Stepper motors
Haptic motors
kinetic artists & work
Assignement :
- Read :
- Making Things Move Chapter 9 "Making Things and Getting Things Made". Access provided by NYU Libraries.
- Making Things Move Chapter 2 "Materials: How to Choose and Where to Find Them". Access provided by NYU Libraries.
- Watch :
- Motors and Arduinos YT playlist - 3 videos, total of 30 minutes
- Final project introduction
- Project summary - what is the idea for your system, what does it do? - Due Friday Nov 15
- Create a narrative for your project, imagine acting it out (actually act it out in class too). Write a minimum 200 word project description on what the interface is, what teh interaction is, and what a user will experience. You must include multiple shetches, renderings, and/or images for what you propose to make. Also helpful are prior examples of simialr work or what you may be building off of and inspirations for what you want to create.
- Project summary - what is the idea for your system, what does it do? - Due Friday Nov 15
- Read :