All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Class Args for parsing arguments #7.
- Deleting task #6.
- Task name rename to description.
- Task difficulty rename to priority.
- Sorting by today task complitions and today task score.
- Showing today task complitions and score.
- Improve table view #8.
- Short header of table.
- Move class Task to
- Way of showing tags.
- Today score and yesterday score show correct scores.
- Showing total score for task in table #2.
- Today score #5.
- Yesterday score.
- Average score.
- Sorting by score
- Sorting tags by score, if grouping is by tags #4.
- Sorting by date if some task don't have complition.
- Improve printing of header and rows.
- Class for working with time.
- Show today completed tasks with green color #1.
- Move custom exception to
- Show only headers when database is empty.
- Move Colors class to
- Move load and save json functions to
- Incorrect type of tags in
- Set up template.
- Adding task with name, tags, difficulty.
- Editing task with name, tags, difficulty.
- Completion task with date of complition.
- Display task as table in console.
- Group tasks by difficulty, tags, count of complition, date of last complition.
- Sort tasks by id, name, difficulty, count of complition, date of last complition.
- Save data to platform specific app data dir.