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Query processor and index

Howard Guo edited this page Sep 15, 2013 · 13 revisions

Query processing workflow

    Query (serialized from JSON)
    If there are only bare number:
      Return the bare numbers
    Determine query operation
    If operation = 'exist' (value existence test):
      If path is indexed:
        Return all indexed entries
        Test every document and return
    If operation = '=' (value lookup):
      If path is indexed:
        Return index scan result
        Look for the value in all documents and return
    If operation = 'n' (Set intersection):
      Process each sub-query
      Calculate and return intersection of sub-query results
    If operation = 'c' (Set complement):
      Process each sub-query
      Calculate and return complement of sub-query results
    If operation = 'u' (Set union):
      Process each sub-query
      Calculate and return union of sub-query results
    If operation = 'all' (All documents):
      Do fast collection scan* and return all documents

* Fast collection scan quickly finds all document IDs, without processing document content.

Hash table index

tiedot supports hash table index to assist value lookup queries. The implemented hash table is typical static hash table.

Index works on a "path" - a series of keys locating the indexed value; for example, path a,b,c will locates value 1 in document {"a": {"b": {"c": 1}}}.

The value to be indexed is first converted to string by fmt.Sprint() and then hashed using sdbm algorithm.

Index optimized queries

For the paths which you frequently do lookup queries on, setting up index will greatly improve their performance. The query processor avoids collection scan and uses index scan whenever possible.

tiedot does not yet support range queries due to lack of range index support - this will be addressed in the near future.

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