Penn Haptics team's repository for BOLT related work
--Notes for getting started--
--Cheetah USB Driver--
- download from
- unzip
- sudo cp tp-usb-drivers-v2.10/linux/99-totalphase.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
--Electrical Connections-- (Try for this order, but it doesn't really matter)
- Plug the biotac sensors into the Multi-BioTac board
- Plug the +5V nano-USB cable into the MBTB and your computer's USB
- Plug the Cheetah's 10 pin ribbon cable into the MBTB
- Plug the Cheetah's USB into your computer's USB port
--Software Setup--
- In your .bashrc.ros: ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/your/path/to/biotac_stack:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
rosmake biotac_stack
--Running Software-- rosrun biotac_sensors biotac_pub
Check to make sure your sensors are working: rostopic echo biotac_pub
Then to log some data in JSON form: rosrun biotac_logger _filename:=trial_001.json
--Matlab GUI-- Please see the Penn Bolt Wiki for instructions on how to use the GUI
--Extracting Audio-- rosrun extract_bag_audio <full_bagfile_path> /audio <full_mp3_file_path>