(c) 2018-2024 HomeAccessoryKid
cd life-cycle-manager
- initial steps to be expanded
- create/update the file versions1/latest-pre-release without new-line and setup 2.2.6 version folder
mkdir versions1/2.2.6v
echo -n 2.2.6 > versions1/2.2.6v/latest-pre-release
cp versions1/certs.sector versions1/certs.sector.sig versions1/2.2.6v
cp versions1/public*key* versions1/2.2.6v
- set local.mk to the ota-main program
make -j6 rebuild OTAVERSION=2.2.6
mv firmware/otamain.bin versions1/2.2.6v
- set local.mk back to ota-boot program
make -j6 rebuild OTAVERSION=2.2.6
mv firmware/otaboot.bin versions1/2.2.6v
make -j6 rebuild OTAVERSION=2.2.6 OTABETA=1
cp firmware/otaboot.bin versions1/2.2.6v/otabootbeta.bin
- remove the older version files
- update Changelog
- if you can sign the binaries locally, do so, else follow later steps
~/bin/ecc_signer otaboot.bin ../secp384r1prv.der ../secp384r1pub.der
printf "%08x" `cat otaboot.bin | wc -c`| xxd -r -p > len
cat hash len sign > otaboot.bin.sig
~/bin/ecc_signer otamain.bin ../secp384r1prv.der ../secp384r1pub.der
printf "%08x" `cat otamain.bin | wc -c`| xxd -r -p > len
cat hash len sign > otamain.bin.sig
rm hash len sign
- test otaboot for basic behaviour
- commit and sync submodules
- commit and sync this as version 2.2.6
- set up a new github release 2.2.6 as a pre-release using the just commited master...
- upload the certs and binaries to the pre-release assets on github
- erase the flash and upload the privatekey
esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-* --baud 230400 erase_flash
esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-* --baud 230400 write_flash 0xf9000 versions1-privatekey.der
- upload the ota-boot BETA program to the device that contains the private key
make flash OTAVERSION=2.2.6 OTABETA=1
- power cycle to prevent the bug for software reset after flash
- setup wifi and select the ota-demo repo without pre-release checkbox
- create the 2 signature files next to the bin file and upload to github one by one
- verify the hashes on the computer
openssl sha384 versions1/2.2.6v/otamain.bin
xxd versions1/2.2.6v/otamain.bin.sig
- upload the file versions1/2.2.6v/latest-pre-release to the 'latest release' assets on github
- test the release with several devices that have the beta flag set
- if bugs are found, leave this release at pre-release and start a new version
- if the results are 100% stable
- make the release a production release on github
- remove the private key
esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-* --baud 230400 write_flash 0xf9000 versions1/blank.bin
- use the finder to duplicate the content from the previous versions folder => call it versions1
- push all existing public-N.key.sig and public-N.key files one number up
- e.g. if a public-2.key.sig already exists, this would then be renamed to public-3.key.sig etc...
- rename the duplicated cert.sector to public-2.key
- note the new certs.sector is public-1.key but we never need to call it with that name
- remove all the duplicates that will not change from the previous versions folder like blank.bin ...
- note a public-N.key.sig is a signature on a certs.sector file, but using an older key
- and certs.sector.sig is also a signature on a certs.sector file, but using its own key
- there is no need to upload or even keep public-N.key for versionsN since it is never needed
- make a new key pair
mkdir /tmp/ecdsa
cd /tmp/ecdsa
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out secp384r1prv.pem
openssl ec -in secp384r1prv.pem -outform DER -out secp384r1prv.der
openssl ec -in secp384r1prv.pem -outform DER -out secp384r1pub.der -pubout
cat secp384r1prv.pem
xxd -p secp384r1pub.der
capture the private key pem in a secret place and destroy .pem and .der from /tmp
open certs.hex and replace the first 4 rows with the public key xxd output, then make the new certs.sector.
vi versions1/certs.hex; xxd -p -r versions1/certs.hex > versions1/certs.sector
- edit certs.h to not contain the trailing 0xff entries. make the length correct.
cd versions1; xxd -i certs.sector > ../certs.h; cd ..; vi certs.h
- start a new release as described above, but in the first run, use the previous private key in 0xf9000
esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-* --baud 230400 write_flash 0xf9000 versionsN-1-privatekey.der
- collect public-1.key.sig and store it in the new version folder and copy it to versions1
cp versions1/2.2.6v/public-1.key.sig versions1
- then flash the new private key
esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-* --baud 230400 write_flash 0xf9000 versions1-privatekey.der
- collect cert.sector.sig and store it in the new version folder and copy it to versions1
cp versions1/2.2.6v/certs.sector.sig versions1
- continue with a normal deployment to create the 2 signature files next to the bin files