highly opinionated gruvbox builds of some suckless philosophy tools
patches applied:
- xyw - for specifying dimensions and position
- highlight - highlights matching input
- multi-selection - buffers mulit-selection and waits until exit to return them, unlike the default behaviour of streaming selections immediately
- numbers - shows number of matches/total number of options
- fuzzymatch - fuzzy finding
- mouse-support - mouse support for various actions
- print-index - returns the index of entry in list rather than the entry itself. useful when using two lists, one for indexing one for returning.
- no-sort - does not sort the list at all.
patches applied:
- square-thumnails - square thumbnails for uniformity
- bar-invert-color - provides flag for inverting bar color
- mouse-coordinates - toggle-able mouse-coordinates in bar
- libcurl - view images from internet directly using sxiv
- filename - shows filename in window title
- rectangle-mark - rectangular mark for marked files, instead of the tiny-winy itsy-bitsy square originally used
- svg - support for svg files, including vector zooming
- fill-mode - fill mode for viewing image
patches applied:
- progress-bar - progress bar for the finicky people
- inverted-colors - just in case someone asks for the blasphemous light mode
- toggle-inverted - toggle for inverted colorscheme
- cmdline-colors - specify colors from commandline
patches applied:
- invert - inverts the colorscheme
- scrollback - added the scrollback patch (the entirety)
- boxdraw - perfect rendering of box and other characters
patches applied:
- clientnumber - shows the index of tabs in the tab-bar
- drag - enables mouse dragging in the tab-bar
- separator - adds tab separator in the tab-bar (added custom separator color specification)
- bar-height - specify bar height manually
- bar-line - adds a bar line under the tab-bar
patches applied:
- homepage - shows default homepage for new windows