This code is designed to compute the following operations related to sparse matrix and prints out the results on display.
- SpMV : Sparse Matrix * Dense Vector
- SpMV_T : Transpose-Sparse Matrix * Dense Vector
- SpM_SpV : Sparse Matrix * Sparse Vector
- SpM_SpV_T : Transpose-Sparse Matrix * Sparse Vector
- SpM_SpM : Sparse Matrix * Sparse Matrix
- SpM_SpM_T : Transpose-Sparse Matrix * Sparse Matrix
This code can be used with following inputs
.mtx : Standard COO sparse matrix format.
For more information link
Also, to get .mtx file, please visit SuiteSparse Matrix Collection
.dvec : None standard dense vector format designed for the project.
For more information check About the non-standard input format section.
.svec : None standard sparse vector format designed for the project.
For more information check About the non-standard input format section.
Limitation of the code
- Example attached inside the package cannot show the performance advance given using sparse matrix as those are too small to make meaningful computation time.
- To see the actual performance achievement, it is required to download a large-size sparse matrix from SuiteSparse Matrix Collection and compare the difference.
- Sparse matrix is used in many scientific computation applications. Especially, multiplication of a matrix with a vector.
- As the computation gets complex and large, a method to compress the data size and minimize unnecessary memory accessing processes is required.
- One method to achieve data compression and minimization of unnecessary memory accessing is using a sparse matrix.
- Dense matrix contains every element including zero in the matrix which requires sizeof(double) * (column * row) bytes in memory space, and zero value elements are generally not required for the multiplication process.
- Sparse matrix only containing non-zero elements with index information, and with a standard format COO, it uses (sizeof(double) + sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(int32_t)) * number of non-zero bytes in memory space.
- Also, the iteration process can be reduced from column * row to number of non-zero.
- In Project 01, it is planned to implement the operations of sparse matrix computations listed above with COO, CSC and CSR format to achieve a clear understanding of the computation process.
- Also, it is planned to understand performance differences between the computation operations implemented in a specific format and hybrid format by comparing computation time.
- The project contains following directories.
- include : Contains header files for the project
- src : Contains header files for the project
- obj: Directory to separate object files from compilation process
- func_test: Directory contains .c file for function test
In workspace or CSE701_Project_01 directory, type
make mainThis will generate proj_r.out file at workspace or CSE701_Project_01 directory.
In workspace or CSE701_Project_01 directory, after generating proj_r.out, type
./proj_r.out operation input_one input_twoNOTE
- following inputs can be used
./proj_r.out SpMV sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec ./proj_r.out SpMV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec ./proj_r.out SpM_SpV sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec ./proj_r.out SpM_SpV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec ./proj_r.out SpM_SpM sample_mtx.mtx sample_mtx.mtx ./proj_r.out SpM_SpM_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_mtx.mtx
- example
INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpMV sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpM_SpV sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec Return - 87.00 6.00 54.00 16.00 36.00 54.00 70.00 70.00 173.00 0.00 INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpMV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpM_SpV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec Return - 1.00 18.00 0.00 20.00 55.00 54.00 126.00 96.00 63.00 90.00
About the operations
- Currently, computation operation is done by using CSR - Compressed Sparse Row format for performance issues..
Computation operations for COO - Coordinates format and CSC - Compressed Sparse Column format are implemented, but not used in the computation process.
The operation of unused computation functions is confirmed by the separated functional testing process.
In func_test directory, type
make run_test
The tests checks following operations
- Matrix converting operations
- COO computation operations
- CSC computation operations
- CSR computation operations
- Matrix loading operations
The process must be done when there are modifications in the listed operations to check the updates do not make bugs.
The new operations need to be added to the process when a new operation is added to the listed operations.
- Non-standard input format .dvec and .svec are designed for this project
It is designed for denoting dense vector.
The first element in the file denotes length of vector.
The remaining elements in the file denote elements in the vector.
To load length of vector by fscanf(), %d needs to be used.
To load element by fscanf(), %lg needs to be used.
To generate .dvec file for operation, do the followings
Generate .txt, write contents as follow and change the format into .dvec
7 0 3 1 2 5 5 8The above example represents dense vector with
Vector length : 7
Value : 0 3 1 2 5 5 8
It is designed for denoting sparse vector.
The first two elements in the file denotes number of none zero and length of vector.
The remaining elements in the file denote index and elements in the vector.
To load number of none zero, length of vector and index by fscanf(), %d needs to be used.
To load element by fscanf(), %lg needs to be used.
To generate .svec file for operation, do the followings
Generate .txt, write contents as follow and change the format into .dvec
8 10 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 9 7 10 8 5 9 7The above example represents sparse vector with
- Vector length : 10
- Number of none zero : 8
- Index : 8 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Value : 10 1 3 4 6 9 10 5 7