Web interface for controlling a robot
Alex Brooke brookea@purdue.edu
This project uses Amazon Web Services in a few ways:
- An AWS bucket hosts the webpage responsible for providing users with control of the robot
- The webpage is written in HTML and JavaScript
- Users must log in using a Google account before interacting with the robot
- The user interface has a few buttons representing actions the robot will be able to take
- Each button sends an AWS SNS message
- An AWS DynamoDB instance logs the actions users have sent to the robot
- AWS Cognito will handle user authentication
- An AWS Lambda acts as the "server" for the interface, sending relevant data to the robot
- The Lambda function is triggered by the SNS messages sent from the frontend
- During execution, the function parses the instruction received from the frontend, and publishes a translated instruction to the robot
- The robot is realized as an AWS IoT Thing that subscribes to the topic that the Lambda function publishes to