The code provides a collection of functions for matrix operations, including transposing, finding the rank, inverting, multiplying.
- transpose_matrix - this function takes a matrix as input and returns its transpose, where the rows of the original matrix become columns in the transposed matrix, and vice versa
- rank_of_matrix - this function calculates and returns the rank of a matrix, which is the maximum number of linearly independent rows or columns in the matrix
- inverse_matrix - this function computes and returns the inverse of a square matrix. It checks if the matrix is invertible, and if so, it performs Gaussian elimination to find the inverse
- multiply_matrix - this function multiplies each element of a matrix by an integer n and returns the resulting matrix
- exponentiate_matrix - this function raises a square matrix to the power of an integer n. It performs repeated matrix multiplication of the matrix with itself n times and returns the resulting matrix
- read_matrix_from_file - reads matrix from a txt file, matrix should look like in an example file
- [Holubiev Illya](GitHub Profile Link)