v3.3.2 view commit logs
New Features
- Added purchaseToken to MarketPurchaseEvent.
- Added isInitialized to StoreController.
- Added the option to overwrite an object in StoreInfo and save it.
- You can now save StoreInfo to DB if you made changes to it.
- You can now change price of MarketItem.
- You can now change amount of PurchaseWithVirtualItem.
- Enforce providing a SOOM_SEC in obfuscator.
- If the purchasable item is NonConsumableItem and it already exists then we don't fire any events.
v3.3.1 view commit logs
Billing Services
- Add interface for async consume.
- Add onDestroy() to IabActivity.
- Allowing empty signatures for test purchases only when you specifically ask for it in StoreConfig.
New Features
- android-store will now refresh details of market items on initialization.
- Fixed Names of objects and events so they match in all SOOMLA plugins.
- Added the changed market items to the MarketItemsRefreshed event.
v3.3.0 view commit logs
- Billing Services
- We've split out Google Play so we can add more billing services.
- Google Play is the default billing services and it's in a different project: https://github.com/soomla/android-store-google-play