Your future self is going on a long journey, in a far-away planet that does not have regular access to the internet or technology. Despite the fact that the trip is in the advance future, you need to ship this package within the next week so that it can arrive properly.
What items would your future self find comforting or integral while on this long journey? Basic needs for an average human are already provided. Place items in this care package that are important and/or helpful to your mental survival in a foreign land.
The items must fit within a shoe box (Think: snow boots).
Include audio narration or written commentary, using your smart phone or video camera and post it to your process website by embedding a youtube or vimeo video.
Be sure to include a short narration (written or audio) talking about what each item is and why you chose it.
Post this narration and images of the actual items to your site. Do not use generic images from the web. Show us images of your actual object.