function [APCE,Fmax] = apce(response) sum = 0; Fmax= max(max(response)); Fmin = min(min(response)); for i = 1: size(response,1) for j = 1 :size(response,2) sum = sum +( response(i,j) - Fmin)^2;
Fmean = sum / (size(response,1) * size(response,2));
APCE = (Fmax - Fmin)^2 / Fmean; end
cv::Point2i pi; cv::Point2i minPoint; double pv; double minValue; cv::minMaxLoc(res,&minValue,&pv,&minPoint,&pi); peak_value = (float) pv;
double ave_res = 0;
double value_diff = 0;
double sum_diff = 0;
for(int i=0; i<res.cols; i++)
for(int j=0; j<res.rows; j++)
value_diff =,j) - minValue;
sum_diff += std::pow(value_diff,2);
ave_res = sum_diff/(res.cols*res.rows); double mmdiff=0; mmdiff = pv-minValue; mmdiff = std::pow(mmdiff,2); double apce=mmdiff/ave_res; apceValue = apce;
float Tracker::ComputePSR(const Mat &correlation_mat) {//Compute Peak-to-Sidelobe Ratio
double max_val = 0;
Point max_loc;
Mat PSR_mask = Mat::ones(correlation_mat.rows,correlation_mat.cols, CV_8U);
Scalar mean,stddev;
minMaxLoc(correlation_mat,NULL,&max_val,NULL,&max_loc); //Get location of max arg
//Define PSR mask
int win_size = floor(this->PSR_mask/2);
Rect mini_roi = Rect(std::max(max_loc.x - win_size,0), std::max(max_loc.y - win_size,0), this->PSR_mask, this->PSR_mask);
//Handle image boundaries
if ( (mini_roi.x+mini_roi.width) > PSR_mask.cols )
mini_roi.width = PSR_mask.cols - mini_roi.x;
if ( (mini_roi.y+mini_roi.height) > PSR_mask.rows )
mini_roi.height = PSR_mask.rows - mini_roi.y;
Mat temp = PSR_mask(mini_roi);
temp *= 0;
meanStdDev(correlation_mat,mean,stddev,PSR_mask); //Compute matrix mean and std
return (max_val - mean.val[0]) / stddev.val[0]; //Compute PSR