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replace banner on pop up on room enter; move extra info down in profi… #29

replace banner on pop up on room enter; move extra info down in profi…

replace banner on pop up on room enter; move extra info down in profi… #29

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.20.4' # LTS
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install
- name: Copy config file
run: cp app/src/config.template.js app/src/config.js
- name: Run unit tests
run: npm test
# build:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: test # This ensures the build job only runs if the test job succeeds
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set up QEMU
# uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
# - name: Set up Docker Buildx
# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
# - name: Login Docker Hub
# uses: docker/login-action@v2
# with:
# username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
# password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# - name: Build and publish
# uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
# with:
# context: ./
# file: ./Dockerfile
# platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
# push: true
# tags: mirotalk/sfu:latest