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Developer's Documentation

This documentation provides an overview of the code and its functionality. It includes a brief introduction, table of contents, function explanations, dependencies, and API specifications (if present). The code is written in Python using the Django framework.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Code Overview
  3. Function Explanations
  4. Dependencies
  5. API Specifications (if applicable)
  6. Schema Tables


The code provided includes models for a Club, Item, and Request. These models are defined using the Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). The models represent different entities in a club management system, such as clubs, items, and requests. The code also includes functions for checking user access and authorization.

Code Overview

The code consists of three model classes: Club, Item, and Request. Each class represents a table in the database and defines the fields and relationships between the tables. Additionally, there are functions for checking user access and authorization.

Function Explanations

can_user_access(user_id, action, club_id=None)

This function checks if a user can access a specific view method. It takes the user ID, action, and optional club ID as parameters. It retrieves the user's permissions based on the club and user ID. If the user has the necessary permissions, it returns True; otherwise, it returns False.


The code has the following dependencies:

  • Django: a Python web framework
  • Django's built-in models and shortcuts
  • Base models: models related to the club management system
  • Account models: models related to user accounts
  • Math: for mathematical calculations

API Specifications

There are no API specifications provided in the code.

Schema Tables


Field Name Type Description
users ManyToMany Users associated with the club
club_name CharField Name of the club
description TextField Description of the club
logo ImageField Logo of the club


Field Name Type Description
item_name CharField Name of the item
qty IntegerField Quantity of the item
club ForeignKey Club associated with the item
image ImageField

Developer's Documentation


This documentation provides an overview of the code and its functions. It includes a brief introduction, table of contents, function explanations, dependencies, API specs (if present), and schema tables in markdown format.

Table of Contents

  1. is_ajax(request)
  2. index(request)
  3. user_add(request, club_id)

Function Explanations


This function checks if a request is an AJAX request.


This function is the handler for the index page. It retrieves a list of clubs for the user and renders the index.html template.

user_add(request, club_id)

This function handles the user add functionality. It checks if the user has permission to add a user to a club, retrieves the necessary data, and renders the user_add.html template.


The code has the following dependencies:

  • PermissionAssignment
  • Permission
  • User
  • Club
  • CreateUserForm
  • InfoForm
  • PermissionAssignmentForm

API Specs

No API specifications are present in the code.

Schema Tables

No schema tables are present in the code.

Developer Documentation


This documentation provides an overview and explanation of the code provided. It includes function explanations, dependencies, and API specifications (if present).

Table of Contents

Function: user_add

This function is responsible for creating a new user account and adding them to a club.


  • request: The HTTP request object.
  • club_id: The ID of the club the user will be added to.


  • info_form: A module containing the Info class.
  • User: A class representing a user.
  • Club: A class representing a club.
  • Role: A class representing a role.
  • Permission_Assignment: A class representing a permission assignment.
  • messages: A module for displaying messages to the user.

API Specs


Schema Tables

Variable Type Description
roll_no string The roll number of the user.
user object The user object.
user_info object The info object linked to the user.
club object The club object.
role_id string The ID of the role.
role object The role object.
permission_assignment object The permission assignment object.

Function: existing_user_add

This function is responsible for adding an existing user to a club.


  • request: The HTTP request object.
  • club_id: The ID of the club the user will be added to.


  • can_user_access: A function for checking user access.
  • Club: A class representing a club.
  • PermissionAssignmentForm: A form for permission assignment.
  • User: A class representing a user.
  • messages: A module for displaying messages to the user.

API Specs


Schema Tables

Variable Type Description
user_id string The ID of the user to be added.
user object The user object.
club object The club object.
name string The name of the user

Developer Documentation

This documentation provides an overview of the code and its functions, along with explanations of each function and its usage. It also includes information about any dependencies and API specifications.

Table of Contents


The code provided consists of several functions related to managing clubs and items within a club. These functions handle tasks such as adding a club, viewing club details, adding items to a club, and viewing all items and requests related to a club.

Function Explanations

  1. club_add(request)

    • This function handles the addition of a new club.
    • It takes a POST request as input and adds the club to the database.
    • If the club is added successfully, it redirects the user to the home page.
    • If there is an error, it renders the club add page with the form.
  2. club_view(request, club_id)

    • This function handles the viewing of club details.
    • It checks if the user has access to view the club using the can_user_access function.
    • If the user has access, it retrieves the club and its members from the database.
    • It renders the club view page with the club and members as context.
    • If the user does not have access, it redirects to an error page.
  3. item_add(request, club_id)

    • This function handles the addition of a new item to a club.
    • It checks if the user has access to add an item using the can_user_access function.
    • If the user has access, it retrieves the club and initializes the form with the club.
    • It validates the form and saves the item if the form is valid.
    • If the item is added successfully, it redirects to the items view page for the club.
    • It renders the item add page with the club and form as context.
    • If the user does not have access, it redirects to an error page.
  4. view_all_requests(club)

    • This function retrieves all requests related to a club.
    • It returns a queryset of all the requests, ordered by date created.
  5. items_view(request, club_id)

Developer Documentation


This documentation provides an overview of the code and its functions for updating items, deleting items, and approving requests. It also includes information on the dependencies and API specifications.

Table of Contents

Function: item_update

Updates an existing item.


  • request: The HTTP request object.
  • club_id: The ID of the club.
  • item_id: The ID of the item.


  • can_user_access: Checks if the user has access to update the item.
  • Item.objects.get: Retrieves the item with the given ID.
  • Club.objects.get: Retrieves the club with the given ID.
  • ItemForm: Form for updating the item.

API Specifications


Schema Tables


Function: item_delete

Deletes an item.


  • request: The HTTP request object.
  • item_id: The ID of the item.


  • Item.objects.get: Retrieves the item with the given ID.
  • can_user_access: Checks if the user has access to delete the item.

API Specifications


Schema Tables


Function: request_approve

Approves a request if there is sufficient quantity available.


  • request: The HTTP request object.
  • request_id: The ID of the request.


  • Request.objects.get: Retrieves the request with the given ID.
  • can_user_access: Checks if the user has access to approve the request.

API Specifications


Schema Tables


Code Documentation

This documentation provides an overview of the functions and their purpose in the given code.

Table of Contents

Function: request_approve

def request_approve(request, request_id):
    req = Request.objects.get(id=request_id)
    club_id =
    if can_user_access(, 'request_approve', club_id):
        if req.item.quantity >= req.qty:
            req.status = 'Approved'
            # Email the user about the approval
                    f'Congratulations! Your request for {req.qty} {req.item.item_name} has been approved by the Convener of {}.',
      , 'The mail has not been sent. Please check your host connection.')
  , 'Request approved successfully!')
            return redirect(reverse('items_view', args=[club_id]))
  , 'Request cannot be approved - Insufficient Quantity')
            return redirect(reverse('items_view', args=[club_id]))
        return redirect('error_page')


This function is used to approve a request made by a user. It checks if the user has access to approve the request and if the requested quantity is available. If the conditions are met, it updates the request status to 'Approved' and sends an email notification to the user. Finally, it redirects the user to the items view page of the respective club.


  • login_required decorator
  • Request model
  • can_user_access function
  • send_mail function
  • messages module
  • settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER configuration
  • redirect function
  • reverse function

API Specs


Function: request_reject

def request_reject(request, request_id):
    req = Request.objects.get(id=request_id)
    club_id =
# Developers Documentation

This documentation provides an overview of the code and its functions. It includes a brief introduction, table of contents, function explanations, dependencies, and API specifications (if present). The code is written in Python.

## Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Function: convener.values_list
3. Function: club_statistics
4. Function: error_page

## Introduction
The code provided contains three functions: `convener.values_list`, `club_statistics`, and `error_page`. These functions are used in a web application to manage requests for items in a club. The code includes login requirements and handles various operations related to requests and statistics. 

## Function: convener.values_list
This function is used to retrieve a list of values from the `user__email` field in the database. It takes two parameters: `user__email` and `flat`. The `user__email` parameter specifies the field to retrieve values from, and the `flat` parameter determines whether the values should be returned as a flat list. 

## Function: club_statistics
This function is used to display statistics for a club. It takes two parameters: `request` and `club_id`. The `request` parameter is an HTTP request object, and the `club_id` parameter specifies the ID of the club for which statistics are to be displayed. 

The function first checks if the user has access to view club statistics. If the user has access, the function retrieves the club object based on the `club_id`. It then retrieves a list of items and requests associated with the club. 

The function also groups the requests by item and calculates the count of requests for each item. It retrieves the choices for the status field and groups the requests by status, calculating the count for each status. 

The function returns a rendered HTML template with the retrieved data and context.

## Function: error_page
This function is used to display an error page. It takes one parameter: `request`, which is an HTTP request object. The function simply renders an HTML template for the error page.

## Dependencies
The code may have dependencies on external libraries or frameworks. Please ensure that the required dependencies are installed before running the code.

## API Specifications
There are no API specifications provided in the code.

## Schema Tables
There are no schema tables provided in the code.