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genie_python and IBEX (Getting started)

AdrianPotter edited this page Jul 19, 2017 · 4 revisions

Starting a scripting session


The best way to run genie_python commands is from the scripting perspective of the IBEX client.

To open a scripting window:

  1. Start the IBEX client
  2. Open the scripting perspective
  1. From here, you can start entering Python code. It will be executed line by line as you enter it.

Outside IBEX

You can also open a scripting terminal by running C:\Instrument\Apps\Python\genie_python.bat but this is recommended for advanced users only.

Exercise 1

  • Open a scripting window in IBEX
  • Output "Hello, world!" to the console
  • Output the square of all the integers between 1 and 10


Next: Common commands

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