- Simple docker containers for projects based on php
- based on nginx and php-fpm
- support for bash-profile
- Build with docker-apps generator
Use build.sh script to generate the various versions.
Images should be retrieved from docker hub.
Use either docker compose or Dockerfile to configure your docker instance, here is a simple example :
FROM houseofagile/docker-nginx-php-fpm:php7.4
# add your files
ADD ./config/projects /root/projects
ADD ./config/ssh-keys /root/ssh-keys
ADD ./config/sm-config /root/.symfony-manager/sm-config
CMD ["/sbin/my_init"]
Build your docker image:
docker build -t "someorg/someproject:v1" .
You could add some postinstall scripts to customize your image to your need, basically it only provide a base phusion image with php5-fpm and nginx.