google.maps.MapCanvasProjection interface
This object is made available to the OverlayView from within the draw method. It is not guaranteed to be initialized until draw is called.
fromContainerPixelToLatLng(pixel[, nowrap])
- pixel: Point optional
- nowrap: boolean optional
Return Value: LatLng optional
Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the map's container.
fromDivPixelToLatLng(pixel[, nowrap])
- pixel: Point optional
- nowrap: boolean optional
Return Value: LatLng optional
Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the div that holds the draggable map.
- latLng: LatLng optional
Return Value: Point optional
Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the map's container element.
- latLng: LatLng optional
Return Value: Point optional
Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the DOM element that holds the draggable map.
Parameters: None
Return Value: number
The width of the world in pixels in the current zoom level. For projections with a heading angle of either 90 or 270 degrees, this corresponds to the pixel span in the Y-axis.