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Maven BOM project for snomed projects

  • Snomed master Parent BOM project, to centralise and control dependencies more conveniently
  • For OWASP suppressions see the snomed-parent-owasp project.
  • Remember to update the version in the pom.xml with each release.


When a project fails to build due to a CVE there are at least 3 options:

  1. An updated version of the library is available and published.
  2. An updated version of the library is NOT available.
    • We then have two options:
      • Wait for one to be created, most supported products issue a fix within hours or a few days.
      • Ignore the CVE, See IGNORE CVE section, below.
  3. Exclude the library from the dependency.

Here are the instructions for each in turn:

Option 1) UPDATE VERSION: If there is a fixed version available from the jar/lib supplier.

If a project, which uses this BOM fails to build with a CVE error you can follow these instructions.

In summary:

  • Create PIP ticket.
  • Update version in bom project.
  • Update failing project to use the new bom.

In detail:

  • You may need to explicitly specify the module, but mostly it's just a version number change.
  • Update the bom version, here is its XPATH:
  • When the BOM is updated you can test it locally with the affected project:

    • You can push this project locally to test: mvn install
    • Update affected projects pom.xml to use the new bom version.
    • Run OWASP locally before and after the version change: mvn dependency-check:check
  • When you are happy push the bom project to git (wait for it to build)

  • Then push the affected project, which should now pass.

Option 2) IGNORE CVE: If we wish to ignore the CVE, for whatever reason follow these steps:

In summary, you will be updating 3 projects:

Here are the detailed instructions:

  • Run OWASP Maven goal locally, it should fail: mvn dependency-check:check
  • However this will have generated a report in the target folder of the project: target/dependency-check-report.html
  • Open this report and find the CVE you wish to suppress, next to the CVE id there is a supress button. When clicked you will see an XML snippet, copy this snippet.
  • Update the snomed-parent-owasp project.
    • Find the owasp-supressions.xml and paste the XML snippet at the end after the last suppression.
    • Update the OWASP project version, xpath is /project/version
  • Update BOM version, to use the new OWASP version, xpath in the bom project is /project/properties/snomed-parent-owasp.version
  • Update affected project, to use the new BOM version.

Option 3) Exclude the library from the dependency

If you do not need the library at all, either do not include it in your pom.xml, or if it is from a third party exclude it as follows:


Useful Maven links:

Again these steps can be tested with various Maven commands, locally.

Useful Maven commands:

Note many of the following have corresponding tooling in JetBrains.

  • Push project to local repository, for testing locally:

mvn install

  • Generates a dependency tree of the project:

mvn dependency:tree

  • Display possible updates:

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

  • Searches POM for all -SNAPSHOT versions which have been released and replaces them with the corresponding release version:

mvn versions:use-releases

  • Searches POM updates with next version (move every non-SNAPSHOT dependency to its latest release):

mvn versions:use-next-releases

  • Searches POM updates with latest version (move every non-SNAPSHOT dependency to its latest release):

mvn versions:use-latest-versions

  • Searches POM updates with latest version:

mvn versions:update-properties

  • CVE analysis and report:

mvn dependency-check:check