ACEMAKER v2.1.1 (2021)
Fixes TSL format issues
ACEMAKER v2.1 (2021)
New dodos module - prepare dosimetry ace-formatted files for MCNP.
ACEMAKER v2.0 (2021)
The ACEMAKER-2.0 package can prepare fast-continuous energy and thermal ACE-formatted files for Monte Carlo calculations from evaluated data in ENDF-6 format. Compared to version 1.0, this version contains some coding improvements for the generation of the fast-continuous energy ACE-formatted files and includes the option for processing the thermal scattering law data in MF7 to produce a thermal ACE-formatted file.
ACEMAKER v1.0 (2019)
This is the initial release of ACEMAKER, a code package to produce ACE-formatted files for MCNP calculations.
The batch and executable files in this release are only for Windows OS.