Official web site:
Example of composed report based on automotion-maven-plugin:
- Repo:
add dependecy:
<dependency> <groupId>net.itarray</groupId> <artifactId>automotion</artifactId> <version>LATEST</version> </dependency>
Responsive UI Validator allows to validate UI on web or mobile page using lots of criterias. Also it allows tu build thr HTMl report after validation.
ResponsiveUIValidator uiValidator = new ResponsiveUIValidator(driver); UISnapshot mainSnapshot = uiValidator.snapshot("Main"); boolean success = mainSnapshot.findElement(page.topSlider(), "Top Slider") .isLeftAlignedWith(page.gridContainer(), "Grid Container") .isBottomAlignedWith(page.topTextBlock(), "Text Block") .hasWidth(between(percent(300, PAGE)).and(percent(500, PAGE))) .hasEqualSizeAs(page.gridElements()) .isCenteredOnPageHorizontally() .isCenteredOnPageVertically() .isInsideOf(page.mainContainer(), "Main container", new Padding(10, 50, 10, 20)) .validate(); uiValidator.generateReport("Report Name");
Description for each methods available in the framework:
Init method:
snapshot(); // Method that defines start of new validation. Needs to be called each time before calling findElement(), findElements() snapshot("Scenario name"); // Method that defines start of new validation with specified name of scenario. Needs to be called each time before calling findElement(), findElements() setColorForRootElement(Color color); // Set color for main element. This color will be used for highlighting element in results setColorForHighlightedElements(Color color); // Set color for compared elements. This color will be used for highlighting elements in results setLinesColor(Color color); // Set color for grid lines. This color will be used for the lines of alignment grid in results setRetinaScaleFactor(double factor); // Set scale factor for retina and mobile screens findElement(WebElement element, String readableNameOfElement); // Main method to specify which element we want to validate (can be called only findElement() OR findElements() for single validation) findElements(List<WebElement> elements); // Main method to specify the list of elements that we want to validate (can be called only findElement() OR findElements() for single validation)
For single element findElement({element}, "name"):
// position UIElementValidator isRightOf(WebElement element); UIElementValidator isRightOf(WebElement element, Condition<Scalar> distanceCondition); UIElementValidator isLeftOf(WebElement element); UIElementValidator isLeftOf(WebElement element, Condition<Scalar> distanceCondition); UIElementValidator isBelow(WebElement element); UIElementValidator isBelow(WebElement element, Condition<Scalar> distanceCondition); UIElementValidator isAbove(WebElement element); UIElementValidator isAbove(WebElement element, Condition<Scalar> distanceCondition); // area UIElementValidator isOverlapping(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator isNotOverlapping(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator isNotOverlapping(List<WebElement> elements); UIElementValidator isInsideOf(WebElement containerElement, String readableContainerName); UIElementValidator isInsideOf(WebElement containerElement, String readableContainerName, Padding padding); // alignment UIElementValidator isLeftAlignedWith(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator isLeftAlignedWith(List<WebElement> elements); UIElementValidator isRightAlignedWith(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator isRightAlignedWith(List<WebElement> elements); UIElementValidator isTopAlignedWith(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator isTopAlignedWith(List<WebElement> elements); UIElementValidator isBottomAlignedWith(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator isBottomAlignedWith(List<WebElement> elements); // size UIElementValidator hasWidth(Condition<Scalar> condition); UIElementValidator hasHeight(Condition<Scalar> condition); UIElementValidator hasEqualWidthAs(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator hasEqualWidthAs(List<WebElement> elements); UIElementValidator hasEqualHeightAs(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator hasEqualHeightAs(List<WebElement> elements); UIElementValidator hasEqualSizeAs(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator hasEqualSizeAs(List<WebElement> elements); UIElementValidator hasDifferentSizeAs(WebElement element, String readableName); UIElementValidator hasDifferentSizeAs(List<WebElement> elements); // offset? UIElementValidator hasLeftOffsetToPage(Condition<Scalar> condition); UIElementValidator hasRightOffsetToPage(Condition<Scalar> condition); UIElementValidator hasTopOffsetToPage(Condition<Scalar> condition); UIElementValidator hasBottomOffsetToPage(Condition<Scalar> condition); // css UIElementValidator hasCssValue(String cssProperty, String... args); UIElementValidator doesNotHaveCssValue(String cssProperty, String... args); // distribution UIElementValidator isCenteredOnPageHorizontally(); UIElementValidator isCenteredOnPageVertically();
For list of elements findElements({element}):
// areAlignedInColumns(numberOfColumns) ChunkUIElementValidator alignedAsGrid(int horizontalGridSize); ChunkUIElementValidator alignedAsGrid(int horizontalGridSize, int verticalGridSize); // area ChunkUIElementValidator doNotOverlap(); ChunkUIElementValidator areInsideOf(WebElement containerElement, String readableContainerName); // size ChunkUIElementValidator haveEqualSize(); ChunkUIElementValidator haveEqualWidth(); ChunkUIElementValidator haveEqualHeight(); ChunkUIElementValidator haveDifferentSizes(); ChunkUIElementValidator haveDifferentWidths(); ChunkUIElementValidator haveDifferentHeights(); // alignment ChunkUIElementValidator areLeftAligned(); ChunkUIElementValidator areRightAligned(); ChunkUIElementValidator areTopAligned(); ChunkUIElementValidator areBottomAligned(); // ChunkUIElementValidator areCenteredOnPageVertically(); ChunkUIElementValidator areCenteredOnPageHorizontally();
Generating results:
validate(); // Call method to summarize and validate the results (can be called with drawMap(). In this case result will be only True or False) generateReport(); // Call method to generate HTML report generateReport("file report name"); // Call method to generate HTML report with specified file report name
Helpers that are useful in the very different situations:
Generate UUID with specified length:
Helper.getGeneratedStringWithLength(int length) - String
Create image file on fly:
Helper.createFile(String filename) - File. Will be saved in the folder "target/" that is been created after building
Parse JSON text:
Parser.getJSONValue(String textToParse, String key) - String
Parse XML text based on SAX algorithm:
Parser.getXMLValue(String xmlToParse, String xpath) - String Parser.getXMLValues(String xmlToParse, String xpath) - List<String>
Smart Text finder. Can find the string even in the broken text with corrupted characters:
TextFinder.textIsFound(String whatToFind, String whereToFind) - bool. Default derivation is 30% (0.3). It means that accuracy of searching will be 70% TextFinder.setDerivation(int newValue) - void. New value between 0 and 1.
Mail checker (IMAP). Possible to connect to any IMAP mail box (Gmail for example) and get the list of mails with access to the mail details.
MailService mailService = new MailService(); mailService .setFolder(MailService.MailFolder.INBOX) // (INBOX, SPAM, TRASH) .login(String IMAP_Server, int IMAP_Port, String email, String passwordToEmail); mailService.isLoggedIn()) - boolean mailService.getMessageCount() - integer mailService.getMessages() - Message[] mailService.getLastMessage() - Message - last message
Language validator. Algorithm based on semantic approach of languages validation on the web page. Allowed methods:
LanguageChecker.getRecognisedLanguage(String textToValidate) - Optional<LdLocale> Allowed method .get() to get access to the details. E.g LanguageChecker.getRecognisedLanguage(String textToValidate).get().getLanguage() will return "en" LanguageChecker.isCorrectLanguageOnThePage(WebDriver driver, String lang) - boolean. String lang is 2-chars abbreviature. E.g "en" or "es"
Web and mobile WebDriver Helpers that are useful in the very different situations:
All the methods are collected in both classes: MobileHelper and DriverHelper. The most useful pf them are:
DriverHelper.scrollDownWeb(WebDriver driver) DriverHelper.scrollUpWeb(WebDriver driver) DriverHelper.scrollDownMobile(AppiumDriver driver) DriverHelper.scrollUpMobile(AppiumDriver driver) DriverHelper.scrollDownMobile(AppiumDriver driver, int duration) - duration not less than 500ms DriverHelper.scrollUpMobile(AppiumDriver driver, int duration) - duration not less than 500ms DriverHelper.scrollDownMobileElement(AppiumDriver driver, MobileElement element) DriverHelper.scrollUpMobileElement(AppiumDriver driver, MobileElement element) DriverHelper.scrollDownMobileElement(AppiumDriver driver, MobileElement element, int duration) - duration not less than 500ms DriverHelper.scrollUpMobileElement(AppiumDriver driver, MobileElement element, int duration) - duration not less than 500ms DriverHelper.zoomInOutPage(WebDriver driver, int zoomPercent) - zoom In/Out the page DriverHelper.hideKeyboard(AppiumDriver driver) - super method that perform hiding of keyboard for Android and iOS driver, WebElement element) - Smart click that will try to click few times DriverHelper.clickByLocation(WebDriver driver, WebElement element, ClickPoint clickPoint) DriverHelper.clickByLocation(AppiumDriver driver, MobileElement element, ClickPoint clickPoint) - methods for clickin on the elements with specified point of click. Allowed ClickPoint are: ClickPoint.TOP_LEFT, ClickPoint.TOP_RIGHT, ClickPoint.BOTTOM_LEFT, ClickPoint.BOTTOM_RIGHT, ClickPoint.CENTER DriverHelper.clickJQuery(WebDriver driver, WebElement element) - click method that is performed by triggering JQuery native method DriverHelper.waitForPageIsReady(WebDriver driver) - wait for page is loaded and all the backgrounded process are finished MobileHelper.turnOnWifi() - turn on WiFI on Android Mobile device MobileHelper.turnOffWifi() - turn off WiFI on Android Mobile device MobileHelper.turnOnMobileData() - turn on Mobile data on Android Mobile device MobileHelper.turnOffMobileData() - turn off Mobile data on Android Mobile device MobileHelper.turnOnAirplaneMode() - turn on Airplane mode on Android Mobile device MobileHelper.turnOffAirplaneMode() - turn off Airplane mode on Android Mobile device MobileHelper.openAndroidNotifications(AppiumDriver driver) - open notification tray on Android devices
API calls. This part is very important because allows to perform different kind of HTTP(s) request with parameters.
Example of sending POST request:
new ConnectionFactory(String baseUrl).sendPost(Map map, String endpoint, String token, boolean withMediaFile) - return Map<Integer, String> where Integer is response code and String is response body Parameter map contains usual HTTP Pair-Values set of data in the representation of Java Map interface. String endpoint - is the ending of URL e.g "/api/v1/users". Parameter boolean withMediaFile is for advanced usage if You want to generate and upload some file Parameter token - is authorisation token if we want to perform request with auth. If not, just leave this parameter as empty string
Example of sending GET request:
new ConnectionFactory(String baseUrl).sendGet(String endpoint, String token) - return Map<Integer, String> where Integer is response code and String is response body String endpoint - is the ending of URL e.g "/api/v1/users?id=1" Parameter token - is authorisation token if we want to perform request with auth. If not, just leave this parameter as empty string
Example of sending PUT request:
new ConnectionFactory(String baseUrl).sendPut(Map map, String endpoint, String token) - return Map<Integer, String> where Integer is response code and String is response body Parameter map contains usual HTTP Pair-Values set of data in the representation of Java Map interface. String endpoint - is the ending of URL e.g "/api/v1/users". Parameter token - is authorisation token if we want to perform request with auth. If not, just leave this parameter as empty string
Example of sending DELETE request:
new ConnectionFactory(String baseUrl).sendDelete(String endpoint, String token) - return Map<Integer, String> where Integer is response code and String is response body String endpoint - is the ending of URL e.g "/api/v1/users?id=1" Parameter token - is authorisation token if we want to perform request with auth. If not, just leave this parameter as empty string
Create instance of WebDriverFactory and call getDriver:
WebDriverFactory driverFactory = new WebDriverFactory(); WebDriver driver = driverFactory.getDriver();
Extend Your page classes from BaseWebMobileElement class to have access to methods:
getWebElement(final By by) getWebElement(ExpectedCondition<WebElement> expectedCondition) getMobileElement(final By by, int timeOfWaiting) getMobileElement(final By by) getWebElements(final By by) getWebElements(ExpectedCondition<List<WebElement>> expectedCondition)
- Specify env variables or system properties (example):
For Web local run:
IS_LOCAL=True BROWSER=Firefox|Chrome|IE|Safari|EDGE
For Web remote run:
IS_REMOTE=True BROWSER=Firefox|Chrome|IE|Safari|EDGE EXECUTOR=http://{host}:{port}/wd/hub (optional available with Chrome only) MOBILE_DEVICE_EMULATION=Google Nexus 5|Apple iPhone 6|Samsung Galaxy S5
For Web Mobile run:
IS_MOBILE=True PLATFORM=Android|iOS BROWSER=Chrome|Safari EXECUTOR=http://{host}:{port}/wd/hub DEVICE=Device name
For Web Headless run (with PhantomJS without browser):
IS_HEADLESS=True BROWSER=Firefox|Chrome|IE|Safari PHANTOM_JS_PATH=C://phantomjs.exe
For Native Mobile run:
IS_MOBILE=True PLATFORM=Android|iOS APP={path_to_app} EXECUTOR=http://{host}:{port}/wd/hub DEVICE=Device name
For Windows UWP:
IS_MOBILE=True PLATFORM=Windows APP={path_to_app} EXECUTOR=http://{host}:{port}/wd/hub DEVICE=Device name or ID
Denys Zaiats