the getStatusTypeOptions method. The first argument of this method is the current value of this field and the second is the current data object for the entire form. This method should return an array of options in the format key => label.

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown

Supplying the dropdown options in the model class:

public function getStatusTypeOptions($value, $formData)
    return ['all' => 'All', ...];

The third global method getDropdownOptions can also be defined in the model, this will be used for all dropdown field types for the model. The first argument of this method is the field name, the second is the current value of the field, and the third is the current data object for the entire form. It should return an array of options in the format key => label.

public function getDropdownOptions($fieldName, $value, $formData)
    if ($fieldName == 'status') {
        return ['all' => 'All', ...];
    else {
        return ['' => '-- none --'];

The fourth method uses a specific method declared in the model class. In the next example the listStatuses method should be defined in the model class. This method receives all the same arguments as the getDropdownOptions method, and should return an array of options in the format key => label.

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    options: listStatuses

Supplying the dropdown options to the model class:

public function listStatuses($fieldName, $value, $formData)
    return ['published' => 'Published', ...];

The fifth method allows you to specify a static method on a class to return the options:

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    options: \MyAuthor\MyPlugin\Classes\FormHelper::staticMethodOptions

Supplying the dropdown options to the model class:

public static function staticMethodOptions($formWidget, $formField)
    return ['published' => 'Published', ...];

The sixth method allows you to specify a callable object via an array definition. If using PHP, you're able to provide an array with the first element being the object and the second element being the method you want to call on that object. If you're using YAML, you're limited to a static method defined as the second element and the namespaced reference to a class as the first element:

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    options: [\MyAuthor\MyPlugin\Classes\FormHelper, staticMethodOptions]

Supplying the dropdown options to the model class:

public static function staticMethodOptions($formWidget, $formField)
    return ['published' => 'Published', ...];

Add icon to dropdown options

In order to add an icon or an image for every option which will be rendered in the dropdown field the options have to be provided as a multidimensional array with the following format 'key' => ['label-text', 'icon-class'],.

    public function listStatuses($fieldName, $value, $formData)
        return [
            'published' => ['Published', 'icon-check-circle'],
            'unpublished' => ['Unpublished', 'icon-minus-circle'],
            'draft' => ['Draft', 'icon-clock-o']

To define the behavior when there is no selection, you may specify an emptyOption value to include an empty option that can be reselected.

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    emptyOption: -- no status --

Alternatively you may use the placeholder option to use a "one-way" empty option that cannot be reselected.

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    placeholder: -- select a status --

By default the dropdown has a searching feature, allowing quick selection of a value. This can be disabled by setting the showSearch option to false.

    label: Blog Post Status
    type: dropdown
    showSearch: false

Radio List

radio - renders a list of radio options, where only one item can be selected at a time.

    label: Access Level
    type: radio
    default: guests
        all: All
        registered: Registered only
        guests: Guests only

Radio lists can also support a secondary description.

    label: Access Level
    type: radio
        all: [All, Guests and customers will be able to access this page.]
        registered: [Registered only, Only logged in member will be able to access this page.]
        guests: [Guests only, Only guest users will be able to access this page.]

Radio lists support the same methods for defining the options as the dropdown field type. For radio lists the method could return either the simple array: key => value or an array of arrays for providing the descriptions: key => [label, description]. Options can be displayed inline with each other instead of in separate rows by specifying cssClass: 'inline-options' on the radio field config.

Balloon Selector

balloon-selector - renders a list, where only one item can be selected at a time.

    label: Gender
    type: balloon-selector
    default: female
        female: Female
        male: Male

Balloon selectors support the same methods for defining the options as the dropdown field type.


checkbox - renders a single checkbox.

    label: Display content
    type: checkbox
    default: true

Checkbox List

checkboxlist - renders a list of checkboxes.

    label: Permissions
    type: checkboxlist
    # set to true to explicitly enable the "Select All", "Select None" options
    # on lists that have <=10 items (>10 automatically enables it)
    quickselect: true
    default: open_account
        open_account: Open account
        close_account: Close account
        modify_account: Modify account

Checkbox lists support the same methods for defining the options as the dropdown field type and also support secondary descriptions, found in the radio field type. Options can be displayed inline with each other instead of in separate rows by specifying cssClass: 'inline-options' on the checkboxlist field config.


switch - renders a switchbox.

    label: Display content
    type: switch
    comment: Flick this switch to display content
    on: myauthor.myplugin::lang.models.mymodel.show_content.on


section - renders a section heading and subheading. The label and comment values are optional and contain the content for the heading and subheading.

    label: User details
    type: section
    comment: This section contains details about the user.


partial - renders a partial, the path value can refer to a partial view file otherwise the field name is used as the partial name. Inside the partial these variables are available: $value is the default field value, $model is the model used for the field and $field is the configured class object Backend\Classes\FormField.

    type: partial
    path: $/acme/blog/models/comments/_content_field.htm


hint - identical to a partial field but renders inside a hint container that can be hidden by the user.

    type: hint
    path: content_field


widget - renders a custom form widget, the type field can refer directly to the class name of the widget or the registered alias name.

    type: Backend\FormWidgets\RichEditor
    size: huge

Form widgets

There are various form widgets included as standard, although it is common for plugins to provide their own custom form widgets. You can read more on the Form Widgets article.

- [Code editor](#widget-codeeditor) - [Color picker](#widget-colorpicker) - [Data table](#widget-datatable) - [Date picker](#widget-datepicker) - [File upload](#widget-fileupload) - [Markdown editor](#widget-markdowneditor) - [Media finder](#widget-mediafinder) - [Nested Form](#widget-nestedform) - [Record finder](#widget-recordfinder) - [Relation](#widget-relation) - [Repeater](#widget-repeater) - [Rich editor / WYSIWYG](#widget-richeditor) - [Sensitive](#widget-sensitive) - [Tag list](#widget-taglist)

Code editor

codeeditor - renders a plaintext editor for formatted code or markup. Note the options may be inherited by the code editor preferences defined for the Administrator in the back-end.

    type: codeeditor
    size: huge
    language: html
Option Description
language code language, for example, php, css, javascript, html. Default: php.
showGutter shows a gutter with line numbers. Default: true.
wrapWords breaks long lines on to a new line. Default true.
fontSize the text font size. Default: 12.

Color picker

colorpicker - renders controls to select a hexadecimal color value.

    label: Background
    type: colorpicker
Option Description
availableColors list of available colors.
allowEmpty allows empty input value. Default: false

There are two ways to provide the available colors for the colorpicker. The first method defines the availableColors directly as a list of hex color codes in the YAML file:

    label: Background
    type: colorpicker
    availableColors: ['#000000', '#111111', '#222222']

The second method uses a specific method declared in the model class. This method should return an array of hex colors in the same format as in the example above. The first argument of this method is the field name, the second is the currect value of the field, and the third is the current data object for the entire form.

    label: Background
    type: colorpicker
    availableColors: myColorList

Supplying the available colors in the model class:

public function myColorList($fieldName, $value, $formData)
    return ['#000000', '#111111', '#222222']

If the availableColors field in not defined in the YAML file, the colorpicker uses a set of 20 default colors.

Data table

datatable - renders an editable table of records, formatted as a grid. Cell content can be editable directly in the grid, allowing for the management of several rows and columns of information.

NOTE: In order to use this with a model, the field should be defined as a jsonable attribute, or as another attribute that can handle storing arrayed data.

    type: datatable
    adding: true
    btnAddRowLabel: Add Row Above
    btnAddRowBelowLabel: Add Row Below
    btnDeleteRowLabel: Delete Row
    columns: []
    deleting: true
    dynamicHeight: true
    fieldName: null
    height: false
    keyFrom: id
    recordsPerPage: false
    searching: false
    toolbar: []

Table configuration

The following lists the configuration values of the data table widget itself.

Option Description
adding allow records to be added to the data table. Default: true.
btnAddRowLabel defines a custom label for the "Add Row Above" button.
btnAddRowBelowLabel defines a custom label for the "Add Row Below" button.
btnDeleteRowLabel defines a custom label for the "Delete Row" button.
columns an array representing the column configuration of the data table. See the Column configuration section below.
deleting allow records to be deleted from the data table. Default: false.
dynamicHeight if true, the data table's height will extend or shrink depending on the records added, up to the maximum size defined by the height configuration value. Default: false.
fieldName defines a custom field name to use in the POST data sent from the data table. Leave blank to use the default field alias.
height the data table's height, in pixels. If set to false, the data table will stretch to fit the field container.
keyFrom the data attribute to use for keying each record. This should usually be set to id. Only supports integer values.
postbackHandlerName specifies the AJAX handler name in which the data table content will be sent with. When set to null (default), the handler name will be auto-detected from the request name used by the form which contains the data table. It is recommended to keep this as null.
recordsPerPage the number of records to show per page. If set to false, the pagination will be disabled.
searching allow records to be searched via a search box. Default: false.
toolbar an array representing the toolbar configuration of the data table.

Column configuration

The data table widget allows for the specification of columns as an array via the columns configuration variable. Each column should use the field name as a key, and the following configuration variables to set up the field.


        type: string
        title: ID
                message: Please enter a number
        type: string
        title: Name
Option Description
type the input type for this column's cells. Must be one of the following: string, checkbox, dropdown or autocomplete.
options for dropdown and autocomplete columns only - this specifies the AJAX handler that will return the available options, as an array. The array key is used as the value of the option, and the array value is used as the option label.
readOnly whether this column is read-only. Default: false.
title defines the column's title.
validation an array specifying the validation for the content of the column's cells. See the Column validation section below.
width defines the width of the column, in pixels.

Column validation

Column cells can be validated against the below types of validation. Validation should be specified as an array, with the type of validation used as a key, and an optional message specified as the message attrbute for that validation.

Validation Description
float Validates the data as a float. An optional boolean allowNegative attribute can be provided, allowing for negative float numbers.
integer Validates the data as an integer. An optional boolean allowNegative attribute can be provided, allowing for negative integers.
length Validates the data to be of a certain length. An integer min and max attribute must be provided, representing the minimum and maximum number of characters that must be entered.
regex Validates the data against a regular expression. A string pattern attribute must be provided, defining the regular expression to test the data against.
required Validates that the data must be entered before saving.

Date picker

datepicker - renders a text field used for selecting date and times.

    label: Published
    type: datepicker
    mode: date
Option Description
mode the expected result, either date, datetime or time. Default: datetime.
format provide an explicit date display format. Eg: Y-m-d
minDate the minimum/earliest date that can be selected.
maxDate the maximum/latest date that can be selected.
firstDay the first day of the week. Default: 0 (Sunday).
showWeekNumber show week numbers at head of row. Default: false
ignoreTimezone store date and time exactly as it is displayed, ignoring the backend specified timezone preference.

File upload

fileupload - renders a file uploader for images or regular files.

    label: Avatar
    type: fileupload
    mode: image
    imageHeight: 260
    imageWidth: 260
        mode: crop
            - 0
            - 0
        quality: 90
        sharpen: 0
        interlace: false
        extension: auto
Option Description
mode the expected file type, either file or image. Default: image.
imageWidth if using image type, the image will be resized to this width, optional.
imageHeight if using image type, the image will be resized to this height, optional.
fileTypes file extensions that are accepted by the uploader, optional. Eg: zip,txt
mimeTypes MIME types that are accepted by the uploader, either as file extension or fully qualified name, optional. Eg: bin,txt
maxFilesize file size in Mb that are accepted by the uploader, optional. Default: from "upload_max_filesize" param value
useCaption allows a title and description to be set for the file. Default: true
prompt text to display for the upload button, applies to files only, optional.
thumbOptions options to pass to the thumbnail generating method for the file
attachOnUpload Automatically attaches the uploaded file on upload if the parent record exists instead of using deferred binding to attach on save of the parent record. Defaults to false.

Note: Unlike the Media Finder FormWidget, the File Upload FormWidget uses database file attachments; so the field name must match a valid attachOne or attachMany relationship on the Model associated with the Form. IMPORTANT: Having a database column with the name used by this field type (i.e. a database column with the name of an existing attachOne or attachMany relationship) will cause this FormWidget to break. Use database columns with the Media Finder FormWidget and file attachment relationships with the File Upload FormWidget.

Markdown editor

markdown - renders a basic editor for markdown formatted text.

    type: markdown
    size: huge
    mode: split
Option Description
mode the expected view mode, either tab or split. Default: tab.

Media finder

mediafinder - renders a field for selecting an item from the media manager library. Expanding the field displays the media manager to locate a file. The resulting selection is a string as the relative path to the file.

    label: Background image
    type: mediafinder
    mode: image
Option Description
mode the expected file type, either file or image. Default: file.
prompt text to display when there is no item selected. The %s character represents the media manager icon.
imageWidth if using image type, the preview image will be displayed to this width, optional.
imageHeight if using image type, the preview image will be displayed to this height, optional.

Note: Unlike the File Upload FormWidget, the Media Finder FormWidget stores its data as a string representing the path to the image selected within the Media Library.

Nested Form

nestedform - renders a nested form as the contents of this field, returns data as an array of the fields contained.

NOTE: In order to use this with a model, the field should be defined as a jsonable attribute, or as another attribute that can handle storing arrayed data.

    type: nestedform
    usePanelStyles: false
                label: Date added
                type: datepicker
                label: Details
                type: textarea
                label: This the title
                type: text
                lable: Meta Title
                tab: SEO
                label: Color
                type: colorpicker
                tab: Design
                label: Active
                type: checkbox
                label: Logo
                type: mediafinder
                mode: image

A nested form supports the same syntax as a form itself, including tabs and secondaryTabs. The jsonsable attribute, has the structure of your form definition. It's even possible to use nested forms inside a nested form.

Option Description
form same as in form definition
usePanelStyles defines if a panel like look is applied or not (defaults true)

Record finder

recordfinder - renders a field with details of a related record. Expanding the field displays a popup list to search large amounts of records. Supported by singular relationships only.

    label: User
    type: recordfinder
    list: ~/plugins/winter/user/models/user/columns.yaml
    recordsPerPage: 10
    title: Find Record
    prompt: Click the Find button to find a user
    keyFrom: id
    nameFrom: name
    descriptionFrom: email
    conditions: email = ""
    scope: whereActive
    searchMode: all
    searchScope: searchUsers
    useRelation: false
    modelClass: Winter\User\Models\User
Option Description
keyFrom the name of column to use in the relation used for key. Default: id.
nameFrom the column name to use in the relation used for displaying the name. Default: name.
descriptionFrom the column name to use in the relation used for displaying a description. Default: description.
title text to display in the title section of the popup.
prompt text to display when there is no record selected. The %s character represents the search icon.
list a configuration array or reference to a list column definition file, see list columns.
recordsPerPage records to display per page, use 0 for no pages. Default: 10
conditions specifies a raw where query statement to apply to the list model query.
scope specifies a query scope method defined in the related form model to apply to the list query always. The first argument will contain the model that the widget will be attaching its value to, i.e. the parent model.
searchMode defines the search strategy to either contain all words, any word or exact phrase. Supported options: all, any, exact. Default: all.
searchScope specifies a query scope method defined in the related form model to apply to the search query, the first argument will contain the search term.
useRelation Flag for using the name of the field as a relation name to interact with directly on the parent model. Default: true. Disable to return just the selected model's ID
modelClass Class of the model to use for listing records when useRelation = false


relation - renders either a dropdown or checkbox list according to the field relation type. Singular relationships display a dropdown, multiple relationships display a checkbox list. The label used for displaying each relation is sourced by the nameFrom or select definition.

    label: Categories
    type: relation
    nameFrom: title

Alternatively, you may populate the label using a custom select statement. Any valid SQL statement works here.

    label: User
    type: relation
    select: concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)

You can also provide a model scope to use to filter the results with the scope property.

Option Description
nameFrom a model attribute name used for displaying the relation label. Default: name.
select a custom SQL select statement to use for the name.
order an order clause to sort options by. Example: name desc.
emptyOption text to display when there is no available selections.
scope specifies a query scope method defined in the related form model to apply to the list query always.


repeater - renders a repeating set of form fields defined within.

    type: repeater
    titleFrom: title_when_collapsed
                label: Date added
                type: datepicker
                label: Details
                type: textarea
                label: This field is the title when collapsed
                type: text
Option Description
form a reference to form field definition file, see backend form fields. Inline fields can also be used.
prompt text to display for the create button. Default: Add new item.
titleFrom name of field within items to use as the title for the collapsed item.
minItems minimum items required. Pre-displays those items when not using groups. For example if you set 'minItems: 1' the first row will be displayed and not hidden.
maxItems maximum number of items to allow within the repeater.
groups references a group of form fields placing the repeater in group mode (see below). An inline definition can also be used.
style the behavior style to apply for repeater items. Can be one of the following: default, collapsed or accordion. See the Repeater styles section below for more information.

The repeater field supports a group mode which allows a custom set of fields to be chosen for each iteration.

    type: repeater
    prompt: Add content block
    groups: $/acme/blog/config/repeater_fields.yaml

This is an example of a group configuration file, which would be located in /plugins/acme/blog/config/repeater_fields.yaml. Alternatively these definitions could be specified inline with the repeater.

    name: Textarea
    description: Basic text field
    icon: icon-file-text-o
            label: Text Content
            type: textarea
            size: large

    name: Quote
    description: Quote item
    icon: icon-quote-right
            span: auto
            label: Quote Position
            type: radio
                left: Left
                center: Center
                right: Right
            span: auto
            label: Details
            type: textarea

Each group must specify a unique key and the definition supports the following options.

Option Description
name the name of the group.
description a brief description of the group.
icon defines an icon for the group, optional.
fields form fields belonging to the group, see backend form fields.

Note: The group key is stored along with the saved data as the _group attribute.

Repeater style

The style attribute of the repeater widget controls the behaviour of repeater items. There are three different types of styles available for developers:

  • default: Shows all the repeater items as expanded on page load. This is the default current behavior, and will be used if style is not defined in the repeater widget's configuration.
  • collapsed: Shows all the repeater items as collapsed (minimised) on page load. The user can collapse or expand items as they wish.
  • accordion: Shows only the first repeater item as expanded on load, with all others collapsed. When another item is exanded, any other expanded item is collapsed, effectively making it so that only one item is expanded at a time.

Rich editor / WYSIWYG

richeditor - renders a visual editor for rich formatted text, also known as a WYSIWYG editor.

    type: richeditor
    toolbarButtons: bold|italic
    size: huge
Option Description
toolbarButtons which buttons to show on the editor toolbar.

The available toolbar buttons are:

fullscreen, bold, italic, underline, strikeThrough, subscript, superscript, fontFamily, fontSize, |, color, emoticons, inlineStyle, paragraphStyle, |, paragraphFormat, align, formatOL, formatUL, outdent, indent, quote, insertHR, -, insertLink, insertImage, insertVideo, insertAudio, insertFile, insertTable, undo, redo, clearFormatting, selectAll, html

Note: | will insert a vertical separator line in the toolbar and - a horizontal one.


sensitive - renders a revealable password field that can be used for sensitive information such as API keys or secrets, configuration values, etc. A sensitive field can be toggled visible and hidden at the user's request.

A sensitive field that contains a previously entered value will have the value replaced with a placeholder value on load, preventing the value from being guessed by length or copied. Upon revealing the value, the original value is retrieved by AJAX and populated into the field.

    type: sensitive
    allowCopy: false
    hideOnTabChange: true
Option Description
allowCopy adds a "copy" action to the sensitive field, allowing the user to copy the password without revealing it. Default: false
hiddenPlaceholder sets the placeholder text that is used to simulate a hidden, unrevealed value. You can change this to a long or short string to emulate different length values. Default: __hidden__
hideOnTabChange if true, the sensitive field will automatically be hidden if the user navigates to a different tab, or minimizes their browser. Default: true

Tag list

taglist - renders a field for inputting a list of tags.

    type: taglist
    separator: space

A tag list support the same methods for defining the options as the dropdown field type.

    type: taglist
        - Red
        - Blue
        - Orange

You may use the mode called relation where the field name is a many-to-many relationship. This will automatically source and assign tags via the relationship. If custom tags are supported, they will be created before assignment.

    type: taglist
    mode: relation
Option Description
mode controls how the value is returned, either string, array or relation. Default: string
separator separate tags with the specified character, either comma or space. Default: comma
customTags allows custom tags to be entered manually by the user. Default: true
options specifies a method or array for predefined options. Set to true to use model get*Field*Options method. Optional.
nameFrom if relation mode is used, a model attribute name for displaying the tag name. Default: name
useKey use the key instead of value for saving and reading data. Default: false

Form views

For each page your form supports Create, Update and Preview you should provide a view file with the corresponding name - create.htm, update.htm and preview.htm.

The form behavior adds two methods to the controller class: formRender and formRenderPreview. These methods render the form controls configured with the YAML file described above.

Create view

The create.htm view represents the Create page that allows users to create new records. A typical Create page contains breadcrumbs, the form itself, and the form buttons. The data-request attribute should refer to the onSave AJAX handler provided by the form behavior. Below is a contents of the typical create.htm form.

<?= Form::open(['class'=>'layout']) ?>

    <div class="layout-row">
        <?= $this->formRender() ?>

    <div class="form-buttons">
        <div class="loading-indicator-container">
                data-hotkey="ctrl+enter, cmd+enter"
                data-load-indicator="Creating Category..."
                class="btn btn-default">
                Create and Close
            <span class="btn-text">
                or <a href="<?= Backend::url('acme/blog/categories') ?>">Cancel</a>

<?= Form::close() ?>

Update view

The update.htm view represents the Update page that allows users to update or delete existing records. A typical Update page contains breadcrumbs, the form itself, and the form buttons. The Update page is very similar to the Create page, but usually has the Delete button. The data-request attribute should refer to the onSave AJAX handler provided by the form behavior. Below is a contents of the typical update.htm form.

<?= Form::open(['class'=>'layout']) ?>

    <div class="layout-row">
        <?= $this->formRender() ?>

    <div class="form-buttons">
        <div class="loading-indicator-container">
                data-hotkey="ctrl+enter, cmd+enter"
                data-load-indicator="Saving Category..."
                class="btn btn-default">
                Save and Close
                class="wn-icon-trash-o btn-icon danger pull-right"
                data-load-indicator="Deleting Category..."
                data-request-confirm="Do you really want to delete this category?">
            <span class="btn-text">
                or <a href="<?= Backend::url('acme/blog/categories') ?>">Cancel</a>

<?= Form::close() ?>

Preview view

The preview.htm view represents the Preview page that allows users to preview existing records in the read-only mode. A typical Preview page contains breadcrumbs and the form itself. Below is a contents of the typical preview.htm form.

<div class="form-preview">
    <?= $this->formRenderPreview() ?>

Applying conditions to fields

Sometimes you may want to manipulate the value or appearance of a form field under certain conditions, for example, you may want to hide an input if a checkbox is ticked. There are a few ways you can do this, either by using the trigger API or field dependencies. The input preset converter is primarily used to converting field values. These options are described in more detail below.

Input preset converter

The input preset converter is defined with the preset form field option and allows you to convert text entered into an element to a URL, slug or file name value in another input element.

In this example we will automatically fill out the url field value when a user enters text in the title field. If the text Hello world is typed in for the Title, the URL will follow suit with the converted value of /hello-world. This behavior will only occur when the destination field (url) is empty and untouched.

    label: Title

    label: URL
        field: title
        type: url

Alternatively, the preset value can also be a string that refers to the field only, the type option will then default to slug.

    label: Slug
    preset: title

The following options are available for the preset option:

Option Description
field defines the other field name to source the value from.
type specifies the conversion type. See below for supported values.
prefixInput optional, prefixes the converted value with the value found in the supplied input element using a CSS selector.

Following are the supported types:

Type Description
exact copies the exact value
slug formats the copied value as a slug
url same as slug but prefixed with a /
camel formats the copied value with camelCase
file formats the copied value as a file name with whitespace replaced with dashes

Trigger events

Trigger events are defined with the trigger form field option and is a simple browser based solution that uses JavaScript. It allows you to change elements attributes such as visibility or value, based on another elements' state. Here is a sample definition:

    label: Send later
    comment: Place a tick in this box if you want to send this message at a later time.
    type: checkbox

    label: Send date
    type: datepicker
    cssClass: field-indent
        action: show
        field: is_delayed
        condition: checked

In the above example the send_at form field will only be shown if the is_delayed field is checked. In other words, the field will show (action) if the other form input (field) is checked (condition). The trigger definition specifies these options:

Option Description
action defines the action applied to this field when the condition is met. Supported values: show, hide, enable, disable, empty.
field defines the other field name that will trigger the action. Normally the field name refers to a field in the same level form. For example, if this field is in a repeater widget, only fields in that same repeater widget will be checked. However, if the field name is preceded by a caret symbol ^ like: ^parent_field, it will refer to a repeater widget or form one level higher than the field itself. Additionally, if more than one caret ^ is used, it will refer that many levels higher: ^^grand_parent_field, ^^^grand_grand_parent_field, etc.
condition determines the condition the specified field should satisfy for the condition to be considered "true". Supported values: checked, unchecked, value[somevalue].

Field dependencies

Form fields can declare dependencies on other fields by defining the dependsOn form field option which provides a more robust server side solution for updating fields when their dependencies are modified. When the fields that are declared as dependencies change, the defining field will update using the AJAX framework. This provides an opportunity to interact with the field's properties using the filterFields methods or changing available options to be provided to the field. Examples below:

    label: Country
    type: dropdown

    label: State
    type: dropdown
    dependsOn: country

In the above example the state form field will refresh when the country field has a changed value. When this occurs, the current form data will be filled in the model so the dropdown options can use it.

public function getCountryOptions()
    return ['au' => 'Australia', 'ca' => 'Canada'];

public function getStateOptions()
    if ($this->country == 'au') {
        return ['act' => 'Capital Territory', 'qld' => 'Queensland', ...];
    elseif ($this->country == 'ca') {
        return ['bc' => 'British Columbia', 'on' => 'Ontario', ...];

This example is useful for manipulating the model values, but it does not have access to the form field definitions. You can filter the form fields by defining a filterFields method inside the model, described in the Filtering form fields section. An example is provided below:

    label: DNS Provider
    type: dropdown

    label: Registrar
    type: dropdown

    label: Provider 1 ID
    type: text
    hidden: true
        - dnsprovider
        - registrar

    label: Provider 2 ID
    type: text
    hidden: true
        - dnsprovider
        - registrar

And the logic for the filterFields method would be as follows:

public function filterFields($fields, $context = null)
    $displayedVendors = strtolower($this->dnsprovider->name . $this->registrar->name);
    if (str_contains($displayedVendors, 'provider1')) {
        $fields->{'specificfields[for][provider1]'}->hidden = false;
    if (str_contains($displayedVendors, 'provider2')) {
        $fields->{'specificfields[for][provider2]'}->hidden = false;

In the above example, both the provider1 and provider2 fields will automatically refresh whenever either the dnsprovider or registrar fields are modified. When this occurs, the full form cycle will be processed, which means that any logic defined in filterFields methods would be run again, allowing you to filter which fields get displayed dynamically.

Preventing a field from being submitted

Sometimes you may need to prevent a field from being submitted. In order to do that, just add an underscore (_) before the name of the field in the form configuration file. Form fields beginning with an underscore are purged automatically and no longer saved to the model.

    label: Title
    type: text

    label: Point your address on the map
    type: mapviewer

Extending form behavior

Sometimes you may wish to modify the default form behavior and there are several ways you can do this.

Overriding controller action

You can use your own logic for the create, update or preview action method in the controller, then optionally call the Form behavior parent method.

public function update($recordId, $context = null)
    // Do any custom code here

    // Call the FormController behavior update() method
    return $this->asExtension('FormController')->update($recordId, $context);

Overriding controller redirect

You can specify the URL to redirect to after the model is saved by overriding the formGetRedirectUrl method. This method returns the location to redirect to with relative URLs being treated as backend URLs.

public function formGetRedirectUrl($context = null, $model = null)
    return '';

Extending model query

The lookup query for the form database model can be extended by overriding the formExtendQuery method inside the controller class. This example will ensure that soft deleted records can still be found and updated, by applying the withTrashed scope to the query:

public function formExtendQuery($query)

Extending form fields

You can extend the fields of another controller from outside by calling the extendFormFields static method on the controller class. This method can take three arguments, $form will represent the Form widget object, $model represents the model used by the form and $context is a string containing the form context. Take this controller for example:

class Categories extends \Backend\Classes\Controller
    public $implement = ['Backend.Behaviors.FormController'];

    public $formConfig = 'config_form.yaml';

Using the extendFormFields method you can add extra fields to any form rendered by this controller. Since this has the potential to affect all forms used by this controller, it is a good idea to check the $model is of the correct type. Here is an example:

Categories::extendFormFields(function($form, $model, $context)
    if (!$model instanceof MyModel) {

        'my_field' => [
            'label'   => 'My Field',
            'comment' => 'This is a custom field I have added.',


You can also extend the form fields internally by overriding the formExtendFields method inside the controller class. This will only affect the form used by the FormController behavior.

class Categories extends \Backend\Classes\Controller

    public function formExtendFields($form)

The following methods are available on the $form object.

Method Description
addFields adds new fields to the outside area
addTabFields adds new fields to the tabbed area
addSecondaryTabFields adds new fields to the secondary tabbed area
removeField remove a field from any areas

Each method takes an array of fields similar to the form field configuration.

Filtering form fields

You can filter the form field definitions by overriding the filterFields method inside the Model used. This allows you to manipulate visibility and other field properties based on the model data. The method takes two arguments $fields will represent an object of the fields already defined by the field configuration and $context represents the active form context.

public function filterFields($fields, $context = null)
    if ($this->source_type == 'http') {
        $fields->source_url->hidden = false;
        $fields->git_branch->hidden = true;
    elseif ($this->source_type == 'git') {
        $fields->source_url->hidden = false;
        $fields->git_branch->hidden = false;
    else {
        $fields->source_url->hidden = true;
        $fields->git_branch->hidden = true;

The above example will set the hidden flag on certain fields by checking the value of the Model attribute source_type. This logic will be applied when the form first loads and also when updated by a defined field dependency.

Validating form fields

To validate the fields of your form you can make use of the Validation trait in your model.