Get the GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo to Score and Humanitec.
This repository has been illustrated with this blog post: Platform Engineering in action: Deploy the Online Boutique sample apps with Score and Humanitec.
Deploy and test locally with Docker compose:
make compose-up
make compose-test
Deploy and test locally with Kind cluster:
make kind-create-cluster
make k8s-up
make k8s-test
You will need to install humctl
Deploy to Humanitec:
export HUMANITEC_APPLICATION=onlineboutique
export HUMANITEC_ENVIRONMENT=development
humctl login
humctl create app ${HUMANITEC_APPLICATION} \
humctl apply \
-f resources/in-cluster-redis.yaml
make humanitec-deploy
Get the generated DNS once the deployment is done:
humctl get active-resources \
-o json \
| jq -c '.[] | select(.metadata.type | contains("dns"))' \
| jq -r
Here is the associated resource graph generated by Humanitec:
humctl resources graph \