The Fair Lottery Contract is a decentralized lottery system built using Solidity and Chainlink VRFv2 for verifiable random number generation. The contract allows participants to enter a lottery by paying a specified entrance fee. The lottery winner is selected randomly and the prize is automatically transferred to the winner.
- Players can only enter by paying ether equal or above the entranceFee by calling
- Only after a Specific TimePeriod can a Winner be picked
- Utilizes Chainlink VRFv2 for verifiable randomeness
- Gets called automatically to select a winner by Chainlink Automation Nodes after all conditions are met
- Ensure that Sufficent LINK tokens are available in the subscription for VRF Requests
Lottery Allows Players to enter lottery by paying ETH and chooses a random winner fairly once enough time and other conditions have been met
DeployLottery Script to deploy Lottery contract with settings appropriate for the specific chain
HelperConfig Allows the deploying of the Contract in different environments and Networks
Create Subscription Creates a Subscription if
is zero programatically -
FundSubscription Funds the Created Subscription programatically
AddConsumer Adds the Deployed Contract to the subscription
To interact with the FundMe contract or deploy it yourself, you'll need:
git clone
cd foundry-fair-lottery
forge build
To interact with the contract, you will have to download the following packages or just run forge install
in the terminal:
forge install cyfrin/foundry-devops@0.2.2 --no-commit
forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-brownie-contracts@1.1.1 --no-commit
forge install foundry-rs/forge-std@v1.8.2 --no-commit
forge install transmissions11/solmate@v6 --no-commit
$ forge build
$ forge test
$ forge snapshot
$ anvil
$ forge script script/DeployRaffle.s.sol:DeployRaffle --rpc-url $(add_rpc_url) --private-key $(add_private_key) --broadcast --verify --etherscan-api-key $(add_etherscan_api_key) -vvv