diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 43359bdb..633fcc1a 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ All notable changes to the INCORE documents generated by Sphinx package will be
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/)
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
+## [Unreleased]
+### Changed
+- Added semantic data type url linking for the data type in the analyses markdowns [#299](https://github.com/IN-CORE/incore-docs/issues/299)
## [4.7.0] - 2023-11-08
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/bridge_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/bridge_dmg.md
index 80bfc029..98aaa326 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/bridge_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/bridge_dmg.md
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`bridges` * | `ergo:bridges` | Bridge dataset | A bridge dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`bridges` * | [`ergo:bridges`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:bridges) | Bridge dataset | A bridge dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Input Hazards**
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ key name | type | na
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `ergo:bridgeDamageVer2` | `bridges` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
-`damage_result` * | `incore:bridgeDamageSupplement` | `bridges` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
+`result` * | [`ergo:bridgeDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:bridgeDamageVer2) | `bridges` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`damage_result` * | [`incore:bridgeDamageSupplement`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:bridgeDamageSupplement) | `bridges` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_dmg.md
index a9e46506..0b3c9877 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_dmg.md
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
-`retrofit_strategy` | `incore:retrofitStrategy` | Retrofit Strategy | Building retrofit strategy that contains guid and retrofit method.
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`retrofit_strategy` | [`incore:retrofitStrategy`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:retrofitStrategy) | Retrofit Strategy | Building retrofit strategy that contains guid and retrofit method.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`ds_result` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer5` | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
-`damage_result` * | `incore:buildingDamageSupplement` | `buildings` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
+`ds_result` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer5`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer5) | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`damage_result` * | [`incore:buildingDamageSupplement`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingDamageSupplement) | `buildings` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_func.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_func.md
index 93d67115..94675b5f 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_func.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_func.md
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`building_damage_mcs_samples` * | `incore:buildingDamageMcSamples` | Building dataset | Buildings damage dataset.
-`substations_damage_mcs_samples` * | `incore:substationsDamageMcSamples` | Substation dataset | Substations damage dataset.
-`poles_damage_mcs_samples` * | `incore:polesDamageMcSamples` | Pole dataset | Electric poles dataset.
-`interdependency_dictionary` * | `incore:buildingInterdependencyDict` | Interdependency dataset | A dataset of interdependency between buildings and substations and poles.
+`building_damage_mcs_samples` * | [`incore:buildingDamageMcSamples`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingDamageMcSamples) | Building dataset | Buildings damage dataset.
+`substations_damage_mcs_samples` * | [`incore:substationsDamageMcSamples`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:substationsDamageMcSamples) | Substation dataset | Substations damage dataset.
+`poles_damage_mcs_samples` * | [`incore:polesDamageMcSamples`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:polesDamageMcSamples) | Pole dataset | Electric poles dataset.
+`interdependency_dictionary` * | [`incore:buildingInterdependencyDict`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingInterdependencyDict) | Interdependency dataset | A dataset of interdependency between buildings and substations and poles.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`functionality_samples` * | `incore:funcSample` | Results | A dataset containing results of functionality samples
(format: CSV).
-`functionality_probability` * | `incore:funcProbability` | Results | A dataset containing results of functionality probability
(format: CSV).
+`functionality_samples` * | [`incore:funcSample`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:funcSample) | Results | A dataset containing results of functionality samples
(format: CSV).
+`functionality_probability` * | [`incore:funcProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:funcProbability) | Results | A dataset containing results of functionality probability
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_loss.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_loss.md
index 0859add6..59baae80 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_loss.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/building_loss.md
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building inventory dataset.
-`building_mean_dmg` * | `ergo:meanDamage`
`ergo:buildingDamage` | Building mean damage | A CSV file with building mean damage results for either Structural, Drift-Sensitive Nonstructural, Acceleration-Sensitive Nonstructural or Contents Damage component.
-`occupancy_multiplier` | `incore:buildingOccupancyMultiplier` | Occupancy multiplier | Building occupancy damage multipliers. These multipliers account for the value associated with different types of components (structural, acceleration-sensitive nonstructural, drift-sensitive nonstructural, contents).
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building inventory dataset.
+`building_mean_dmg` * | [`ergo:meanDamage`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:meanDamage)
[`ergo:buildingDamage`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamage) | Building mean damage | A CSV file with building mean damage results for either Structural, Drift-Sensitive Nonstructural, Acceleration-Sensitive Nonstructural or Contents Damage component.
+`occupancy_multiplier` | [`incore:buildingOccupancyMultiplier`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingOccupancyMultiplier) | Occupancy multiplier | Building occupancy damage multipliers. These multipliers account for the value associated with different types of components (structural, acceleration-sensitive nonstructural, drift-sensitive nonstructural, contents).
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `ergo:buildingEconomicLoss` | Results | A CSV file with building economy losses.
+`result` * | [`ergo:buildingEconomicLoss`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingEconomicLoss) | Results | A CSV file with building economy losses.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/capital_shocks.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/capital_shocks.md
index 9d649fa4..65cc42b6 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/capital_shocks.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/capital_shocks.md
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building inventory dataset.
-`buildings_to_sectors` * | `incore:buildingsToSectors` | Buildings to sectors | A file defining sectors of buildings.
-`failure_probability` * | `incore:failureProbability` | Failure probability | Failure probability of buildings..
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building inventory dataset.
+`buildings_to_sectors` * | [`incore:buildingsToSectors`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingsToSectors) | Buildings to sectors | A file defining sectors of buildings.
+`failure_probability` * | [`incore:failureProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:failureProbability) | Failure probability | Failure probability of buildings..
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`sector_shocks` * | `incore:capitalShocks` | Results | A dataset containing aggregated building functionality to capital shocks
(format: CSV).
+`sector_shocks` * | [`incore:capitalShocks`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:capitalShocks) | Results | A dataset containing aggregated building functionality to capital shocks
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_dmg.md
index ac042f27..060bff0d 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_dmg.md
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`wind_damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer6` | Building wind damage | A building wind damage dataset.
-`surge_wave_damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer6` | Building surge-wave damage | A building surge-wave damage dataset.
-`flood_damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer6` | Building flood damage | A building flood damage dataset.
+`wind_damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer6) | Building wind damage | A building wind damage dataset.
+`surge_wave_damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer6) | Building surge-wave damage | A building surge-wave damage dataset.
+`flood_damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer6) | Building flood damage | A building flood damage dataset.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name| description
--- | --- | --- |---| ---
-`result` * | `incore:maxDamageState` | `buildings` | Results| A dataset containing maximum damage state for each building
(format: CSV).
-`ds_result` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer6` | `buildings` | Damage State Results | A dataset containing damage states for building structural damage
(format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`incore:maxDamageState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:maxDamageState) | `buildings` | Results| A dataset containing maximum damage state for each building
(format: CSV).
+`ds_result` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer6) | `buildings` | Damage State Results | A dataset containing damage states for building structural damage
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_loss.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_loss.md
index 06f45e61..8d347fd1 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_loss.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/combined_wind_wave_surge_building_loss.md
@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- |--------------------------------| ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building dataset.
-`wind_damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer6` | Building wind damage | A building wind damage dataset.
-`surge_wave_damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer6` | Building surge-wave damage | A building surge-wave damage dataset.
-`flood_damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer6` | Building flood damage | A building flood damage dataset.
-`structural_cost` * | `incore:structuralCostRatio` | Building structural cost ratios | A dataset with building structural cost ratios for each archetype.
-`content_cost` * | `incore:contentCostRatio` | Building content cost ratios | A dataset with building content cost ratios for each damage state.
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building dataset.
+`wind_damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer6) | Building wind damage | A building wind damage dataset.
+`surge_wave_damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer6) | Building surge-wave damage | A building surge-wave damage dataset.
+`flood_damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer6) | Building flood damage | A building flood damage dataset.
+`structural_cost` * | [`incore:structuralCostRatio`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:structuralCostRatio) | Building structural cost ratios | A dataset with building structural cost ratios for each archetype.
+`content_cost` * | [`incore:contentCostRatio`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:contentCostRatio) | Building content cost ratios | A dataset with building content cost ratios for each damage state.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- |---------| ---
-`result` * | `incore:buildingLoss` | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing structural, content and total loss for each building
(format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`incore:buildingLoss`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingLoss) | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing structural, content and total loss for each building
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/commercial_building_recovery.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/commercial_building_recovery.md
index dd66b359..aac5038a 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/commercial_building_recovery.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/commercial_building_recovery.md
@@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
-`sample_damage_states` * | `incore:sampleDamageState` | Damage states | Sample damage states.
-`mcs_failure` * | `incore:failureProbability` | MCS failure | mcs_failure.
-`delay_factors` * | `incore:buildingRecoveryFactors` | Delay factors | Delay impeding factors such as post-disaster inspection, insurance claim,
and government permit based on building's damage state. Provided by REDi framework.
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`sample_damage_states` * | [`incore:sampleDamageState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleDamageState) | Damage states | Sample damage states.
+`mcs_failure` * | [`incore:failureProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:failureProbability) | MCS failure | mcs_failure.
+`delay_factors` * | [`incore:buildingRecoveryFactors`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingRecoveryFactors) | Delay factors | Delay impeding factors such as post-disaster inspection, insurance claim,
and government permit based on building's damage state. Provided by REDi framework.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- |-------------------------| --- | ---
-`time_stepping_recovery` * | `incore:buildingRecovery` | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with percentages of commercial building recovery. | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with percentages of commercial building recovery.
-`recovery` * | `incore:buildingRecoveryTime` | `buildings` | Building Recovery Time | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with commercial building recovery time.
-`total_delay` * | `incore:buildingRecoveryDelay` | `buildings` | Building Recovery Delay | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with commercial building delay time.
+`time_stepping_recovery` * | [`incore:buildingRecovery`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingRecovery) | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with percentages of commercial building recovery. | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with percentages of commercial building recovery.
+`recovery` * | [`incore:buildingRecoveryTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingRecoveryTime) | `buildings` | Building Recovery Time | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with commercial building recovery time.
+`total_delay` * | [`incore:buildingRecoveryDelay`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingRecoveryDelay) | `buildings` | Building Recovery Delay | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with commercial building delay time.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/cumulative_building_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/cumulative_building_dmg.md
index 12ccf80b..d9dd9f6d 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/cumulative_building_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/cumulative_building_dmg.md
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`eq_bldg_dmg` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer5` | Building dataset | A building dataset with earthquake damage.
-`tsunami_bldg_dmg` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer5` | Building dataset | A building dataset with tsunami damage.
+`eq_bldg_dmg` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer5`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer5) | Building dataset | A building dataset with earthquake damage.
+`tsunami_bldg_dmg` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer5`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer5) | Building dataset | A building dataset with tsunami damage.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`combined-result` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer5` | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`combined-result` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer5`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer5) | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_dmg.md
index 8861defc..fcdd366d 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_dmg.md
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ key name | type | na
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`epfs` * | `incore:epf`
`ergo:epf` | Electric power dataset | An electric power facility dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`epfs` * | [`incore:epf`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epf)
[`ergo:epf`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:epf) | Electric power dataset | An electric power facility dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:epfDamageVer3` |`epfs` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`incore:epfDamageVer3`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfDamageVer3) |`epfs` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
`damage_result` * | `epfDamageSupplement` | `epfs` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_repair_cost.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_repair_cost.md
index 7bddbfe4..85c8e465 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_repair_cost.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_repair_cost.md
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
-`epfs` * | `incore:epf`
`incore:epfVer2` | Electric Power Facilities | Electric Power Facilities.
-`replacement_cost` * | `incore:replacementCost` | Replacement Cost | Repair cost of the node in the complete damage state (= Replacement cost).
-`sample_damage_states` * | `incore:sampleDamageState` | Sample Damage States | Sample damage states from Monte Carlo Simulation.
-`epf_dmg_ratios` * | `incore:epfDamageRatios` | Damage Ratios Table | Damage Ratios Table.
+`epfs` * | [`incore:epf`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epf)
[`incore:epfVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfVer2) | Electric Power Facilities | Electric Power Facilities.
+`replacement_cost` * | [`incore:replacementCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:replacementCost) | Replacement Cost | Repair cost of the node in the complete damage state (= Replacement cost).
+`sample_damage_states` * | [`incore:sampleDamageState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleDamageState) | Sample Damage States | Sample damage states from Monte Carlo Simulation.
+`epf_dmg_ratios` * | [`incore:epfDamageRatios`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfDamageRatios) | Damage Ratios Table | Damage Ratios Table.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
-`result` * | `incore:repairCost` | Repair Cost | A csv file with repair cost and budget for each electric power facility.
+`result` * | [`incore:repairCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:repairCost) | Repair Cost | A csv file with repair cost and budget for each electric power facility.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_restoration.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_restoration.md
index 06a45b0b..628e1c36 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_restoration.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epf_restoration.md
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
-`epfs` * | `incore:epf`
`ergo:epf` | Electric Power Facilities | Electric Power Facilities.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`epfs` * | [`incore:epf`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epf)
[`ergo:epf`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:epf) | Electric Power Facilities | Electric Power Facilities.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`pf_results` * | `incore:epfRestorationFunc` | Percentage of functionality results | A csv file recording functionality change with time for each class and limit state
-`time_results` * | `incore:epfRestorationTime` | Time results | A csv file recording repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
-`inventory_restoration_map` * | `incore:inventoryRestorationMap` | Mapping of inventory and restoration | A csv file recording the mapping relationship between GUID and restoration id applicable.
-`func_results` * | `incore:epfDiscretizedRestorationFunc` | Discretized restoration functionality | A csv file recording discretized functionality over time.
+`pf_results` * | [`incore:epfRestorationFunc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfRestorationFunc) | Percentage of functionality results | A csv file recording functionality change with time for each class and limit state
+`time_results` * | [`incore:epfRestorationTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfRestorationTime) | Time results | A csv file recording repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
+`inventory_restoration_map` * | [`incore:inventoryRestorationMap`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:inventoryRestorationMap) | Mapping of inventory and restoration | A csv file recording the mapping relationship between GUID and restoration id applicable.
+`func_results` * | [`incore:epfDiscretizedRestorationFunc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfDiscretizedRestorationFunc) | Discretized restoration functionality | A csv file recording discretized functionality over time.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epn_functionality.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epn_functionality.md
index 3fcd56a1..67baeba3 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/epn_functionality.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/epn_functionality.md
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`epn_network` * | `incore:epnNetwork` | EPN Network | EPN network dataset
-`epf_sample_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | EPF sample failure state | CSV file of failure state for each sample. Output from MCS analysis.
+`epn_network` * | [`incore:epnNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epnNetwork) | EPN Network | EPN network dataset
+`epf_sample_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | EPF sample failure state | CSV file of failure state for each sample. Output from MCS analysis.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`failure_probability` * | `incore:failureProbability` | Results | A dataset containing failure probability results
(format: CSV).
-`sample_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Results | A dataset containing failure state for each sample
(format: CSV).
+`failure_probability` * | [`incore:failureProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:failureProbability) | Results | A dataset containing failure probability results
(format: CSV).
+`sample_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Results | A dataset containing failure state for each sample
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/galveston_cge.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/galveston_cge.md
index 8b2d1d52..3043f51b 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/galveston_cge.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/galveston_cge.md
@@ -24,25 +24,25 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`SAM` * | `incore:CGEsam` | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
-`BB` * | `incore:CGEbb` | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
-`IOUT` | `incore:CGEiout` | Government parameters | A matrix tax revenue transfer.
-`MISC` | `incore:CGEmisc` | Parameters | Data of employment, capital and households
in the economy.
-`MISCH` * | `incore:CGEmisch` | Supply elasticity | Elasticities for the supply of labor.
-`EMPLOY` * | `incore:CGEemploy` | Employment | Commercial sector employment data
-`JOBCR` * | `incore:CGEjobcr` | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
-`OUTCR` * | `incore:CGEoutcr` | Commuter laborers | A matrix of Galveston commuting workers.
-`sector_shocks` * | `incore:capitalShocks` | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
+`SAM` * | [`incore:CGEsam`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEsam) | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
+`BB` * | [`incore:CGEbb`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEbb) | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
+`IOUT` | [`incore:CGEiout`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEiout) | Government parameters | A matrix tax revenue transfer.
+`MISC` | [`incore:CGEmisc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEmisc) | Parameters | Data of employment, capital and households
in the economy.
+`MISCH` * | [`incore:CGEmisch`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEmisch) | Supply elasticity | Elasticities for the supply of labor.
+`EMPLOY` * | [`incore:CGEemploy`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEemploy) | Employment | Commercial sector employment data
+`JOBCR` * | [`incore:CGEjobcr`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEjobcr) | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
+`OUTCR` * | [`incore:CGEoutcr`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEoutcr) | Commuter laborers | A matrix of Galveston commuting workers.
+`sector_shocks` * | [`incore:capitalShocks`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:capitalShocks) | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`domestic-supply` * | `incore:Employment` | Supply results | A dataset containing domestic supply results (format: CSV).
-`gross-income` * | `incore:Employment` | Gross income | A dataset of resulting gross income (format: CSV).
-`pre-disaster-factor-demand` * | `incore:FactorDemand` | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand before disaster (format: CSV).
-`post-disaster-factor-demand` * | `incore:FactorDemand` | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand after disaster (format: CSV).
-`household-count` * | `incore:HouseholdCount` | Household count | A dataset of household count (format: CSV).
+`domestic-supply` * | [`incore:Employment`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:Employment) | Supply results | A dataset containing domestic supply results (format: CSV).
+`gross-income` * | [`incore:Employment`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:Employment) | Gross income | A dataset of resulting gross income (format: CSV).
+`pre-disaster-factor-demand` * | [`incore:FactorDemand`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:FactorDemand) | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand before disaster (format: CSV).
+`post-disaster-factor-demand` * | [`incore:FactorDemand`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:FactorDemand) | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand after disaster (format: CSV).
+`household-count` * | [`incore:HouseholdCount`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:HouseholdCount) | Household count | A dataset of household count (format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_household_recovery.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_household_recovery.md
index 293fd6c3..f7261d7d 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_household_recovery.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_household_recovery.md
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`population_dislocation_block` * | `incore:popDislocation` | Population dislocation | Population dislocation results.
-`tpm` * | `incore:houseRecTransitionProbMatrix` | Probability matrix | A transition probability matrix that specifies
the corresponding Markov chain per social vulnerability level.
-`initial_stage_probability` * | `incore:houseRecInitialStageFactors` | Mass probability | Initial mass probability function for stage 0 of the Markov Chain.
+`population_dislocation_block` * | [`incore:popDislocation`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:popDislocation) | Population dislocation | Population dislocation results.
+`tpm` * | [`incore:houseRecTransitionProbMatrix`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:houseRecTransitionProbMatrix) | Probability matrix | A transition probability matrix that specifies
the corresponding Markov chain per social vulnerability level.
+`initial_stage_probability` * | [`incore:houseRecInitialStageFactors`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:houseRecInitialStageFactors) | Mass probability | Initial mass probability function for stage 0 of the Markov Chain.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:housingRecoveryHistory` | `housing_recovery_block` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with housing recovery sequences at the individual household level.
+`result` * | [`incore:housingRecoveryHistory`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:housingRecoveryHistory) | `housing_recovery_block` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with housing recovery sequences at the individual household level.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_recovery.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_recovery.md
index 4659eb02..242ecad9 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_recovery.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/housing_recovery.md
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`population_dislocation` * | `incore:popDislocation` | Population Dislocation | A csv file with Population Dislocation aggregated to the block group level.
-`building_area` * | `incore:buildingInventoryArea` | Building inventory area | A csv file with Building square footage and damage. Damage is the actual building value loss in percentage terms observed through the County Appraisal District (GCAD) data. If damage column (dmg) is not available value loss is calculated from Population dislocation's rplosses and damage state (DS) values.
-`census_block_groups_data` * | `incore:censusBlockGroupsData` | Census block groups data | Census ACS data, 2010 5yr data for block groups available at IPUMS NHGIS web site.
-`census_appraisal_data` | `incore:censusAppraisalData` | Census appraisal data | Census data, 2010 Decennial Census District (GCAD) Census data. The json file must contain categories B25002_001E, B25002_001M, B25004_006E and B25004_006M.
+`population_dislocation` * | [`incore:popDislocation`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:popDislocation) | Population Dislocation | A csv file with Population Dislocation aggregated to the block group level.
+`building_area` * | [`incore:buildingInventoryArea`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingInventoryArea) | Building inventory area | A csv file with Building square footage and damage. Damage is the actual building value loss in percentage terms observed through the County Appraisal District (GCAD) data. If damage column (dmg) is not available value loss is calculated from Population dislocation's rplosses and damage state (DS) values.
+`census_block_groups_data` * | [`incore:censusBlockGroupsData`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:censusBlockGroupsData) | Census block groups data | Census ACS data, 2010 5yr data for block groups available at IPUMS NHGIS web site.
+`census_appraisal_data` | [`incore:censusAppraisalData`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:censusAppraisalData) | Census appraisal data | Census data, 2010 Decennial Census District (GCAD) Census data. The json file must contain categories B25002_001E, B25002_001M, B25004_006E and B25004_006M.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:buildingValues` | | Results | A csv file with building values for the 6 years following the disaster event (with year 0 being the impact year). A csv file with the building values for the 6 years following the disaster event (year -1 denotes pre-impact conditions and 0 being the impact year). Index year values represent building values against a base, pre-impact value.
+`result` * | [`incore:buildingValues`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingValues) | | Results | A csv file with building values for the 6 years following the disaster event (with year 0 being the impact year). A csv file with the building values for the 6 years following the disaster event (year -1 denotes pre-impact conditions and 0 being the impact year). Index year values represent building values against a base, pre-impact value.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/housingunitallocation.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/housingunitallocation.md
index 9d4a410e..80379db6 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/housingunitallocation.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/housingunitallocation.md
@@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`building_inventory` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building inventory | A building inventory dataset.
-`housing_unit_inventory` * | `incore:housingUnitInventory` | Housing inventory | A housing unit inventory dataset.
-`address_point_inventory` * | `incore:addressPoints` | Address inventory | An address locations dataset.
+`building_inventory` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building inventory | A building inventory dataset.
+`housing_unit_inventory` * | [`incore:housingUnitInventory`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:housingUnitInventory) | Housing inventory | A housing unit inventory dataset.
+`address_point_inventory` * | [`incore:addressPoints`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:addressPoints) | Address inventory | An address locations dataset.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:housingUnitAllocation` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`incore:housingUnitAllocation`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:housingUnitAllocation) | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/indp.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/indp.md
index 00dc589d..3c42a467 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/indp.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/indp.md
@@ -39,36 +39,36 @@ systems subject to budget and operational constraints.
key name | type | name | description
- `wf_repair_cost` * | `incore:repairCost` | Water Facility Repair Cost | Repair cost for each water facility.
- `wf_restoration_time` * | `incore:waterFacilityRepairTime` | Water Facility Repair Time | Repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
- `epf_repair_cost` * | `incore:repairCost` | Electric Power Facility Repair Cost | Repair cost for each electric power facility.
- `epf_restoration_time` * | `incore:epfRepairTime` | Electric Power Facility Repair Time | Repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
- `pipeline_repair_cost` * | `incore:pipelineRepairCost` | Water Pipeline Repair Cost | Repair cost for each water pipeline.
- `pipeline_restoration_time` * | `incore:pipelineRestorationVer1` | Water Pipeline Resotarting Time | Pipeline restoration times.
- `power_network` * | `incore:epnNetwork` | Electric Power Network Dataset | Electric power network dataset.
- `water_network` * | `incore:waterNetwork` | Water Network Dataset | Water network dataset.
- `powerline_supply_demand_info` * | `incore:powerLineSupplyDemandInfo` | Powerline Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for powerlines.
- `epf_supply_demand_info` * | `incore:epfSupplyDemandInfo` | Electric Power Facility Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for electric power facilities.
- `wf_supply_demand_info` * | `incore:waterFacilitySupplyDemandInfo` | Water Facility Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for water facilities.
- `pipeline_supply_demand_info` * | `incore:pipelineSupplyDemandInfo` | Water Pipeline Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for water pipelines.
- `interdep` * | `incore:interdep` | Interdependency | Interdepenency between water and electric power facilities.
- `wf_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Water Facility Failure State | MCS failure state of water facilities.
- `wf_damage_state` * | `incore:sampleDamageState` | Water Facility Damage State | MCS damage state of water facilities.
- `pipeline_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Water Pipeline Failure State | Failure state of pipeline from pipeline functionality analysis.
- `epf_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Electric Power Facility Failure State | MCS failure state of electric power facilities.
- `epf_damage_state` * | `incore:sampleDamageState` | Electric Power Facility Damage State | MCS damage state of electric power facilities
- `pop_dislocation` * | `incore:popDislocation` | Population Dislocation | Population dislocation.
- `dt_params` | `incore:dTParams` | Dislocation time parameters | Parameters for population dislocation time.
- `bldgs2elec` | `incore:bldgs2elec` | Building To Electric Power Facility | Relation between building and electric power facility.
- `bldgs2wter` | `incore:bldgs2wter` | Building To Water Facility | Relation between building and water facility.
+ `wf_repair_cost` * | [`incore:repairCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:repairCost) | Water Facility Repair Cost | Repair cost for each water facility.
+ `wf_restoration_time` * | [`incore:waterFacilityRepairTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilityRepairTime) | Water Facility Repair Time | Repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
+ `epf_repair_cost` * | [`incore:repairCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:repairCost) | Electric Power Facility Repair Cost | Repair cost for each electric power facility.
+ `epf_restoration_time` * | [`incore:epfRepairTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfRepairTime) | Electric Power Facility Repair Time | Repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
+ `pipeline_repair_cost` * | [`incore:pipelineRepairCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineRepairCost) | Water Pipeline Repair Cost | Repair cost for each water pipeline.
+ `pipeline_restoration_time` * | [`incore:pipelineRestorationVer1`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineRestorationVer1) | Water Pipeline Resotarting Time | Pipeline restoration times.
+ `power_network` * | [`incore:epnNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epnNetwork) | Electric Power Network Dataset | Electric power network dataset.
+ `water_network` * | [`incore:waterNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterNetwork) | Water Network Dataset | Water network dataset.
+ `powerline_supply_demand_info` * | [`incore:powerLineSupplyDemandInfo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:powerLineSupplyDemandInfo) | Powerline Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for powerlines.
+ `epf_supply_demand_info` * | [`incore:epfSupplyDemandInfo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfSupplyDemandInfo) | Electric Power Facility Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for electric power facilities.
+ `wf_supply_demand_info` * | [`incore:waterFacilitySupplyDemandInfo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilitySupplyDemandInfo) | Water Facility Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for water facilities.
+ `pipeline_supply_demand_info` * | [`incore:pipelineSupplyDemandInfo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineSupplyDemandInfo) | Water Pipeline Supply Demand Info | Supply and demand information for water pipelines.
+ `interdep` * | [`incore:interdep`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:interdep) | Interdependency | Interdepenency between water and electric power facilities.
+ `wf_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Water Facility Failure State | MCS failure state of water facilities.
+ `wf_damage_state` * | [`incore:sampleDamageState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleDamageState) | Water Facility Damage State | MCS damage state of water facilities.
+ `pipeline_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Water Pipeline Failure State | Failure state of pipeline from pipeline functionality analysis.
+ `epf_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Electric Power Facility Failure State | MCS failure state of electric power facilities.
+ `epf_damage_state` * | [`incore:sampleDamageState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleDamageState) | Electric Power Facility Damage State | MCS damage state of electric power facilities
+ `pop_dislocation` * | [`incore:popDislocation`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:popDislocation) | Population Dislocation | Population dislocation.
+ `dt_params` | [`incore:dTParams`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dTParams) | Dislocation time parameters | Parameters for population dislocation time.
+ `bldgs2elec` | [`incore:bldgs2elec`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:bldgs2elec) | Building To Electric Power Facility | Relation between building and electric power facility.
+ `bldgs2wter` | [`incore:bldgs2wter`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:bldgs2wter) | Building To Water Facility | Relation between building and water facility.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
- `action` * | `incore:indpAction` | | Action | Restoration action plans.
- `cost` * | `incore:indpCost` | | Cost | Restoration cost plans
- `runtime` * | `incore:indpRuntime` | | Run Time | Run time duration (in second) to execute computations for each time step
+ `action` * | [`incore:indpAction`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:indpAction) | | Action | Restoration action plans.
+ `cost` * | [`incore:indpCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:indpCost) | | Cost | Restoration cost plans
+ `runtime` * | [`incore:indpRuntime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:indpRuntime) | | Run Time | Run time duration (in second) to execute computations for each time step
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_cge.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_cge.md
index b620e8ec..61619151 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_cge.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_cge.md
@@ -24,28 +24,28 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`SAM` * | `incore:CGEsam` | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
-`BB` * | `incore:CGEbb` | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
-`IOUT` * | `incore:CGEiout` | Government parameters | A matrix tax revenue transfer.
-`MISC` * | `incore:CGEmisc` | Parameters | Data of employment, capital and households
in the economy.
-`MISCH` * | `incore:CGEmisch` | Supply elasticity | Elasticities for the supply of labor.
-`LANDCAP` * | `incore:CGElandcap` | Land capital | Changes in the price of physical capital.
-`EMPLOY` * | `incore:CGEemploy` | Employment | Commercial sector employment data
-`IGTD` * | `incore:CGEigtd` | Exogenous payment | A matrix of exogenous transfer payment.
-`TAUFF` * | `incore:CGEtauff` | Tax rates | Social security tax rates.
-`JOBCR` * | `incore:CGEjobcr` | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
-`OUTCR` * | `incore:CGEoutcr` | Commuter laborers | A matrix of Joplin commuting workers.
-`sector_shocks` * | `incore:capitalShocks` | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
+`SAM` * | [`incore:CGEsam`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEsam) | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
+`BB` * | [`incore:CGEbb`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEbb) | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
+`IOUT` * | [`incore:CGEiout`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEiout) | Government parameters | A matrix tax revenue transfer.
+`MISC` * | [`incore:CGEmisc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEmisc) | Parameters | Data of employment, capital and households
in the economy.
+`MISCH` * | [`incore:CGEmisch`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEmisch) | Supply elasticity | Elasticities for the supply of labor.
+`LANDCAP` * | [`incore:CGElandcap`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGElandcap) | Land capital | Changes in the price of physical capital.
+`EMPLOY` * | [`incore:CGEemploy`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEemploy) | Employment | Commercial sector employment data
+`IGTD` * | [`incore:CGEigtd`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEigtd) | Exogenous payment | A matrix of exogenous transfer payment.
+`TAUFF` * | [`incore:CGEtauff`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEtauff) | Tax rates | Social security tax rates.
+`JOBCR` * | [`incore:CGEjobcr`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEjobcr) | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
+`OUTCR` * | [`incore:CGEoutcr`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEoutcr) | Commuter laborers | A matrix of Joplin commuting workers.
+`sector_shocks` * | [`incore:capitalShocks`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:capitalShocks) | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`domestic-supply` * | `incore:Employment` | Supply results | A dataset containing domestic supply results (format: CSV).
-`gross-income` * | `incore:Employment` | Gross income | A dataset of resulting gross income (format: CSV).
-`pre-disaster-factor-demand` * | `incore:FactorDemand` | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand before disaster (format: CSV).
-`post-disaster-factor-demand` * | `incore:FactorDemand` | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand after disaster (format: CSV).
-`household-count` * | `incore:HouseholdCount` | Household count | A dataset of household count (format: CSV).
+`domestic-supply` * | [`incore:Employment`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:Employment) | Supply results | A dataset containing domestic supply results (format: CSV).
+`gross-income` * | [`incore:Employment`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:Employment) | Gross income | A dataset of resulting gross income (format: CSV).
+`pre-disaster-factor-demand` * | [`incore:FactorDemand`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:FactorDemand) | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand before disaster (format: CSV).
+`post-disaster-factor-demand` * | [`incore:FactorDemand`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:FactorDemand) | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand after disaster (format: CSV).
+`household-count` * | [`incore:HouseholdCount`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:HouseholdCount) | Household count | A dataset of household count (format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_empirical_restoration.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_empirical_restoration.md
index 99fa3ba2..11fd0455 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_empirical_restoration.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/joplin_empirical_restoration.md
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building dataset.
-`building_dmg` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer4`
`ergo:nsBuildingInventoryDamageVer2` | Building damage | A building damage dataset.
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building dataset.
+`building_dmg` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer4)
[`ergo:nsBuildingInventoryDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:nsBuildingInventoryDamageVer2) | Building damage | A building damage dataset.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:restorationTime` | | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV) with values for the predicted restoration time of the building.
+`result` * | [`incore:restorationTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:restorationTime) | | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV) with values for the predicted restoration time of the building.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/mc_failure_prob.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/mc_failure_prob.md
index 9b383afd..2dbc3e4d 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/mc_failure_prob.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/mc_failure_prob.md
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer4`
`ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer5` | Infrastructure damage | A file with infrastructure damage intervals.
+`damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer4)
[`ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer5`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer5) | Infrastructure damage | A file with infrastructure damage intervals.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`failure_probability` * | `incore:failureProbability` | Results | A dataset containing failure probability results
(format: CSV).
-`sample_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Results | A dataset containing failure state for each sample
(format: CSV).
+`failure_probability` * | [`incore:failureProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:failureProbability) | Results | A dataset containing failure probability results
(format: CSV).
+`sample_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Results | A dataset containing failure state for each sample
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/mean_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/mean_dmg.md
index 531d1329..1520c3ea 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/mean_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/mean_dmg.md
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`damage` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer4`
`incore:pipelineDamageVer2`| Infrastructure dataset | An infrastructure dataset.
-`dmg_ratios` * | `ergo:buildingDamageRatios`
`ergo:roadDamageRatios` | Damage ratios | A damage ratios dataset.
+`damage` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer4)
[`incore:pipelineDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineDamageVer2)| Infrastructure dataset | An infrastructure dataset.
+`dmg_ratios` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageRatios`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageRatios)
[`ergo:roadDamageRatios`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:roadDamageRatios) | Damage ratios | A damage ratios dataset.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `ergo:meanDamage` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`ergo:meanDamage`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:meanDamage) | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/multi_retrofit_optimization.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/multi_retrofit_optimization.md
index f8750c88..3d1cbddc 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/multi_retrofit_optimization.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/multi_retrofit_optimization.md
@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`building_related_data` * | `incore:multiobjectiveBuildingRelatedData` | Building-related data | A csv file with building-related data.
-`strategy_costs_data` * | `incore:multiobjectiveStrategyCost` | Strategy cost | A csv file with strategy cost data per building.
+`building_related_data` * | [`incore:multiobjectiveBuildingRelatedData`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:multiobjectiveBuildingRelatedData) | Building-related data | A csv file with building-related data.
+`strategy_costs_data` * | [`incore:multiobjectiveStrategyCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:multiobjectiveStrategyCost) | Strategy cost | A csv file with strategy cost data per building.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`optimal_solution_dv_x` * | `incore:multiobjectiveOptimalSolutionX` | | Results | A csv file with an optimal solution for decision variable x for Economic loss, Population dislocation and Building functionality values, results of objective function values.
-`optimal_solution_dv_y` * | `incore:multiobjectiveOptimalSolutionY` | | Results | A csv file with an optimal solution for decision variable y with initial and final retrofitted strategies for Economic loss, Population dislocation and Building functionality values, results of objective function values.
+`optimal_solution_dv_x` * | [`incore:multiobjectiveOptimalSolutionX`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:multiobjectiveOptimalSolutionX) | | Results | A csv file with an optimal solution for decision variable x for Economic loss, Population dislocation and Building functionality values, results of objective function values.
+`optimal_solution_dv_y` * | [`incore:multiobjectiveOptimalSolutionY`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:multiobjectiveOptimalSolutionY) | | Results | A csv file with an optimal solution for decision variable y with initial and final retrofitted strategies for Economic loss, Population dislocation and Building functionality values, results of objective function values.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/nci_functionality.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/nci_functionality.md
index 60d8d638..52fb144e 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/nci_functionality.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/nci_functionality.md
@@ -38,22 +38,22 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`epf_network` * | `incore:epnNetwork` | Electric Power Facility Network | Electric Power Facility Network Dataset.
-`wds_network` * | `incore:waterNetwork` | Water Distribution Facility Network | Water Distribution Facility Network Dataset.
-`epf_wds_intdp_table` * | `incore:networkInterdependencyTable` | EPN-to-WDS Interdependency | EPN-to-WDS Interdependency Table.
-`wds_epf_intdp_table` * | `incore:networkInterdependencyTable` | WDS-to-EPN Interdependency | WDS-to-EPN Interdependency Table.
-`epf_subst_failure_results` * | `incore:failureProbability` | Substation failure probability | Substation failure probability Dataset.
-`epf_inventory_rest_map` * | `incore:inventoryRestorationMap` | EPN inventory restoration map | EPN inventory restoration Map.
-`epf_time_results` * | `incore:epfRestorationTime` | EP facility restoration time | EP facility restoration time Dataset.
-`wds_dmg_results` * | `ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer6` | Water facility damage | Water Facility Damage Dataset.
-`wds_inventory_rest_map` * | `incore:inventoryRestorationMap` | WDS inventory restoration map | WDS inventory restoration Map.
-`wds_time_results` * | `incore:waterFacilityRestorationTime` | Water facility restoration time | Water facility restoration time Dataset.
+`epf_network` * | [`incore:epnNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epnNetwork) | Electric Power Facility Network | Electric Power Facility Network Dataset.
+`wds_network` * | [`incore:waterNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterNetwork) | Water Distribution Facility Network | Water Distribution Facility Network Dataset.
+`epf_wds_intdp_table` * | [`incore:networkInterdependencyTable`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:networkInterdependencyTable) | EPN-to-WDS Interdependency | EPN-to-WDS Interdependency Table.
+`wds_epf_intdp_table` * | [`incore:networkInterdependencyTable`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:networkInterdependencyTable) | WDS-to-EPN Interdependency | WDS-to-EPN Interdependency Table.
+`epf_subst_failure_results` * | [`incore:failureProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:failureProbability) | Substation failure probability | Substation failure probability Dataset.
+`epf_inventory_rest_map` * | [`incore:inventoryRestorationMap`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:inventoryRestorationMap) | EPN inventory restoration map | EPN inventory restoration Map.
+`epf_time_results` * | [`incore:epfRestorationTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfRestorationTime) | EP facility restoration time | EP facility restoration time Dataset.
+`wds_dmg_results` * | [`ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer6`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer6) | Water facility damage | Water Facility Damage Dataset.
+`wds_inventory_rest_map` * | [`incore:inventoryRestorationMap`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:inventoryRestorationMap) | WDS inventory restoration map | WDS inventory restoration Map.
+`wds_time_results` * | [`incore:waterFacilityRestorationTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilityRestorationTime) | Water facility restoration time | Water facility restoration time Dataset.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`epf_cascading_functionality` * | `incore:epfDiscretizedCascadingFunc` | `electric_power_facilities` | EPF network interdependency cascading functionality results | CSV file of interdependent cascading network functionality for EPF.
+`epf_cascading_functionality` * | [`incore:epfDiscretizedCascadingFunc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epfDiscretizedCascadingFunc) | `electric_power_facilities` | EPF network interdependency cascading functionality results | CSV file of interdependent cascading network functionality for EPF.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/non_structural_building_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/non_structural_building_dmg.md
index 0cb02aca..0dcc5f2f 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/non_structural_building_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/non_structural_building_dmg.md
@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `ergo:nsBuildingInventoryDamageVer2` | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results
with both, acceleration sensitivy (AS) related
and drift sensitivity (DS) related damage states
(format: CSV).
-`damage_result` * | `incore:nsBuildingInventoryDamageSupplement` | `buildings` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
+`result` * | [`ergo:nsBuildingInventoryDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:nsBuildingInventoryDamageVer2) | `buildings` | Results | A dataset containing results
with both, acceleration sensitivy (AS) related
and drift sensitivity (DS) related damage states
(format: CSV).
+`damage_result` * | [`incore:nsBuildingInventoryDamageSupplement`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:nsBuildingInventoryDamageSupplement) | `buildings` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg.md
index 2e280fc6..7cbcec0b 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg.md
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`pipeline` * | `ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`,
`ergo:pipeline` | Pipeline dataset | A pipeline dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`pipeline` * | [`ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buriedPipelineTopology),
[`ergo:pipeline`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipeline) | Pipeline dataset | A pipeline dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:pipelineDamageVer2` |`pipeline` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`incore:pipelineDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineDamageVer2) |`pipeline` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
`damage_result` * | `pipelineDamageSupplement` | `pipeline` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg_w_repair_rate.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg_w_repair_rate.md
index 4bd1c73b..58a006c0 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg_w_repair_rate.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_dmg_w_repair_rate.md
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`pipeline` * | `ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`,
`ergo:pipeline` | Pipeline dataset | A pipeline dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`pipeline` * | [`ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buriedPipelineTopology),
[`ergo:pipeline`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipeline) | Pipeline dataset | A pipeline dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `ergo:pipelineDamageVer2` | `pipeline` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
-`damage_result` * | `incore:pipelineDamageSupplement` | `pipeline` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
+`result` * | [`ergo:pipelineDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipelineDamageVer2) | `pipeline` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`damage_result` * | [`incore:pipelineDamageSupplement`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineDamageSupplement) | `pipeline` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_functionality.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_functionality.md
index 50d2ffe6..45b60bfc 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_functionality.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_functionality.md
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`pipeline_repair_rate_damage` * | `ergo:pipelineDamageVer3` | pipeline Damage | Output of the pipeline damage repair rate analysis
+`pipeline_repair_rate_damage` * | [`ergo:pipelineDamageVer3`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipelineDamageVer3) | pipeline Damage | Output of the pipeline damage repair rate analysis
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`failure_probability` * | `incore:failureProbability` | Results | A dataset containing failure probability results
(format: CSV).
-`sample_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Results | A dataset containing failure state for each sample
(format: CSV).
+`failure_probability` * | [`incore:failureProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:failureProbability) | Results | A dataset containing failure probability results
(format: CSV).
+`sample_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Results | A dataset containing failure state for each sample
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_repair_cost.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_repair_cost.md
index 1123a96b..26f35e59 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_repair_cost.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_repair_cost.md
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ their damage states, replacement costs, and damage ratios.
| key name | type | name | description |
-| `pipeline` * | `ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`
`ergo:pipeline` | Water Pipeline | Water Pipeline. |
-| `replacement_cost` * | `incore:replacementCost` | Replacement Cost | Repair cost of the node in the complete damage state (= Replacement cost). |
-| `pipeline_dmg` * | `ergo:pipelineDamageVer3` | Pipeline damage from PipelineDamageRepairRate Analysis. |
-| `pipeline_dmg_ratios` * | `incore:pipelineDamageRatios` | Damage Ratios Table | Damage Ratios Table. |
+| `pipeline` * | [`ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buriedPipelineTopology)
[`ergo:pipeline`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipeline) | Water Pipeline | Water Pipeline. |
+| `replacement_cost` * | [`incore:replacementCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:replacementCost) | Replacement Cost | Repair cost of the node in the complete damage state (= Replacement cost). |
+| `pipeline_dmg` * | [`ergo:pipelineDamageVer3`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipelineDamageVer3) | Pipeline damage from PipelineDamageRepairRate Analysis. |
+| `pipeline_dmg_ratios` * | [`incore:pipelineDamageRatios`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineDamageRatios) | Damage Ratios Table | Damage Ratios Table. |
**Output datasets**
| key name | type | name | description |
-| `result` * | `incore:pipelineRepairCost` | Repair Cost | A csv file with repair cost and budget for each water pipeline. |
+| `result` * | [`incore:pipelineRepairCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineRepairCost) | Repair Cost | A csv file with repair cost and budget for each water pipeline. |
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_restoration.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_restoration.md
index 457c9f27..295950ec 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_restoration.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/pipeline_restoration.md
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`pipeline` * | `ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`
`ergo:pipeline` | Pipeline dataset | A pipeline dataset.
-`pipeline_damage` * | `ergo:pipelineDamageVer2`
`ergo:pipelineDamageVer3` | Pipeline damage with repair rates dataset | A pipeline damage with repair rates dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`pipeline` * | [`ergo:buriedPipelineTopology`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buriedPipelineTopology)
[`ergo:pipeline`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipeline) | Pipeline dataset | A pipeline dataset.
+`pipeline_damage` * | [`ergo:pipelineDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipelineDamageVer2)
[`ergo:pipelineDamageVer3`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:pipelineDamageVer3) | Pipeline damage with repair rates dataset | A pipeline damage with repair rates dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`pipeline_restoration` * | `incore:pipelineRestorationVer1` | `pipeline` | Results | Repair time for each pipeline
(format: CSV).
+`pipeline_restoration` * | [`incore:pipelineRestorationVer1`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:pipelineRestorationVer1) | `pipeline` | Results | Repair time for each pipeline
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/populationdislocation.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/populationdislocation.md
index 2d3404dd..d19b358e 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/populationdislocation.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/populationdislocation.md
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`building_dmg` * | `ergo:buildingDamageVer4`
`ergo:buildingDamageVer5` | Building damage | A building damage dataset.
-`housing_unit_allocation` * | `incore:housingUnitAllocation` | Housing allocation | A housing unit allocation dataset.
-`block_group_data` * | `incore:blockGroupData` | Block group data | A block group racial distribution dataset.
-`value_loss_param` * | `incore:valueLossParam` | Loss parameters | A table with value loss beta distribution parameters.
+`building_dmg` * | [`ergo:buildingDamageVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer4)
[`ergo:buildingDamageVer5`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingDamageVer5) | Building damage | A building damage dataset.
+`housing_unit_allocation` * | [`incore:housingUnitAllocation`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:housingUnitAllocation) | Housing allocation | A housing unit allocation dataset.
+`block_group_data` * | [`incore:blockGroupData`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:blockGroupData) | Block group data | A block group racial distribution dataset.
+`value_loss_param` * | [`incore:valueLossParam`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:valueLossParam) | Loss parameters | A table with value loss beta distribution parameters.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:popDislocation` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`incore:popDislocation`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:popDislocation) | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/portfolio_recovery.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/portfolio_recovery.md
index 199a3faa..a5fbbc40 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/portfolio_recovery.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/portfolio_recovery.md
@@ -19,19 +19,19 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`building_data` * | `incore:portfolioBuildingInventory` | Building dataset | A building dataset.
-`occupancy_mapping` * | `incore:portfolioOccupancyMapping` | Occupancy mapping | An occupancy of buildings dataset.
-`building_damage` * | `incore:portfolioBuildingDamage` | Building damage | A building damage.
-`dmg_ratios` * | `incore:portfolioDamageRatios` | Damage ratios | Mean repair by occupancy and building type.
-`utility` * | `incore:portfolioUtilityAvailability` | Utility availability | Utility availability at utility service area.
-`utility_partial` * | `incore:portfolioUtilityAvailability` | Utility availability | Partial utility availability at utility service area.
-`coefFL` * | `incore:portfolioCoefficients` | Initial coefficients | Correlation coefficient of initial functionality.
+`building_data` * | [`incore:portfolioBuildingInventory`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioBuildingInventory) | Building dataset | A building dataset.
+`occupancy_mapping` * | [`incore:portfolioOccupancyMapping`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioOccupancyMapping) | Occupancy mapping | An occupancy of buildings dataset.
+`building_damage` * | [`incore:portfolioBuildingDamage`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioBuildingDamage) | Building damage | A building damage.
+`dmg_ratios` * | [`incore:portfolioDamageRatios`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioDamageRatios) | Damage ratios | Mean repair by occupancy and building type.
+`utility` * | [`incore:portfolioUtilityAvailability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioUtilityAvailability) | Utility availability | Utility availability at utility service area.
+`utility_partial` * | [`incore:portfolioUtilityAvailability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioUtilityAvailability) | Utility availability | Partial utility availability at utility service area.
+`coefFL` * | [`incore:portfolioCoefficients`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioCoefficients) | Initial coefficients | Correlation coefficient of initial functionality.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:portfolioRecovery` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
+`result` * | [`incore:portfolioRecovery`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:portfolioRecovery) | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/residential_building_recovery.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/residential_building_recovery.md
index ebd6de23..3c7e4e8f 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/residential_building_recovery.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/residential_building_recovery.md
@@ -38,18 +38,18 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`buildings` * | `ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`
`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7` | Building dataset | A building dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
-`sample_damage_states` * | `incore:sampleDamageState` | Damage states | Sample damage states.
-`socio_demographic_data` * | `incore:socioDemograhicData` | Socio demographic | Socio-demographic data with household income group predictions.
-`financial_resources` * | `incore:householdFinancialResources` | Financial resources | Financial resources by household income groups.
-`delay_factors` * | `incore:buildingRecoveryFactors` | Delay factors | Delay impeding factors such as post-disaster inspection, insurance claim,
and government permit based on building's damage state. Provided by REDi framework.
+`buildings` * | [`ergo:buildingInventoryVer4`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer4)
[`ergo:buildingInventoryVer7`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:buildingInventoryVer7) | Building dataset | A building dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`sample_damage_states` * | [`incore:sampleDamageState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleDamageState) | Damage states | Sample damage states.
+`socio_demographic_data` * | [`incore:socioDemograhicData`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:socioDemograhicData) | Socio demographic | Socio-demographic data with household income group predictions.
+`financial_resources` * | [`incore:householdFinancialResources`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:householdFinancialResources) | Financial resources | Financial resources by household income groups.
+`delay_factors` * | [`incore:buildingRecoveryFactors`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingRecoveryFactors) | Delay factors | Delay impeding factors such as post-disaster inspection, insurance claim,
and government permit based on building's damage state. Provided by REDi framework.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`residential_building_recovery` * | `incore:buildingRecovery` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with percentages of residential building recovery.
+`residential_building_recovery` * | [`incore:buildingRecovery`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:buildingRecovery) | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with percentages of residential building recovery.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/road_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/road_dmg.md
index 7aca451b..ece4d028 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/road_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/road_dmg.md
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`roads` * | `ergo:roadLinkTopo`,
`ergo:roadLinkTopoVer2` | Road dataset | A road dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`roads` * | [`ergo:roadLinkTopo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:roadLinkTopo),
[`ergo:roadLinkTopoVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:roadLinkTopoVer2) | Road dataset | A road dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `ergo:roadDamageVer2` | `roads` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
-`damage_result` * | `incore:roadDamageSupplement` | `roads` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
+`result` * | [`ergo:roadDamageVer2`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:roadDamageVer2) | `roads` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`damage_result` * | [`incore:roadDamageSupplement`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:roadDamageSupplement) | `roads` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/seaside_cge.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/seaside_cge.md
index a7476d75..d0b8e81b 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/seaside_cge.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/seaside_cge.md
@@ -24,20 +24,20 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`SAM` * | `incore:SeasideCGEsam` | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
-`BB` * | `incore:SeasideCGEbb` | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
-`HHTABLE` * | `incore:SeasideCGEhhtable` | HH Table | HH Table.
-`EMPLOY` * | `incore:SeasideCGEemploy` | Employment | Commercial sector employment data.
-`JOBCR` * | `incore:SeasideCGEjobcr` | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
-`SIMS` * | `incore:SeasideCGEsim` | Capitol shocks random number | Random numbers for the change of capital stocks.
-`sector_shocks` * | `incore:capitalShocks` | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
+`SAM` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEsam`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEsam) | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
+`BB` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEbb`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEbb) | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
+`HHTABLE` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEhhtable`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEhhtable) | HH Table | HH Table.
+`EMPLOY` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEemploy`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEemploy) | Employment | Commercial sector employment data.
+`JOBCR` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEjobcr`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEjobcr) | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
+`SIMS` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEsim`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEsim) | Capitol shocks random number | Random numbers for the change of capital stocks.
+`sector_shocks` * | [`incore:capitalShocks`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:capitalShocks) | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`Seaside_Sims` * | `incore:SeasideCGEsims` | Cge simulations | A dataset containing Seaside cge simulations (format: CSV).
-`Seaside_output` * | `incore:SeasideCGEEmployDS` | Employment supply results | A dataset of changes in employment and supply.
(format: CSV).
+`Seaside_Sims` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEsims`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEsims) | Cge simulations | A dataset containing Seaside cge simulations (format: CSV).
+`Seaside_output` * | [`incore:SeasideCGEEmployDS`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:SeasideCGEEmployDS) | Employment supply results | A dataset of changes in employment and supply.
(format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/slc_cge.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/slc_cge.md
index 38a49ba4..8576b1bb 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/slc_cge.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/slc_cge.md
@@ -24,25 +24,25 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`SAM` * | `incore:CGEsam` | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
-`BB` * | `incore:CGEbb` | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
-`IOUT` | `incore:CGEiout` | Government parameters | A matrix tax revenue transfer.
-`MISC` | `incore:CGEmisc` | Parameters | Data of employment, capital and households
in the economy.
-`MISCH` * | `incore:CGEmisch` | Supply elasticity | Elasticities for the supply of labor.
-`EMPLOY` * | `incore:CGEemploy` | Employment | Commercial sector employment data
-`JOBCR` * | `incore:CGEjobcr` | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
-`OUTCR` * | `incore:CGEoutcr` | Commuter laborers | A matrix of Salt Lake City commuting workers.
-`sector_shocks` * | `incore:capitalShocks` | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
+`SAM` * | [`incore:CGEsam`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEsam) | Social matrix | A social accounting matrix.
+`BB` * | [`incore:CGEbb`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEbb) | Capital composition | A matrix of functioning capital.
+`IOUT` | [`incore:CGEiout`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEiout) | Government parameters | A matrix tax revenue transfer.
+`MISC` | [`incore:CGEmisc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEmisc) | Parameters | Data of employment, capital and households
in the economy.
+`MISCH` * | [`incore:CGEmisch`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEmisch) | Supply elasticity | Elasticities for the supply of labor.
+`EMPLOY` * | [`incore:CGEemploy`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEemploy) | Employment | Commercial sector employment data
+`JOBCR` * | [`incore:CGEjobcr`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEjobcr) | Labor | A matrix of workers groups in the economy.
+`OUTCR` * | [`incore:CGEoutcr`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:CGEoutcr) | Commuter laborers | A matrix of Salt Lake City commuting workers.
+`sector_shocks` * | [`incore:capitalShocks`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:capitalShocks) | Capital shocks | Building states to capital
shocks per sector.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`domestic-supply` * | `incore:Employment` | Supply results | A dataset containing domestic supply results (format: CSV).
-`gross-income` * | `incore:Employment` | Gross income | A dataset of resulting gross income (format: CSV).
-`pre-disaster-factor-demand` * | `incore:FactorDemand` | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand before disaster (format: CSV).
-`post-disaster-factor-demand` * | `incore:FactorDemand` | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand after disaster (format: CSV).
-`household-count` * | `incore:HouseholdCount` | Household count | A dataset of household count (format: CSV).
+`domestic-supply` * | [`incore:Employment`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:Employment) | Supply results | A dataset containing domestic supply results (format: CSV).
+`gross-income` * | [`incore:Employment`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:Employment) | Gross income | A dataset of resulting gross income (format: CSV).
+`pre-disaster-factor-demand` * | [`incore:FactorDemand`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:FactorDemand) | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand before disaster (format: CSV).
+`post-disaster-factor-demand` * | [`incore:FactorDemand`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:FactorDemand) | Factor demand | A dataset of factor demand after disaster (format: CSV).
+`household-count` * | [`incore:HouseholdCount`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:HouseholdCount) | Household count | A dataset of household count (format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/social_vulnerability.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/social_vulnerability.md
index 40ddfb5b..b8350d03 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/social_vulnerability.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/social_vulnerability.md
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`national_vulnerability_feature_averages` * | `incore:socialVulnerabilityFeatureAverages` | National vulnerability feature averages | National averages for features determining social vulnerability.
-`social_vulnerability_demographic_factors` * | `incore:socialVulnerabilityDemFactors` | Demographic factors | social vulnerability demographic factors for a given geographic type.
+`national_vulnerability_feature_averages` * | [`incore:socialVulnerabilityFeatureAverages`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:socialVulnerabilityFeatureAverages) | National vulnerability feature averages | National averages for features determining social vulnerability.
+`social_vulnerability_demographic_factors` * | [`incore:socialVulnerabilityDemFactors`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:socialVulnerabilityDemFactors) | Demographic factors | social vulnerability demographic factors for a given geographic type.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`social_vulnerability_score` * | `incore:socialVulnerabilityScore` | `social_vulnerability_score` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with social vulnerability score at the required geographic level.
+`social_vulnerability_score` * | [`incore:socialVulnerabilityScore`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:socialVulnerabilityScore) | `social_vulnerability_score` | Results | A dataset containing results (format: CSV)
with social vulnerability score at the required geographic level.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/tornadoepn_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/tornadoepn_dmg.md
index 6e56dc32..305bd72f 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/tornadoepn_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/tornadoepn_dmg.md
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`epn_network` * | `incore:epnNetwork` | EPN network dataset | A network dataset of the electric power network.
+`epn_network` * | [`incore:epnNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:epnNetwork) | EPN network dataset | A network dataset of the electric power network.
`seed` * | `int` | Seed | Initial value to seed the random number generator.
-`tornado` *| `incore:tornadoWindfield` | Tornado dataset | A tornado winds dataset.
+`tornado` *| [`incore:tornadoWindfield`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:tornadoWindfield) | Tornado dataset | A tornado winds dataset.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `incore:tornadoEPNDamageVer3` | `epn_network` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
-`metadata` * | `incore:tornadoEPNDamageSupplement` | `epn_network` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
+`result` * | [`incore:tornadoEPNDamageVer3`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:tornadoEPNDamageVer3) | `epn_network` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`metadata` * | [`incore:tornadoEPNDamageSupplement`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:tornadoEPNDamageSupplement) | `epn_network` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/transportation_recovery.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/transportation_recovery.md
index 94c488c8..b8bfa50e 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/transportation_recovery.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/transportation_recovery.md
@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`bridges` * | `ergo:bridges` | Bridge dataset | A bridge dataset.
-`nodes` * | `ergo:roadNetwork` | Rad nodes | A road network dataset.
-`links` * | `ergo:roadNetwork` | Road links | A road network dataset.
-`bridge_damage_value` * | `incore:bridgeDamageValue` | Bridge damages | A bridge dataset.
-`unrepaired_bridge` * | `incore:unrepairedBridge` | Unrepaired bridges | An unrepaired bridge dataset.
-`ADT` * | `incore:ADT` | Bridge traffic | A dataset of daily traffic.
+`bridges` * | [`ergo:bridges`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:bridges) | Bridge dataset | A bridge dataset.
+`nodes` * | [`ergo:roadNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:roadNetwork) | Rad nodes | A road network dataset.
+`links` * | [`ergo:roadNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:roadNetwork) | Road links | A road network dataset.
+`bridge_damage_value` * | [`incore:bridgeDamageValue`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:bridgeDamageValue) | Bridge damages | A bridge dataset.
+`unrepaired_bridge` * | [`incore:unrepairedBridge`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:unrepairedBridge) | Unrepaired bridges | An unrepaired bridge dataset.
+`ADT` * | [`incore:ADT`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:ADT) | Bridge traffic | A dataset of daily traffic.
**Output Datasets**
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`optimal_solution_of_bridge_repair_schedule` * | `incore:transportationRepairSchedule` | Repair schedule | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
-`overall_transportation_recovery_trajectory` * | `incore:transportationRecovery` | Recovery trajectory | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
+`optimal_solution_of_bridge_repair_schedule` * | [`incore:transportationRepairSchedule`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:transportationRepairSchedule) | Repair schedule | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
+`overall_transportation_recovery_trajectory` * | [`incore:transportationRecovery`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:transportationRecovery) | Recovery trajectory | A dataset containing results (format: CSV).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_repair_cost.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_repair_cost.md
index 09e55ae2..fb71286e 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_repair_cost.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_repair_cost.md
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
-`water_facilities` * | `ergo:waterFacilityTopo` | Water Facilities | Water Facilities.
-`replacement_cost` * | `incore:replacementCost` | Replacement Cost | Repair cost of the node in the complete damage state (= Replacement cost).
-`sample_damage_states` * | `incore:sampleDamageState` | Sample Damage States | Sample damage states from Monte Carlo Simulation.
-`wf_dmg_ratios` * | `incore:waterFacilityDamageRatios` | Damage Ratios Table | Damage Ratios Table.
+`water_facilities` * | [`ergo:waterFacilityTopo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:waterFacilityTopo) | Water Facilities | Water Facilities.
+`replacement_cost` * | [`incore:replacementCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:replacementCost) | Replacement Cost | Repair cost of the node in the complete damage state (= Replacement cost).
+`sample_damage_states` * | [`incore:sampleDamageState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleDamageState) | Sample Damage States | Sample damage states from Monte Carlo Simulation.
+`wf_dmg_ratios` * | [`incore:waterFacilityDamageRatios`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilityDamageRatios) | Damage Ratios Table | Damage Ratios Table.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | name | description
-`result` * | `incore:repairCost` | Repair Cost | A csv file with repair cost and budget for each water facility.
+`result` * | [`incore:repairCost`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:repairCost) | Repair Cost | A csv file with repair cost and budget for each water facility.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_restoration.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_restoration.md
index 0c6052d4..aa5b3cfb 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_restoration.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/water_facility_restoration.md
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
-`water_facilities` * | `ergo:waterFacilityTopo` | Water Facilities | Water Facilities.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`water_facilities` * | [`ergo:waterFacilityTopo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:waterFacilityTopo) | Water Facilities | Water Facilities.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`time_results` * | `incore:waterFacilityRestorationTime` | `water_facilities` | Time results | A csv file recording repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
-`pf_results` * | `incore:waterFacilityRestorationFunc` | `water_facilities` | Percentage of functionality results | A csv file recording functionality change with time for each class and limit state.
-`inventory_restoration_map` * | `incore:inventoryRestorationMap` | `water_facilities` | Mapping of inventory and restoration | A csv file recording the mapping relationship between GUID and restoration id applicable.
-`func_results` * | `incore:waterFacilityDiscretizedRestorationFunc` | Discretized restoration functionality | A csv file recording discretized functionality over time.
+`time_results` * | [`incore:waterFacilityRestorationTime`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilityRestorationTime) | `water_facilities` | Time results | A csv file recording repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class and limit state.
+`pf_results` * | [`incore:waterFacilityRestorationFunc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilityRestorationFunc) | `water_facilities` | Percentage of functionality results | A csv file recording functionality change with time for each class and limit state.
+`inventory_restoration_map` * | [`incore:inventoryRestorationMap`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:inventoryRestorationMap) | `water_facilities` | Mapping of inventory and restoration | A csv file recording the mapping relationship between GUID and restoration id applicable.
+`func_results` * | [`incore:waterFacilityDiscretizedRestorationFunc`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilityDiscretizedRestorationFunc) | Discretized restoration functionality | A csv file recording discretized functionality over time.
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/waterfacility_dmg.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/waterfacility_dmg.md
index bf0afc10..5b1131f3 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/waterfacility_dmg.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/waterfacility_dmg.md
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`water_facilities` * | `ergo:waterFacilityTopo` | Facility dataset | A water facility dataset.
-`dfr3_mapping_set` * | `incore:dfr3MappingSet` | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
+`water_facilities` * | [`ergo:waterFacilityTopo`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:waterFacilityTopo) | Facility dataset | A water facility dataset.
+`dfr3_mapping_set` * | [`incore:dfr3MappingSet`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:dfr3MappingSet) | DFR3 Mapping Set | DFR3 Mapping Set.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`result` * | `ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer5` | `water_facilities` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
-`damage_result` * | `incore:waterFacilityDamageSupplement` | `water_facilities` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
+`result` * | [`ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer5`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/ergo:waterFacilityDamageVer5) | `water_facilities` | Results | A dataset containing results
(format: CSV).
+`damage_result` * | [`incore:waterFacilityDamageSupplement`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterFacilityDamageSupplement) | `water_facilities` | Results | Information about applied hazard value and fragility
(format: JSON).
(* required)
diff --git a/manual_jb/content/analyses/wfn_functionality.md b/manual_jb/content/analyses/wfn_functionality.md
index a66a15c1..1a81a6a9 100644
--- a/manual_jb/content/analyses/wfn_functionality.md
+++ b/manual_jb/content/analyses/wfn_functionality.md
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ key name | type | name | description
key name | type | name | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
-`wfn_network` * | `incore:waterNetwork` | Water Facility Network | Water Facility Network Dataset.
-`wf_sample_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Water Facilities Failure Sample States | Water Facilities Failure Sample States.
-`pp_sample_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | Pipeline Functionality Failure Sample States | Pipeline Functionality Failure Sample States.
+`wfn_network` * | [`incore:waterNetwork`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:waterNetwork) | Water Facility Network | Water Facility Network Dataset.
+`wf_sample_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Water Facilities Failure Sample States | Water Facilities Failure Sample States.
+`pp_sample_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | Pipeline Functionality Failure Sample States | Pipeline Functionality Failure Sample States.
**Output datasets**
key name | type | parent key | name | description
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-`failure_probability` * | `incore:failureProbability` | `water_facilities` | Probability of functionality results | A csv file recording the probability of functionality for water facilities.
-`sample_failure_state` * | `incore:sampleFailureState` | `water_facilities` | Sample failure state results | A csv file recording sample failure states for water facilities.
+`failure_probability` * | [`incore:failureProbability`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:failureProbability) | `water_facilities` | Probability of functionality results | A csv file recording the probability of functionality for water facilities.
+`sample_failure_state` * | [`incore:sampleFailureState`](https://incore.ncsa.illinois.edu/semantics/api/types/incore:sampleFailureState) | `water_facilities` | Sample failure state results | A csv file recording sample failure states for water facilities.
(* required)