[nothing assigned yet]
- master hyperlink codeofconduct pages (from relative site to anarchistcode.com site)
- control terms/codeofcoduct/privacy pages by means of globals
- control terms/codeofcoduct/privacy sitemap listings by means of globals
- fix anarchistcode.com child entries for alternate record access
- complete list-title/sort-title distinction code
- hyperlink inspired sources in the code of conduct script
- detect files ending in the name "php.php" because of the basic inability of the Windows operating system to save, open, or update files, of any type
- fix css in terms/codeofconduct/privacy/etc pages for document width
- multilink privacy/codeofconduct/terms pages
- move suggestion config stuff to globals file
- move thumbs up/down functionality to top of pages, also, modularize
- make all common links, i.e., privacy, codeofconduct, search, home, about, terms, suggestions, etc., be configurable within globals
- make suggestions link in master linking globals-file-controlled
- fix the record count numbers in wordweight on the primary index page
- make an actual user-panel page
- have wordweight link to other pages based on keywords
- remove image::1 etc. junk from browseLikes action on sub-child records
- breadcrumb trail option: indicate full title/subtitle combo on primary entry
- move breadcrumb trails into a module
- always-include css/js php template file list
- integrate givenname/familyname to entries
- don't create 404 reports if the user logged in is admin
- actually finish up listTitle versus ListSortKey
- restyle the header box to float to top and be surrounded with kickass border thing (put the date in the header)
- put Authentication.php's salts into the globals file
- misspellings: float correct spelling over misspelled word
- full-text search, two fields, one with html stripped for search, the other without it stripped for storage
- utf8: store everything native without html entities
- text-error-detector: type-selectable, and let english-alt's be a type
- Have both english/misspelling language classes inherit the same parent class
- chronology: list number of changes
- detect all new DBAccess calls to guarantee globals-passing
- make a dummy globals file for github for clonefrom
- "subscribe to entry"'s changes
- backup all textbody changes
- show textbody changes logs
- show diff in updating entry
- detect bad text
- print words func for english/british, misspellings, wordweight dictionary, etc..
- finish view/resolve/etc issues/errors
- search results for chapters: do not display text
- autopopulate URL field form SERVER field in issues/errors
- entry aka field
- admin: find host db's missing fields, etc.
- actual die() call on bad image source printing for the html-to-pdf php app
- pull handler.pm functionality for dictionaries into config func
- js file that detects and reports ISE's on non-resolved images
- generate the github-shareable clonefrom db file
- warroom: comment linkage
- actual default backup languages for css
- detect: entries w/ images and textbodies, but no Image::123 text
- swap left/right the images for multi-child textbody view
- randomized new-user password in Security/Password.php
- old-logs => password detector
- old-logs => password censoring
- display popular searches in index action of view
- separate view/index?
- smallify social media icons
- remove all "..._object"-named object vars.
- only copy essential files when setting up new system
- error/issue generator script
- move color settings to globals
- move all lists to globals
- have master-c.php use the global colors fully, compare revoltlib.com with any other domain's master-c.php
- scrollable/hidable "newest changes" list, with more than 10 entries
- scrollable/hidable "newest changes" page! (news.php)
- new domain protocol: add /image/ directory
- new domain protocol: build globals file
- edit link for completed changes on primary entry does not link correctly site.com/Site.com/edit, etc..
- "newest additions" index * > skip if entry is primary domain
- image-floatover, show artist picture, as well, if possible
- autoredirect if "//" occurs within a url
- detect/fix/change-code for all 777 folders to be 755
- password-deleting from logging data should be the duty of the logger, not the password management system
- github project/site: instagram scheduler
- "style:" detector within template/etc. code
- move all domain folders "blah.com" to a domains folder in root dir
- move ValidateOrm() in /scripts/ to Handler.php somehow
- move about.php images
- make all templates use the entrylinks module
- turn all JS scripts into php pages and merely render them as *.js, etc.
- a progress bar physically indicating current location in browsing
- a history.php page detailing all changes so far
- php, good-version check/verify
- plz fix: https://www.revoltlib.com/dbstatus.php?action=ShowTablesListSchemas
- display backup records in save
- detect .htaccess files in folders in which it does not belong
- test record backups for brand-new records
- delete(), in modify.php, handle backups
- view.php, link to history.php, if necessary, etc.
- clone entry w/ entry children between db's (through transfer! * give transfer a clone option)
- clone child records from record to record option
- list boolean operator table in search.php page
- utf-8 diamonds in fulltext search results
- git.php url, "Oh, so, how to git to this project"
- store/display text without any html entities at all
- option to detect/correct alphabetizing the list of "words" at /classes/Languages/words/*
- detect texts over x-length that should be broken up
- if user ever logs in on http, save a cookie that makes them always redirect to https
- fix spacing on the siblings-navigation panel
- detect commas in entry CODE field
- entry code generation, preserve dashes that occur without spaces, i.e., "self-employment" vs "chapter 1 - self employment";
- detect entry titles containing zero-padded numbers, i.e. "Chapter 01"
- make all comment links be "no-follow"
- mouseover on detectbadtext's errors, indicating the correct-theorized spelling
ALLfolders! - detect no-longer matching keyword/tag-for-entry's text
- make "birth day", "death day", "publication" be preselectable options for publication title
- detector for broken image records wherein some size field is set to 0
- annual reminder to delete and refresh all api keys/passwords
- modify.php: "about to leave this page" warning on pages if there have been changes to any fields
- cut words like "a", "an", "the" from code-generation
- make a common clonefrom.com/images/some-doc-type-image-that-is-general/ folder
- colorize icons for terms/privacy/codeofconduct pages
- intensive spellchecker, detect odd caps in text (i.e., thIs)
- common misspelling spellchecker
- complete anarchistcode.com
- change google API keys (oops, sorry for leaking that on github, sigh)
- changing filename of an image doesn't move the image locations of Image.IconFileName and Image.StandardFileName
- disallow %'s in filenames when uploading images
- make permalink url's script-intelligent, i.e., site.com/?id=123 goes to Entry 123's view.php url, but now site.com/modify.php?id=123&action=Edit will redirect to Entry 123's modify.php?action=Edit URL
- detect "logged-in-status" on non-https pages, and properly redirect to https pages
- have all scripts' templates use the modularized entry-controls.php
- login.php: allow google use
- logout.php: allow google use
- login.php: redirect to url option
- logout.php: redirect to url option
- fix display of small-than-icon size images at revoltlib, etc,. templates
- list title auto-generation, ucfirst after all is done
- zap all passwords or password-passed args from bash files
- make entrycontrols module accept that=>this as args in constructor and not in function calls
- module-ize breadcrumb trails
- module-ize login/logout info
- add breadcrumbs/login info to suggest.php
- remove login/logout info from bottom of all templates
- fixup login info for classes/Language/Dictionary.php
- fix bad format-icon images on terms/codeofconduct/etc pages
- modularize the alternate format icons/etc.
- miniaturize bad format-icon images on terms/codeofconduct/etc pages
- export user data - fix format icons
- handle alternate formats for terms/codeofconduct/privacy/etc pages
- actually move user-login info to top of page plz
- fix privacy policy/code of conduct/terms pages to have proper audio-translators
- finish terms/codeofconduct/privacy/etc pages
- make format icons tiny, but have them resize to large when hover'd over
- add server, get, post var's to internalserverissue-logging
- issue logging on 404
- actually move the password to the globals file
- test robots.txt regexes
- actually move the brand new user default password
- move google api keys to globals
- long-term, actual test robots.txt regexes diagnostic tool
- show artist/uploader/etc. info for floatover of main index image