+ <>
+ *
+ >
+ <>
+ *
+ >
+ <>
+ *
+ >
+ {panelListTag && panelListTag.length ? (
+ <>
+ {panelListTag.map((panel) => (
+ handlePanelRemoveTag(panel.id)}
+ style={{ marginRight: "0.5rem" }}
+ type={"green"}
+ >
+ {panel.value}
+ ))}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ <>
+ *
+ >
+ {
+ handelLonicChange(e);
+ }}
+ />
+ }
+ id="antimicrobial-resistance"
+ onChange={handleAntimicrobialResistance}
+ checked={jsonWad?.antimicrobialResistance === "Y"}
+ />
+ }
+ id="is-active"
+ onChange={handleIsActive}
+ checked={jsonWad?.active === "Y"}
+ />
+ }
+ id="orderable"
+ onChange={handleOrderable}
+ checked={jsonWad?.orderable === "Y"}
+ />
+ }
+ id="notify-patient-of-results"
+ onChange={handleNotifyPatientofResults}
+ checked={jsonWad?.notifyResults === "Y"}
+ />
+ }
+ id="in-lab-only"
+ onChange={handleInLabOnly}
+ checked={jsonWad?.inLabOnly === "Y"}
+ />
+ {" "}
+ {sampleTypeSetupPage ? (
+ <>
+ {sampleTestTypeToGetTagList &&
+ sampleTestTypeToGetTagList.length ? (
+ <>
+ {sampleTestTypeToGetTagList.map((section, index) => (
+ handleRemoveSampleTypeListSelectIdTestTag(index)
+ }
+ style={{ marginRight: "0.5rem" }}
+ type={"green"}
+ >
+ {section.value}
+ ))}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {selectedSampleTypeResp.length > 0 ? (
+ selectedSampleTypeResp.map((item, index) => (
+ <>
+ {item.tests.map((test) => (
+ {test.name}
+ ))}
+ >
+ ))
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {" "}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {onResultType ? (
+ <>
+ {/* map the Select list options */}
+ {/* tags need to display */}
+ {/* need to add tags */}
+ {dictionaryListTag && dictionaryListTag.length ? (
+ <>
+ {dictionaryListTag.map((dict, index) => (
+ // handleRemoveSampleTypeListSelectIdTestTag(index)
+ // }
+ style={{ marginRight: "0.5rem" }}
+ type={"green"}
+ >
+ {dict.value}
+ ))}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {/* remeder dragable & Select list options */}
+ {/* single Select */}
+ {/* single Select */}
+ {/* need to add tags */}
+ {multiSelectDictionaryListTag &&
+ multiSelectDictionaryListTag.length ? (
+ <>
+ {multiSelectDictionaryListTag.map((dict, index) => (
+ // handleRemoveSampleTypeListSelectIdTestTag(index)
+ // }
+ style={{ marginRight: "0.5rem" }}
+ type={"green"}
+ >
+ {dict.value}
+ ))}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {" "}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {rangeSetupPage ? (
+ <>
+ }
+ // onChange={() => {}}
+ />
+ {/* render male & female on checkbox*/}
+ {/* render two extra fields for TextInput on Click of Check box */}
+ {" "}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {existingTestSetupPage ? (
+ <>
+ {groupedDictionaryList.map((innerArray, outerIndex) => (
+ <>
+ {
+ setSelectedGroupedDictionaryList([
+ ...selectedGroupedDictionaryList,
+ innerArray,
+ ]);
+ }}
+ >
+ {innerArray.map((item) => (
+ {item.value}
+ ))}
+ {/* need to fix console log here */}
+ >
+ ))}
+ {" "}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {finalSaveConfirmation ? (
+ <>
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.testNameEnglish}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.testNameFrench}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.reportingTestNameEn}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.reportingTestNameFr}
+ {" : "}
+ {selectedLabUnitList?.value}
+ {" : "}
+ {/* map the {panelList[0].value} in and there values in line*/}
+ {panelListTag.length > 0 ? (
+ {panelListTag.map((tag) => (
+ {tag.value}
+ ))}
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {" : "}
+ {selectedUomList?.value}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.loinc}
+ {" : "}
+ {selectedResultTypeList.value}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.antimicrobialResistance}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.active}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.orderable}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.notifyResults}
+ {" : "}
+ {jsonWad?.inLabOnly}
+ {/* Mapp the combbination of the selecte[sampleType] & tests of [sampleType] in sorted order */}
+ {selectedSampleTypeList.length > 0 ? (
+ {selectedSampleTypeList.map((type, index) => (
+ {selectedSampleTypeResp
+ .filter((resp) => resp.sampleTypeId === type.id)
+ .map((item, respIndex) => (
+ {item.tests.map((test) => (
+ {test.name}
+ ))}
+ ))}
+ ))}
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {" "}