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[Feature request]: Method For Directly Sampling From The Posterior Predictive From Output #416

TimothyWillard opened this issue Dec 9, 2024 · 1 comment
enhancement Request for improvement or addition of new feature(s). gempyor Concerns the Python core. medium priority Medium priority. post-processing Concern the post-processing.


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enhancement, gempyor, post-processing

Priority Label

medium priority

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

This issue was originally reported by @MacdonaldJoshuaCaleb in GH-413.

For more complicated or atypical post-processing it is helpful to directly sample the posterior predictive distribution. This allows for operations to develop post-processing that takes the fitted parameters as input and produces a distribution of some derived quantity.

Is your feature request related to a new application, scenario round, pathogen? Please describe.

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Here's the start of a function like that, also developed for flu scenarios, note that to really generalize this we would want to index by the parameter labels rather than just the ordering . Note that chains can be gotten from a h5 file like so, arviz is another (python) package that can read h5 files:

sampler = emcee.backends.HDFBackend(filename, read_only=True)
chains = sampler.get_chain()

these chains can then be fed to gempyor to simulate the model given a config

 def shuffle_params(chains, idx_array, intersect, keep_list, Num_samples = None, Num_seasons = None, Num_params = None):

    if Num_samples == None:
        Num_samples = 100
    if Num_seasons == None:
        Num_seasons = 3
    if Num_params == None:
        Num_params = 9
    samples = chains[-1,:,:]
    shuffled_samples = np.zeros([Num_samples, Num_params])
    shuffled_chains = np.zeros([chains.shape[0], Num_samples, Num_params])
    r0_seasons = []
    indices = []
    for k in range(Num_samples):
        r_season_idx = np.random.randint(0,len(intersect),Num_params)
        r_chain_idx = np.random.randint(0,chains.shape[1],Num_params)
        for j in range(Num_params):
            shuffled_samples[k,j] = samples[r_chain_idx[j],idx_array[r_season_idx[j]][j]]
            shuffled_chains[:,k,j] = chains[:,r_chain_idx[j],idx_array[r_season_idx[j]][j]]

    return shuffled_chains, shuffled_samples, indices, np.array(r0_seasons)
# usage 
    gempyor_inference = GempyorInference(
                inference_filename_prefix="global/final/",  # usually for {global or chimeric}/{intermediate or final}
                inference_filepath_suffix="",  # usually for the slot_id
                out_run_id=None,  # if out_run_id is different from in_run_id, fill this
                out_prefix=None,  # if out_prefix is different from in_prefix, fill this
            # in case the data folder is on another directory
           # generate a list of data frames from gempyor
            result = gempyor_inference.simulate_proposal(shuffled_samples[0])
@TimothyWillard TimothyWillard added enhancement Request for improvement or addition of new feature(s). gempyor Concerns the Python core. post-processing Concern the post-processing. medium priority Medium priority. labels Dec 9, 2024
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fleshing this out with some more detail, here's a complete block of code that also allows for random sampling of initial conditions and has simulation filtering

def intersection_indices(list1, list2):
    result = []
    for i, element in enumerate(list1):
        if element in list2:
    return result


def filter_chains(chains, keep_list = None, strain = None, Num_seasons = None, Num_params = None):
    takes chain output and filters out 'bad' seasons, keep_seasons should be a list of the seasons
    that you don't want filtered out
    if Num_seasons == None:
        Num_seasons = 3
    if Num_params == None:
        Num_params = 9
    if strain == 'H1N1':
        seasons = ['15to16', '19to20', '23to24']
        if keep_list == None:
            keep_list = seasons
    elif strain == 'H3N2':
        seasons = ["14to15", "17to18", "22to23"]
        if keep_list == None:
            keep_list = ["14to15", "17to18", "22to23"]
        print("please select either 'H1N1' or 'H3N2' for variable strain")

    idx_1 = []
    idx_2 = []
    idx_3 = []
    for j in range(Num_params):
        idx_1.append(Num_seasons * j)
        idx_2.append(Num_seasons * j + 1)
        idx_3.append(Num_seasons * j + 2)
    idx_array = np.array([idx_1,idx_2,idx_3])
    intersect = intersection_indices(seasons,keep_list)
    idx_array = idx_array[intersect,:]
    return intersect, idx_array


def shuffle_params(chains, idx_array, intersect, keep_list, Num_samples = None, Num_seasons = None, Num_params = None):

    if Num_samples == None:
        Num_samples = 100
    if Num_seasons == None:
        Num_seasons = 3
    if Num_params == None:
        Num_params = 9
    samples = chains[-1,:,:]
    shuffled_samples = np.zeros([Num_samples, Num_params])
    shuffled_chains = np.zeros([chains.shape[0], Num_samples, Num_params])
    r0_seasons = []
    indices = []
    for k in range(Num_samples):
        r_season_idx = np.random.randint(0,len(intersect),Num_params)
        r_chain_idx = np.random.randint(0,chains.shape[1],Num_params)
        for j in range(Num_params):
            shuffled_samples[k,j] = samples[r_chain_idx[j],idx_array[r_season_idx[j]][j]]
            shuffled_chains[:,k,j] = chains[:,r_chain_idx[j],idx_array[r_season_idx[j]][j]]

    return shuffled_chains, shuffled_samples, indices, np.array(r0_seasons)


def get_seasons_keep(strain, fip):
    if strain == 'H1N1':
        data = pd.read_csv(r'~/Documents/seasons_keep_H1.csv')
    if strain == 'H3N2':
        data = pd.read_csv(r'~/Documents/seasons_keep_H3.csv')
    fips = []
    for j in range(data.shape[0]):
        temp = str(data['state_fips'].values[j])
        if len(temp) < 5:
            temp = '0' + temp
    data['state'] = ['Alabama','Alaska','Arizona','Arkansas','California','Colorado','Connecticut','Delaware','District of Columbia',
        'Massachusetts','Michigan','Minnesota','Mississippi','Missouri','Montana','Nebraska','Nevada','New Hampshire',
        'New Jersey','New Mexico','New York','North Carolina','North Dakota','Ohio','Oklahoma','Oregon','Pennsylvania',
        'Rhode Island','South Carolina','South Dakota','Tennessee','Texas','Utah','Vermont','Virginia','Washington',
        'West Virginia','Wisconsin','Wyoming']

    idx = np.where(np.array(fips) == fip)[0][0]

    seasons_keep = []
    seasons = data['subpops_keep'].values[idx][2:-1].split(',')
    for j in range(len(seasons)):
    state_name = data['state'].values[idx]
    return seasons_keep, state_name, fips   


def plot_sample(chains,samples, n_per = None):
    if n_per == None:
        n_per = chains.shape[1]

    for k in range(chains.shape[2]):
        # dip, p_value = diptest(samples[:,k])
        # print('multimodality test p-value (null is unimodal):',np.round(p_value,4))
        for j in range(n_per):


import dill
data_hosp = hosps = pd.read_csv(r'~/Documents/GitHub/Flu_USA/model_input/SMH_Flu_2024_R1_allflu_medVax_H3_training_multiseason_emcee_difflocvarseas/us_data_Flu_2024_R1_allflu_training_multiseason_emcee_difflocvarseas.csv')
keep_list, state_name, fips = get_seasons_keep('H3N2','01000')
lbs = []
ubs = []
t_min_idx = []
t_max_idx = []
locs = ['Alabama','Alaska','Arizona','Arkansas','California','Colorado','Connecticut','Delaware','District of Columbia',
        'Massachusetts','Michigan','Minnesota','Mississippi','Missouri','Montana','Nebraska','Nevada','New Hampshire',
        'New Jersey','New Mexico','New York','North Carolina','North Dakota','Ohio','Oklahoma','Oregon','Pennsylvania',
        'Rhode Island','South Carolina','South Dakota','Tennessee','Texas','Utah','Vermont','Virginia','Washington',
        'West Virginia','Wisconsin','Wyoming']

from datetime import datetime

# date_min = datetime.strptime(dates_[tmin_idx[0]], '%Y-%m-%d')
# date_max =datetime.strptime(dates_[tmax_idx[0]], '%Y-%m-%d')

for k in range(len(locs)):
    temp = data_hosp[data_hosp['source'] == locs[k]]
    # seasons = temp['season'].unique()[:-1]
    maxes = []
    t_maxes = []
    seasons_keep,state_name, fips = get_seasons_keep('H3N2', fips[k])
    seasons = []
    for j in range(len(seasons_keep)):
        split = seasons_keep[j].split("to")
        seasons.append('20' + split[0] + '-' + split[1])
    for j in range(len(seasons)):
        temp_season = temp[temp['season'] == seasons[j]]
    lbs.append(np.ceil(0.25 * np.min(maxes)))
    ubs.append(np.ceil(1 * np.max(maxes)))
dates_ = temp_season['date'].values
keep_bounds = pd.DataFrame([locs,fips,lbs,ubs,t_min_idx,t_max_idx]).T
keep_bounds.columns = ['state','fips','lb','ub','time_lb','time_ub']

shutil.rmtree("model_output/", ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree("model_output/", ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree("/model_output/", ignore_errors=True)
states = [sp.split("_")[0] for sp in subpop_names]
states = list(set(states))
chain_index = -1 # -1 for last
all_results = {}
all_params = {}
all_IC = {}

fips = list(np.array(fips)[19:])
for i, sp in enumerate(fips):
    lb = keep_bounds[keep_bounds['fips'] == sp]['lb'].values[0]
    ub = keep_bounds[keep_bounds['fips'] == sp]['ub'].values[0]
    date_min = datetime.strptime(dates_[keep_bounds['time_lb'].values[i]], '%Y-%m-%d')
    date_max =datetime.strptime(dates_[keep_bounds['time_ub'].values[i]], '%Y-%m-%d')
    # print(f"Subpop: {i} {sp}", end=" ")
    # try:
    filename = f"SMH_Flu_2024_R1_allflu_medVax_H3_training_multiseason_emcee_difflocvarseas_{sp}-*.h5"
    # find a file that matches the pattern
    import glob
    filename = glob.glob(filename)
    if len(filename) == 0:
        print(f"File {filename} does not exist")
    filename = filename[0]

    # check if the file exists

    sampler = emcee.backends.HDFBackend(filename, read_only=True)
    chains = sampler.get_chain()

    # gempyor_inference.set_save(True)
    run_id = "flu_" + sp
    # scenario config
    state_src_config = f"config_SMH_Flu_2024_R1_allflu_highVax_H3_projection.yml"

    results_list = []
    params_list = []
    IC_list = []
    count_trys = 0
    keep_list, state_name, fips = get_seasons_keep('H3N2',sp)
    print('Working on ' + state_name)
    count = 0
    for k in range(nsamples):
        flag = 0
        while flag == 0:
            count_trys = count_trys + 1
            keep_list, state_name, fips = get_seasons_keep('H3N2',sp)
            intersect, ids= filter_chains(chains, strain = 'H3N2',keep_list=keep_list)
            shuffled_chains, shuffled_samples, indicies, seasons = shuffle_params(chains = chains, idx_array = ids, intersect = intersect, keep_list = keep_list, Num_samples = 1)
        # state specific scenario config (to be generated)
            state_dst_config = f"config_SMH_Flu_2024_R1_allflu_highVax_H3_projection_{sp}.yml"

            shutil.copy(state_src_config, state_dst_config)

            # update the config file to use the correct subpop, replace SUBPOP_PLACEHOLDER with this_subpop
            with open(state_dst_config, 'r') as file :
                filedata =
            filedata = filedata.replace('SUBPOP_PLACEHOLDER_A', '"' + sp + '"')
            with open(state_dst_config, 'w') as file:

            with open(state_dst_config, 'r') as file :
                filedata =
            filedata = filedata.replace('SUBPOP_PLACEHOLDER_B', '"' + seasons[0] + '"')
            with open(state_dst_config, 'w') as file:

    # 1) modify the config with the sapmpled subpop for each season and call initial condition plugin
    # 2) call gempyor_inference.get_logloss_as_single_number, [(shuffled_samples[i, :],) for i in range(shuffled_samples.shape[0])] 
    # for each sample
            gempyor_inference = GempyorInference(
                inference_filename_prefix="global/final/",  # usually for {global or chimeric}/{intermediate or final}
                inference_filepath_suffix="",  # usually for the slot_id
                out_run_id=None,  # if out_run_id is different from in_run_id, fill this
                out_prefix=None,  # if out_prefix is different from in_prefix, fill this
            # in case the data folder is on another directory


            result = gempyor_inference.simulate_proposal(shuffled_samples[0])

            if result['incidH'].max() > lb and result['incidH'].max() < ub:  #and date_min < result.index[result['incidH'].argmax()] and date_max > result.index[result['incidH'].argmax()]:
                flag = 1
                count = count + 1
                print(state_name +', ' + str(count) + ' simulations accepted, acceptance rate: ', np.round(count/count_trys,2))
    with open("./scenario_output/all_results_H3_HiVax_" + state_name + ".pkl", "wb") as f:
        dill.dump(results_list, f)

    with open("./scenario_output/all_params_H3_HiVax_" + state_name + ".pkl", "wb") as f:
        dill.dump(params_list, f)

    with open("./scenario_output/all_IC_H3_HiVax_" + state_name + ".pkl", "wb") as f:
        dill.dump(IC_list, f)

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enhancement Request for improvement or addition of new feature(s). gempyor Concerns the Python core. medium priority Medium priority. post-processing Concern the post-processing.
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2 participants