We are a web agency, working with any technologies, we decided to go for symfony to have a simple presentation website with some extra features in a rather rapid development time (less than a day of development). This is a good exameple on how to start a project and was presented to our last "Agile Party in the House" meetup in Berlin.
Based on latest stable symfony 2.8, bootstrap for the frontend, and some key libraries:
- FOSUserBundle : Provides user management for your Symfony2 Project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM, and Propel.
- BraincraftedBootstrapBundle : Integrates Bootstrap into Symfony2 by providing templates, Twig extensions, services and commands.
- AsseticBundle : The AsseticBundle provides integration of the Assetic library into the Symfony2 framework.
- LexikTranslationBundle : This Symfony2 bundle allow to import translation files content into the database and provide a GUI to edit translations.
- DoctrineBehaviorsBundle : Doctrine2 behavior traits http://knplabs.com
- A2lixTranslationFormBundle : Translation field to facilitate the use of the Translatable Doctrine extension http://a2lix.fr/bundles/translation-form
- HOANotificationBundle : https://github.com/HouseOfAgile/NotificationBundle
- SonataAdminBundle: The missing admin dashboard
You could start of your website fromthis working boilerplate/integration without too much troubles.