NYU IDM Spring 2025 Sound Studio.
NYU Tandon School of Engineering: Integrated Design & Media
Spring, 2025 – DM-GY 6113
Your class meets on:
_Tuesdays, 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
370 Jay Street, Room 307
And your instructors are:
Sam Tarakajian
e-mail: st2774@nyu.edu
Luke DuBois
office hours by appointment
- What are we going to talk about in this class?
- Different ways that you can interact with sound making systems
- Techniques and approaches to sound design
- Composition
- What happens when you push a button?
- Sample playback
- Synthesis with waveforms
- Physical modeling
- Video synthesis
- Polyphony
- Sampling (buffer~)
- Additive Synthesis (SPEAR)
- AM, FM, Envelopes
- Synth lab
- Patterns and sequences
- Layering and Upshot
- Delay lines and Filters
- FFT and Fourier
- MIDI and HI Controllers
- Contact Microphones + Microcontrollers
- MC + Spatialization
- Audio-reactive video?
- Laptop orchestra (link + graphic score)
- Final Presentations/Crit
- Ostinato (build a composition on top of a simple repeating loop, or repeating event)
- Drum kit design (record a bunch of one-shots, design a drum kit, make a short composition)
- Next week, make a composition using someone else's drum kit
- One-finger composition (compose a piece that you play with just a single finger, using the track pad on your laptop)
- Guitar (even if you can't play guitar, get into the sound lab, connect a guitar to some interface, and start layering)
- Game controller composition
- Video game sound design (maybe a "mario" clone that runs in the browser?)
- Live performance with arduino and just one sensor
- Contact mic performance
- Spatialized composition