Coldforce is a library written in C that supports various network protocols. With the asynchronous API of this library You can easily develop event-driven network applications. The currently supported protocols are as follows. All of these support clients and servers (multi-client, C10K).
- TCP/UDP (IPv4/IPv6)
- TLS/DTLS (OpenSSL or wolfSSL) (Sorry, DTLS doesn't work on windows)
- HTTP/1.1 (http/https, pipelining, basic/digest authentication)
- HTTP/2 (server push)
- WebSocket (ws/wss, over http2)
- Windows
- Linux
- macOS
C99 or later
OpenSSL or wolfSSL (only when using TLS, https and wss)
wolfSSL build options
IDE #define OPENSSL_EXTRA #define OPENSSL_ALL #define HAVE_ALPN #define HAVE_SNI #define WOLFSSL_SYS_CA_CERTS #define WOLFSSL_DTLS #define WOLFSSL_DTLS13 mkdir inc/wolfssl copy your user_settings.h to inc/wolfssl/.
configure --enable-opensslextra --enable-opensslall --enable-alpn --enable-sni --enable-sys-ca-certs --enable-dtls --enable-dtls13
- Coldforce core :
- Network core (TCP,UDP) :
- HTTP/1.1 :
- HTTP/2 :
- WebSocket :
Windows Visual Studio (prj/msvc/coldforce.sln)
for wolfSSL Add
toC/C++ Preprocessor Definitions
in both co_tls and your project property. -
Linux cmake
cd build cmake .. make
for wolfSSL
... cmake .. -DTLS_LIB=wolfssl ...
macOS cmake (same way as Linux)
WebSocket client
#include <coldforce.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct { co_app_t base_app; co_ws_client_t* ws_client; co_url_st* url; } app_st; void app_on_ws_receive_frame( app_st* self, co_ws_client_t* ws_client, const co_ws_frame_t* frame, int error_code ) { if (error_code == 0) { bool fin = co_ws_frame_get_fin(frame); uint8_t opcode = co_ws_frame_get_opcode(frame); size_t data_size = (size_t)co_ws_frame_get_payload_size(frame); const uint8_t* data = co_ws_frame_get_payload_data(frame); switch (opcode) { case CO_WS_OPCODE_TEXT: { printf("receive text(%d): %*.*s\n", fin, (int)data_size, (int)data_size, (char*)data); break; } case CO_WS_OPCODE_BINARY: { printf("receive binary(%d): %zu bytes\n", fin, data_size); break; } case CO_WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION: { printf("receive continuation(%d): %zu bytes\n", fin, data_size); break; } default: { co_ws_default_handler(ws_client, frame); break; } } } else { co_ws_client_destroy(ws_client); self->ws_client = NULL; } } void app_on_ws_close( app_st* self, co_ws_client_t* ws_client ) { co_ws_client_destroy(ws_client); self->ws_client = NULL; co_app_stop(); } void app_on_ws_upgrade( app_st* self, co_ws_client_t* ws_client, const co_http_response_t* response, int error_code ) { if (error_code == 0) { co_ws_send_text(ws_client, "hello"); } else { co_ws_client_destroy(ws_client); self->ws_client = NULL; co_app_stop(); } } void app_on_ws_connect( app_st* self, co_ws_client_t* ws_client, int error_code ) { if (error_code == 0) { co_http_request_t* request = co_http_request_create_ws_upgrade(self->url->path_and_query, NULL, NULL); co_ws_send_upgrade_request(self->ws_client, request); } else { co_ws_client_destroy(ws_client); self->ws_client = NULL; co_app_stop(); } } bool app_on_create( app_st* self ) { self->url = co_url_create("ws://"); co_net_addr_t local_net_addr = { 0 }; co_net_addr_set_family(&local_net_addr, CO_NET_ADDR_FAMILY_IPV4); self->ws_client = co_ws_client_create(self->url->origin, &local_net_addr, NULL); if (self->ws_client == NULL) { return false; } co_ws_callbacks_st* callbacks = co_ws_get_callbacks(self->ws_client); callbacks->on_connect = (co_ws_connect_fn)app_on_ws_connect; callbacks->on_upgrade = (co_ws_upgrade_fn)app_on_ws_upgrade; callbacks->on_receive_frame = (co_ws_receive_frame_fn)app_on_ws_receive_frame; callbacks->on_close = (co_ws_close_fn)app_on_ws_close; co_ws_start_connect(self->ws_client); return true; } void app_on_destroy( app_st* self ) { co_ws_client_destroy(self->ws_client); co_url_destroy(self->url); } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { app_st self = { 0 }; return co_net_app_start( (co_app_t*)&self, "ws-client-app", (co_app_create_fn)app_on_create, (co_app_destroy_fn)app_on_destroy, argc, argv); }
WebSocket echo server -> ws://
#include <coldforce.h> typedef struct { co_app_t base_app; co_tcp_server_t* tcp_server; co_list_t* ws_clients; } app_st; void app_on_ws_receive_frame( app_st* self, co_ws_client_t* ws_client, const co_ws_frame_t* frame, int error_code ) { if (error_code == 0) { bool fin = co_ws_frame_get_fin(frame); uint8_t opcode = co_ws_frame_get_opcode(frame); size_t data_size = (size_t)co_ws_frame_get_payload_size(frame); const uint8_t* data = co_ws_frame_get_payload_data(frame); switch (opcode) { case CO_WS_OPCODE_TEXT: case CO_WS_OPCODE_BINARY: case CO_WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION: { co_ws_send(ws_client, fin, opcode, data, data_size); break; } default: { co_ws_default_handler(ws_client, frame); break; } } } else { co_list_remove(self->ws_clients, ws_client); } } void app_on_ws_close( app_st* self, co_ws_client_t* ws_client ) { co_list_remove(self->ws_clients, ws_client); } void app_on_ws_upgrade( app_st* self, co_ws_client_t* ws_client, const co_http_request_t* http_request, int error_code ) { if (error_code == 0) { co_http_response_t* http_response = co_http_response_create_ws_upgrade(http_request, NULL, NULL); co_http_connection_send_response( (co_http_connection_t*)ws_client, http_response); co_http_response_destroy(http_response); } else { co_list_remove(self->ws_clients, ws_client); } } void app_on_tcp_accept( app_st* self, co_tcp_server_t* tcp_server, co_tcp_client_t* tcp_client ) { co_tcp_accept((co_thread_t*)self, tcp_client); co_ws_client_t* ws_client = co_tcp_upgrade_to_ws(tcp_client, NULL); co_ws_callbacks_st* callbacks = co_ws_get_callbacks(ws_client); callbacks->on_upgrade = (co_ws_upgrade_fn)app_on_ws_upgrade; callbacks->on_receive_frame = (co_ws_receive_frame_fn)app_on_ws_receive_frame; callbacks->on_close = (co_ws_close_fn)app_on_ws_close; co_list_add_tail(self->ws_clients, ws_client); } bool app_on_create( app_st* self ) { uint16_t port = 8080; co_list_ctx_st list_ctx = { 0 }; list_ctx.destroy_value = (co_item_destroy_fn)co_ws_client_destroy; self->ws_clients = co_list_create(&list_ctx); co_net_addr_t local_net_addr = { 0 }; co_net_addr_set_family(&local_net_addr, CO_NET_ADDR_FAMILY_IPV4); co_net_addr_set_port(&local_net_addr, port); self->tcp_server = co_tcp_server_create(&local_net_addr); co_socket_option_set_reuse_addr( co_tcp_server_get_socket(self->tcp_server), true); co_tcp_server_callbacks_st* callbacks = co_tcp_server_get_callbacks(self->tcp_server); callbacks->on_accept = (co_tcp_accept_fn)app_on_tcp_accept; return co_tcp_server_start(self->tcp_server, SOMAXCONN); } void app_on_destroy( app_st* self ) { co_tcp_server_destroy(self->tcp_server); co_list_destroy(self->ws_clients); } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { app_st self = { 0 }; return co_net_app_start( (co_app_t*)&self, "ws-server-app", (co_app_create_fn)app_on_create, (co_app_destroy_fn)app_on_destroy, argc, argv); }