- Class introductions
- Ritual reading of the syllabus
- Crash course on electricity and electronics
- buttons and switches
- Review DIY switches
- Demo presentation - the 555 timer
- circuit schematics ctd
- Toy Organ on a breadboard
- solder demo
- Presentations!
- multimeters and other tools
- what's a microcontroller anyhow and why would I use one?
- Hello World of microcontrollers
- digital input and output
- Presentations!
- reading discussion
- show your work
- analog input
- analog output
- Midterm intro
- Presentations!
- discussion of reading
- Show your work
- servos and tone
- Field Trip to Volvox Labs
- Midterm Presentations!
- Presentation by Tai
- Asynchronous Serial Communication
- Presentation by Marco and Kimmy
- Serial communication results
- Synchronous communication examples (SPI, I2C)
- Lots of lights
- Vote if you are able
- presentation by Silver
- Motors and things that move
- CJ & Jon present
- Final project proposal discussion
- Bluetooth
- SD cards
- datalogger
- reading from files
- Adam & Omar present
- Functional prototype of project due