It is a modified version of LGPLv3, which had its prime purpose in allowing static linking. It is also derived from GPLv3, as stated in the license, but is not compatible with it (since the clauses allowing it were removed). Since it has been made and used very recently, it is obviously not approved by the FSF and OSI, but it definitely matches the criteria and guidelines given by both of the organisations (in order to create it, no change was made such that it will make it non-free or closed-source license).
This is my first attempt to make a new FOSS license.
- GNU Lesser(>2.0)/Library(<=2.0) General Public License(LGPL): This license is basically GPL which grants exception for dynamic linking, and in some difficult way, static linking.
- wxWidgets License: This license is an LGPLv2 with an exception which allows use of wxWidgets (or any program under that license) in non-LGPL binaries, to allow static linking as well as LGPL's dynamic linking.
- GNU General Public License(GPL) with Linking Exception: This license is GPL with an exception which allows linking the program statically or dynamically. Two notable exceptions are Classpath exception and Runtime Library Exception.
- Boost Software License
- BSD Licenses: These license allow using the library anyhow, provided you follow the small terms like attribution.
- Apache License: This license is like a BSD license with some additional terms, most of which are related to
file. - zlib License
- MIT License