#Changes ##1.3.2
- Removed deprecated SPRITESHEET_VERSION constant.
- Fixed SpriteSheet class showing E_NOTICE for missing spritesheet_id.
- Moved file pages that left a redirect are now handled.
- Fix logging to use newer API.
- Updated to newer database atomic section API. This requires MediaWiki 1.31 or higher.
- Switched to extension registration only.
- Various E_NOTICE fixes and PHP 7.0+ compatibility fixes.
- Fixed CSS and JS not loading for Extension:MobileFrontend.
- Fixed an incorrect call to makeErrorBox().
- Fixed checking titles for existence that in some cases would fail with a fatal error.
- Fixed central repositories trying to work through a ForeignDBRepo when SpriteSheet only supports ForeignAPIRepo.
- Fixed MediaWiki 1.26+ compatibility.
- Removed jQuery dependency in resource loader module
- Added formatversion=2 to all API calls due to a dumb change in MediaWiki's core API.
- Added extension registration entry point.
- Fixed saving a new named sprite when the sheet did not exist yet in the database.
- Fixes errors with the sprite sheet changes log that was displaying the edited message template on new sprite sheets.
- Fixes resize parameter being broken with named sprites and slices.
- Fixes an issue with calculating the size of an object in Javascript.
- The very first sprite/slice created on a Sheet will not be listed in the show sprite/slice list and requires a page refresh.
- Saving a sprite/slice that has been previously deleted results in it not updating the deleted status.
- The log formatter for sprite names would attempt to use valid, but nonexistent sprite sheets resulting in a fatal error.
- This version is not backwards compatible with previous versions.
- The SpriteSheet Editor is now hidden by default to reduce the number of curious edits. Wiki editors are cats.
- Spritesheets no longer automatically saved. The save button is disabled by default and will be activated when changes are made. A visual indicator has been added when changes are pending.
- Will now respect page protection on images when editing sprite sheets.
- Parser tags were changed to a "parameter=option" format. This is to prevent feature creep from destroying the tag format and consistency. It also allows for easier templating.
- The "thumbnail" parameter has been renamed to "resize". It now controls the direct size of the sprite output instead of the overall image itself. This is a more natural thought process when handling the output.
- Better parameter validation and error handling.
- New "link" parameter to have the sprite link to a page or external URL.
- Complete revisioning with the ability to roll back spritesheets, sprites, and slices.
- Spritesheets can now display an overlayed visual difference between revisions.
- Logging has been standardized and improved in relation to the revisioning feature.
- Fixes for CSS selector tagetting.
- Fixed an issue with remote spritesheets that prevented caching correctly.
- Do not display sprite sheet editor on non-images.
- Sprite/Slice naming changed to include the file/article name in the tag. This allows the same name to be used on different sprite sheets and makes it easier to see at a glance what sprite sheet that name belongs to in a parser tag.
- Adjusted the position of the naming pop up and made it closable.
- Dropped the spritesheet_id index from the spritename table.
- Renamed the name index on the spritename table to spritesheet_id_name and made it unique with spritesheet_id and name.
- Naming standards applied to sprite/slice names.
- New list of named sprites/slices and an editing interface for existing ones.
- Now uses the DB key of the Title instead of the article/page ID for reference. This is to support images stored in remote repositories.
- New #ifsprite and #ifslice parser functions to give alternative output if either is not found.
- Initial Release for internal QA