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Plot a Block Graph

RaiBishal edited this page Sep 11, 2019 · 26 revisions

IBEX provides a quick, easy way to plot a graph of a block or PV as a function of time (i.e. a "strip-chart").

Plot a Graph of a Block

To plot a graph of a block:

  1. Select Log Plotter from the View Selector (see Views).
  2. If you have not previously plotted a block, IBEX displays an empty view, prompting you to select a block. If you have already plotted a block, IBEX restores the graph.
  3. To plot a block, simply right-click on a block displayed in the Blocks & Groups view at the top of the IBEX window.
  4. Right-clicking displays a pop-up menu and choose Display block history from the menu. Here you can either add the trace for this block to an existing plot, or create a new, separate plot.
  5. IBEX displays a graph of the selected block as a function of time.

The graph axes will automatically adjust to the range of values that the selected block has experienced. The graph axes are labelled with the name of the underlying PV (remember, blocks are aliases to PVs).

Plot a Graph of a PV

You can choose a PV to be plotted from any OPI, in the same way as choosing a block. Simply right-click on the PV and select Process Variable > Log Plotter from the menu.

Changing the Appearance of a Graph

Along the top of the graph are a series of buttons which allow you to adjust the appearance of the graph.

Right clicking on the y-axis allows you to quickly toggle settings such as auto-scale and grid lines, or to edit the axis name and range.

For more advanced adjustments, you can right-click and select 'Open Properties Panel' which will open a panel to the right of the graph (by default), which give you more granular control of the appearance of your graph or plot.

The 'When archived data arrives, perform stagger' option under 'Value Axis', when selected, will re-scale and stagger the graph whenever it fetches archived data, for example when adding another block to the graph or increasing the time window.

Plotting Multiple Traces on the Same Axis

The log plotter allows you to display multiple traces on the same value axis so they scale together. The way to do this is as follows:

  1. Right click on the graph and select Open Properties Panel
  2. In the Traces tab, find the column titled Axis
  3. In the row of any trace, click the axis entry, then select the axis of the trace you want to add it to from the drop-down list.
  4. They will now be displayed along the same value axis.

As of Release Version 5.5, you can right click on the block you want to add and select the option to add to an existing axis.

Adjusting Time Axis on Log Plotter

The time axis can be manipulated to adjust its start and end time using the time option. This option could be found under the plotted PVs tab.

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