Simplifies an array of coordinates
(Array<google.maps.LatLng> | Array<google.maps.LatLngLiteral>) Array of coordinatesoptions
object options to pass to the simplification function
Returns Array.Array<Number> Array of coordinates [lng,lat]
Simplified a Feature, google.maps.Polygon or google.maps.Polyline
(google.maps.Polygon | google.maps.Polyline | Array<google.maps.LatLng> | Feature<Polygon> | Feature<LineString>) feature to be simplifiedoutput
string either 'feature', 'geometry' or 'object' (google maps). Case insensitive. Defaults to featureoptions
object options to pass to the simplification function
Returns (Feature | Geometry | google.maps.Polygon | google.maps.Polyline) simplified Feature or Geometry