- First release on PyPI.
- Hydrobot now annals the "Processor" class, which has capabilities to process data within the single object. Class_script gives an example of this method of processing.
- Including the config files, + getting wheeled boi
- Ok, actually including the config files (promise, but my fingers are crossed behind my back)
- Fixed some tests and hopefully fixed the config file issue this time.
- Can delete data now.
- No longer exports the ending QC0 data.
- Changed to pyproject.toml to get with the times.
- Fixed a documentation build bug
- Fixed a documentation build bug again.
- Implementing the QC0 data removal tool promised in 0.3.1
- XML backend and exporting support added.
- Plotly diagnostics added.
- Support for external (to Hilltop) check data added.
- Hybrid workflow supported and documented.
- Updated documentation for workflow
- Added a supplementary R script to repo
- Updated from standard plotly to streamlit dash
- Added to QC encoder: Water Temp downgraded to 200 if last check longer than 2 months ago.
- Processor object now works with pd.Dataframes rather than pd.Series
- Out of validation range now has adjustable ranges, can support multiple maximum QCs with different time period lengths
- Changes to data and quality codes now have reason codes associated with any changes
- Check data can be read from xml directly
- Any missing xml data is no longer read in as zeroes
- Added in a constant shift value in config.yaml
- Various DevOps improvements
- DO semi-supported, but things are a little hairy rn
- Gonna officially support DO next minor release with more testing
- DO evaluator supported
- 100% 500 qc cap supported
- Support WT + AP QCs
- AP VM adjustment supported
- Nic promises the check data hilltop import thing is fixed this time
- Fixed bug that meant that different data sources would not
- Fixed to_date format to YMD rather than DMY when to_date not in yaml
- Fixed water temperature R script when to_date not in yaml
- Added groundwater evaluator
- Added support for check-less data types such as soil moisture
- Made quality_encoder automatically assign qc200 for check-less data
- Fixed the missing data quality codes to fit with hilltop's funky qc system
- Added batch processing
- Yaml now specifies destination file name
- Adding support for infer frequency and missing record prototype
- Rainfall processing
- Lots of minor documentation upgrades
- Start of "processing issues", a place to store warnings for the hydrobot user
- Fixing installation dependencies
- Fixing ramped display
- Accurately representing the inaccurate recorder totals.
- Fixing the defusedxml dependency version
- Making manual tip filter more sensitive
- Correctly accounting for multiple site inspections
- Manual tip now deals with multiple tips in the same second
- Fix for Null manual tips
- Rainfall control plot now implemented correctly
- Fix for when the period passed to manual tip filter contains a nan
- Another edge case fix for Null manual tips (caused floats)
- Fixed quality series adding values from before start date
- Fixed rainfall script skipping values that would round up to an arrival time within the given time range
- Dipstick used when flask is not recorded, downgraded to qc400
- Updating the dashboard with additional info
- LTCO calculation supported
- Script cleanup for rainfall/soil moisture/air temperature