Test consistency of S3-compliant object stores.
Object store are usually distributed storage and focus on availability/performances rather than consistency (see CAP theorem). Users may encounter unexpected behaviour with stale data being presented.
Tool runs the following consistency tests:
Test | Description |
read-after-write | Write a new file, try to read it immediately |
read-after-delete | Delete a file and try to read it immediately |
read-after-overwrite | Overwrite a file, read it immediately and check if data was updated |
list-after-create | Write a new file, list the content of the bucket and check if file exists |
list-after-delete | Delete a file, list the content of the bucket and check if file still exists |
Build the tool
$ ./go-build-all.sh
Run the tool
$ s3-consistency \
--endpoint https://s3.gra.storage.cloud.ovh.net \
--region gra \
--threads 70 \
--iterations 100 \
--bucket s3-consistency
Available options
$ s3-consistency --help
Usage of ./build/darwin-amd64/s3-consistency:
-bucket string
Bucket to use for test (default "s3-consistency")
-chunk-size int
Size in bytes of created files (default 1)
Clean bucket
-endpoint string
S3 endpoint to use (default "https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com")
-iterations int
Number of iteration per thread per test. (default 5)
-region string
S3 endpoint to use (default "us-east-1")
-threads int
Number threads per test. (default 5)