diff --git a/ShootingInteractions/EventsHandler.cs b/ShootingInteractions/EventsHandler.cs
index d3e3b8b..0603af7 100644
--- a/ShootingInteractions/EventsHandler.cs
+++ b/ShootingInteractions/EventsHandler.cs
@@ -1,333 +1,333 @@
-using Exiled.API.Features;
-using Exiled.API.Features.Doors;
-using Exiled.API.Features.Items;
-using Exiled.API.Features.Pickups;
-using Exiled.Events.EventArgs.Player;
-using Interactables.Interobjects.DoorUtils;
-using Interactables.Interobjects;
-using InventorySystem.Items.ThrowableProjectiles;
-using MapGeneration.Distributors;
-using MEC;
-using ShootingInteractions.Configs;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using UnityEngine;
-using DoorBeepType = Exiled.API.Enums.DoorBeepType;
-using DoorLockType = Exiled.API.Enums.DoorLockType;
-using BasicDoor = Exiled.API.Features.Doors.BasicDoor;
-using CheckpointDoor = Exiled.API.Features.Doors.CheckpointDoor;
-using ElevatorDoor = Interactables.Interobjects.ElevatorDoor;
-using Scp2176Projectile = InventorySystem.Items.ThrowableProjectiles.Scp2176Projectile;
-using Exiled.CustomItems.API.Features;
-using InventorySystem.Items.Pickups;
-using InventorySystem.Items;
-using InventorySystem;
-using Mirror;
-namespace ShootingInteractions
- internal sealed class EventsHandler
- {
- ///
- /// The plugin's config
- ///
- private static Config Config => Plugin.Instance.Config;
- ///
- /// A list of gameobjects that cannot be interacted with.
- ///
- public static List BlacklistedObjects = new();
- public void OnShooting(ShootingEventArgs args)
- {
- if (Config.AccurateBullets)
- return;
- // Check what's the player shooting at with a raycast, and return if the raycast doesn't hit something within 70 distance (maximum realistic distance)
- if (!Physics.Raycast(args.Player.CameraTransform.position, args.Player.CameraTransform.forward, out RaycastHit raycastHit, 70f, ~(1 << 1 | 1 << 13 | 1 << 16 | 1 << 28)))
- return;
- // Interact and check the interaction with the player that's shooting, and the GameObject associated to the raycast
- if (Interact(args.Player, raycastHit.transform.gameObject))
- {
- // Add the GameObject in the blacklist for a server tick
- BlacklistedObjects.Add(raycastHit.transform.gameObject);
- Timing.CallDelayed(0.02f, () => BlacklistedObjects.Remove(raycastHit.transform.gameObject));
- }
- }
- ///
- /// The shot event. Used for accurate shooting interaction.
- ///
- /// The .
- public void OnShot(ShotEventArgs args)
- {
- if (!Config.AccurateBullets)
- return;
- // Check what's the player shooting at with a raycast, and return if the raycast doesn't hit something within 70 distance (maximum realistic distance)
- if (!Physics.Raycast(args.Player.CameraTransform.position, (args.RaycastHit.point - args.Player.CameraTransform.position).normalized, out RaycastHit raycastHit, 70f, ~(1 << 1 | 1 << 13 | 1 << 16 | 1 << 28)))
- return;
- // Interact and check the interaction with the player that's shooting, and the GameObject associated to the raycast
- if (Interact(args.Player, raycastHit.transform.gameObject))
- {
- // Add the GameObject in the blacklist for a server tick
- BlacklistedObjects.Add(raycastHit.transform.gameObject);
- Timing.CallDelayed(0.02f, () => BlacklistedObjects.Remove(raycastHit.transform.gameObject));
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Interact with the game object.
- ///
- /// The that's doing the interaction
- /// The
- /// If the GameObject was an interactable object.
- public static bool Interact(Player player, GameObject gameObject)
- {
- BlacklistedObjects ??= new();
- // Return if the GameObject is in the blacklist
- if (BlacklistedObjects.Contains(gameObject))
- {
- Log.Debug("Player shot on a blacklisted GameObject: " + gameObject.name);
- return false;
- }
- // Doors
- if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is RegularDoorButton button)
- {
- // Get the door associated to the button
- Door door = Door.Get(button.GetComponentInParent());
- // Return if there's no door associated to the button, the door is moving, if it's locked and the player doesn't have bypass mode, or if it's an open checkpoint
- if (door is null || door.IsMoving || (door.IsLocked && !player.IsBypassModeEnabled) || (door.IsCheckpoint && door.IsOpen))
- return true;
- // Set the cooldown and door interaction variables according to the type of door
- float cooldown = 0f;
- DoorInteraction doorInteraction = Config.Doors;
- if (door is CheckpointDoor checkpoint)
- {
- cooldown = checkpoint.Base._openingTime + checkpoint.WaitTime + checkpoint.WarningTime;
- doorInteraction = Config.Checkpoints;
- }
- else if (door is BasicDoor basicDoor)
- {
- // Return if the door is doing its animation
- if (basicDoor.RemainingCooldown >= 0.1f)
- return true;
- cooldown = basicDoor.Cooldown - 0.35f;
- if (door.IsGate) {
- // A gate takes less time to open than close
- if (!door.IsOpen)
- cooldown -= 0.35f;
- doorInteraction = Config.Gates;
- }
- }
- // Return if the interaction isn't enabled
- if (!doorInteraction.IsEnabled)
- return true;
- // Should the buttons break ? (Generate number from 1 to 100 then check if lesser than interaction percentage)
- bool doorBreak = Random.Range(1, 101) <= doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakChance;
- // Lock the door if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break BEFORE moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config, if it's greater than 0
- if (!door.IsLocked && doorBreak && !doorInteraction.MoveBeforeBreaking)
- {
- door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.SpecialDoorFeature);
- if (doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
- Timing.CallDelayed(doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime, () => door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.None));
- // Don't interact with the door if the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled
- if (!player.IsBypassModeEnabled)
- return true;
- }
- // Deny access if the door is a keycard door, the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled, and either remote keycard is disabled or the player doesn't have a valid keycard in their inventory
- if (door.IsKeycardDoor && !player.IsBypassModeEnabled && (!doorInteraction.RemoteKeycard || !player.Items.Any(item => item is Keycard keycard && (keycard.Base.Permissions & door.RequiredPermissions.RequiredPermissions) != 0)))
- {
- door.PlaySound(DoorBeepType.PermissionDenied);
- return true;
- }
- // Open or close the door
- door.IsOpen = !door.IsOpen;
- // Lock the door if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break AFTER moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config, if it's greater than 0
- if (!door.IsLocked && doorBreak && doorInteraction.MoveBeforeBreaking)
- Timing.CallDelayed(cooldown, () =>
- {
- door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.SpecialDoorFeature);
- if (doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
- Timing.CallDelayed(doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime, () => door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.None));
- });
- }
- // Lockers
- else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is Locker locker && gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is LockerChamber chamber)
- {
- // The right remote keycard interaction config according to the locker type
- bool remoteKeycard;
- // Bulletproof locker
- if (((gameObject.name == "Collider Keypad") || (gameObject.name == "Collider Door" && !Config.BulletproofLockers.OnlyKeypad)) && Config.BulletproofLockers.IsEnabled)
- remoteKeycard = Config.BulletproofLockers.RemoteKeycard;
- // Weapon locker
- else if (gameObject.name == "Door" && Config.WeaponLockers.IsEnabled)
- remoteKeycard = Config.WeaponLockers.RemoteKeycard;
- // Else, the specific locker interaction isn't enabled, return
- else
- return true;
- // Return if the locker doesn't allow interaction
- if (!chamber.CanInteract)
- return true;
- // Deny access if the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled, and either remote keycard is disabled or the player doesn't have the right keycard in their inventory
- if (!player.IsBypassModeEnabled && (!remoteKeycard || !player.Items.Any(item => item is Keycard keycard && keycard.Base.Permissions.HasFlag(chamber.RequiredPermissions))))
- {
- locker.RpcPlayDenied((byte) locker.Chambers.ToList().IndexOf(chamber));
- return true;
- }
- // Open the locker
- chamber.SetDoor(!chamber.IsOpen, locker._grantedBeep);
- locker.RefreshOpenedSyncvar();
- }
- // Elevators
- else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is ElevatorPanel panel && Config.Elevators.IsEnabled)
- {
- // Get the elevator associated to the button
- Lift elevator = Lift.Get(panel.AssignedChamber);
- // Return if there's no elevator associated to the button, it's moving, it's locked and the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled, or it can't get its doors
- if (elevator is null || elevator.IsMoving || !elevator.IsOperative || (elevator.IsLocked && !player.IsBypassModeEnabled) || !ElevatorDoor.AllElevatorDoors.TryGetValue(panel.AssignedChamber.AssignedGroup, out List list))
- return true;
- // Should the buttons break ? (Generate a number from 1 to 100 then check if it's lesser than config percentage)
- bool elevatorBreak = Random.Range(1, 101) <= Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakChance;
- // Lock the elevator if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break BEFORE moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config if it's greater than 0
- if (!elevator.IsLocked && elevatorBreak && !Config.Elevators.MoveBeforeBreaking)
- {
- foreach (ElevatorDoor door in list)
- {
- door.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.SpecialDoorFeature, true);
- elevator.Base.RefreshLocks(elevator.Group, door);
- }
- if (Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
- Timing.CallDelayed(Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime, () => elevator.ChangeLock(DoorLockReason.None));
- // Don't interact with the elevator if the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled
- if (!player.IsBypassModeEnabled)
- return true;
- }
- // Move the elevator to the next level
- int nextLevel = panel.AssignedChamber.CurrentLevel + 1;
- if (nextLevel >= list.Count)
- nextLevel = 0;
- elevator.TryStart(nextLevel);
- // Lock the door if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break AFTER moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config, if it's greater than 0
- if (!elevator.IsLocked && elevatorBreak && Config.Elevators.MoveBeforeBreaking)
- {
- foreach (ElevatorDoor door in list)
- {
- door.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.SpecialDoorFeature, true);
- elevator.Base.RefreshLocks(elevator.Group, door);
- }
- if (Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
- Timing.CallDelayed(Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime + elevator.MoveTime, () => elevator.ChangeLock(DoorLockReason.None));
- }
- }
- // Grenades
- else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is TimedGrenadePickup grenadePickup)
- {
- // Custom grenades
- if (CustomItem.TryGet(Pickup.Get(grenadePickup), out CustomItem customItem))
- {
- // Return if custom grenades aren't enabled
- if (!Config.CustomGrenades.IsEnabled)
- return true;
- // Set the attacker to the player shooting and explode the custom grenade
- grenadePickup._attacker = player.Footprint;
- grenadePickup._replaceNextFrame = true;
- }
- else
- {
- TimedProjectileInteraction grenadeInteraction = grenadePickup.Info.ItemId switch
- {
- ItemType.GrenadeHE => Config.FragGrenades,
- ItemType.GrenadeFlash => Config.Flashbangs,
- _ => new TimedProjectileInteraction() { IsEnabled = false }
- };
- // Return if the interaction isn't enabled, it can't get the grenade base, or it can't get the throwable
- if (!grenadeInteraction.IsEnabled || !InventoryItemLoader.AvailableItems.TryGetValue(grenadePickup.Info.ItemId, out ItemBase grenadeBase) || (grenadeBase is not ThrowableItem grenadeThrowable))
- return true;
- // Instantiate the projectile
- ThrownProjectile grenadeProjectile = Object.Instantiate(grenadeThrowable.Projectile);
- // Set the physics of the projectile
- PickupStandardPhysics grenadeProjectilePhysics = grenadeProjectile.PhysicsModule as PickupStandardPhysics;
- PickupStandardPhysics grenadePickupPhysics = grenadePickup.PhysicsModule as PickupStandardPhysics;
- if (grenadeProjectilePhysics is not null && grenadePickupPhysics is not null)
- {
- Rigidbody grenadeProjectileRigidbody = grenadeProjectilePhysics.Rb;
- Rigidbody grenadePickupRigidbody = grenadePickupPhysics.Rb;
- grenadeProjectileRigidbody.position = grenadePickupRigidbody.position;
- grenadeProjectileRigidbody.rotation = grenadePickupRigidbody.rotation;
- grenadeProjectileRigidbody.velocity = grenadePickupRigidbody.velocity + (player.CameraTransform.forward * (grenadeInteraction.AdditionalVelocity ? grenadeInteraction.VelocityForce : 0));
- }
- // Lock the grenade pickup
- grenadePickup.Info.Locked = true;
- // Set the network info and owner of the projectile
- grenadeProjectile.NetworkInfo = grenadePickup.Info;
- grenadePickup._attacker = player.Footprint;
- grenadeProjectile.PreviousOwner = player.Footprint;
- // Spawn the grenade projectile
- NetworkServer.Spawn(grenadeProjectile.gameObject);
- // Should the grenade have a malfunction ? (Generate number from 1 to 100 then check if lesser than interaction percentage)
- // Set the fuse time of the grenade projectile to the interaction fuse time if it should malfunction
- if (Random.Range(1, 101) <= grenadeInteraction.MalfunctionChance)
- (grenadeProjectile as TimeGrenade)._fuseTime = grenadeInteraction.MalfunctionFuseTime;
- // Activate the projectile and destroy the pickup
- grenadeProjectile.ServerActivate();
- grenadePickup.DestroySelf();
- }
- }
- // SCP-2176
- else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is Scp2176Projectile projectile && Config.Scp2176.IsEnabled)
- projectile.ServerImmediatelyShatter();
- return false;
- }
- }
+using Exiled.API.Features;
+using Exiled.API.Features.Doors;
+using Exiled.API.Features.Items;
+using Exiled.API.Features.Pickups;
+using Exiled.Events.EventArgs.Player;
+using Interactables.Interobjects.DoorUtils;
+using Interactables.Interobjects;
+using InventorySystem.Items.ThrowableProjectiles;
+using MapGeneration.Distributors;
+using MEC;
+using ShootingInteractions.Configs;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+using DoorBeepType = Exiled.API.Enums.DoorBeepType;
+using DoorLockType = Exiled.API.Enums.DoorLockType;
+using BasicDoor = Exiled.API.Features.Doors.BasicDoor;
+using CheckpointDoor = Exiled.API.Features.Doors.CheckpointDoor;
+using ElevatorDoor = Interactables.Interobjects.ElevatorDoor;
+using Scp2176Projectile = InventorySystem.Items.ThrowableProjectiles.Scp2176Projectile;
+using InventorySystem.Items.Pickups;
+using InventorySystem.Items;
+using InventorySystem;
+using Mirror;
+using Exiled.CustomModules.API.Features.CustomItems;
+namespace ShootingInteractions
+ internal sealed class EventsHandler
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The plugin's config
+ ///
+ private static Config Config => Plugin.Instance.Config;
+ ///
+ /// A list of gameobjects that cannot be interacted with.
+ ///
+ public static List BlacklistedObjects = new();
+ public void OnShooting(ShootingEventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (Config.AccurateBullets)
+ return;
+ // Check what's the player shooting at with a raycast, and return if the raycast doesn't hit something within 70 distance (maximum realistic distance)
+ if (!Physics.Raycast(args.Player.CameraTransform.position, args.Player.CameraTransform.forward, out RaycastHit raycastHit, 70f, ~(1 << 1 | 1 << 13 | 1 << 16 | 1 << 28)))
+ return;
+ // Interact and check the interaction with the player that's shooting, and the GameObject associated to the raycast
+ if (Interact(args.Player, raycastHit.transform.gameObject))
+ {
+ // Add the GameObject in the blacklist for a server tick
+ BlacklistedObjects.Add(raycastHit.transform.gameObject);
+ Timing.CallDelayed(0.02f, () => BlacklistedObjects.Remove(raycastHit.transform.gameObject));
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The shot event. Used for accurate shooting interaction.
+ ///
+ /// The .
+ public void OnShot(ShotEventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (!Config.AccurateBullets)
+ return;
+ // Check what's the player shooting at with a raycast, and return if the raycast doesn't hit something within 70 distance (maximum realistic distance)
+ if (!Physics.Raycast(args.Player.CameraTransform.position, (args.RaycastHit.point - args.Player.CameraTransform.position).normalized, out RaycastHit raycastHit, 70f, ~(1 << 1 | 1 << 13 | 1 << 16 | 1 << 28)))
+ return;
+ // Interact and check the interaction with the player that's shooting, and the GameObject associated to the raycast
+ if (Interact(args.Player, raycastHit.transform.gameObject))
+ {
+ // Add the GameObject in the blacklist for a server tick
+ BlacklistedObjects.Add(raycastHit.transform.gameObject);
+ Timing.CallDelayed(0.02f, () => BlacklistedObjects.Remove(raycastHit.transform.gameObject));
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Interact with the game object.
+ ///
+ /// The that's doing the interaction
+ /// The
+ /// If the GameObject was an interactable object.
+ public static bool Interact(Player player, GameObject gameObject)
+ {
+ BlacklistedObjects ??= new();
+ // Return if the GameObject is in the blacklist
+ if (BlacklistedObjects.Contains(gameObject))
+ {
+ Log.Debug("Player shot on a blacklisted GameObject: " + gameObject.name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Doors
+ if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is RegularDoorButton button)
+ {
+ // Get the door associated to the button
+ Door door = Door.Get(button.GetComponentInParent());
+ // Return if there's no door associated to the button, the door is moving, if it's locked and the player doesn't have bypass mode, or if it's an open checkpoint
+ if (door is null || door.IsMoving || (door.IsLocked && !player.IsBypassModeEnabled) || (door.IsCheckpoint && door.IsOpen))
+ return true;
+ // Set the cooldown and door interaction variables according to the type of door
+ float cooldown = 0f;
+ DoorInteraction doorInteraction = Config.Doors;
+ if (door is CheckpointDoor checkpoint)
+ {
+ cooldown = checkpoint.Base._openingTime + checkpoint.WaitTime + checkpoint.WarningTime;
+ doorInteraction = Config.Checkpoints;
+ }
+ else if (door is BasicDoor basicDoor)
+ {
+ // Return if the door is doing its animation
+ if (basicDoor.RemainingCooldown >= 0.1f)
+ return true;
+ cooldown = basicDoor.Cooldown - 0.35f;
+ if (door.IsGate) {
+ // A gate takes less time to open than close
+ if (!door.IsOpen)
+ cooldown -= 0.35f;
+ doorInteraction = Config.Gates;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return if the interaction isn't enabled
+ if (!doorInteraction.IsEnabled)
+ return true;
+ // Should the buttons break ? (Generate number from 1 to 100 then check if lesser than interaction percentage)
+ bool doorBreak = Random.Range(1, 101) <= doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakChance;
+ // Lock the door if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break BEFORE moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config, if it's greater than 0
+ if (!door.IsLocked && doorBreak && !doorInteraction.MoveBeforeBreaking)
+ {
+ door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.SpecialDoorFeature);
+ if (doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
+ Timing.CallDelayed(doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime, () => door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.None));
+ // Don't interact with the door if the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled
+ if (!player.IsBypassModeEnabled)
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Deny access if the door is a keycard door, the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled, and either remote keycard is disabled or the player doesn't have a valid keycard in their inventory
+ if (door.IsKeycardDoor && !player.IsBypassModeEnabled && (!doorInteraction.RemoteKeycard || !player.Items.Any(item => item is Keycard keycard && (keycard.Base.Permissions & door.RequiredPermissions.RequiredPermissions) != 0)))
+ {
+ door.PlaySound(DoorBeepType.PermissionDenied);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Open or close the door
+ door.IsOpen = !door.IsOpen;
+ // Lock the door if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break AFTER moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config, if it's greater than 0
+ if (!door.IsLocked && doorBreak && doorInteraction.MoveBeforeBreaking)
+ Timing.CallDelayed(cooldown, () =>
+ {
+ door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.SpecialDoorFeature);
+ if (doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
+ Timing.CallDelayed(doorInteraction.ButtonsBreakTime, () => door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.None));
+ });
+ }
+ // Lockers
+ else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is Locker locker && gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is LockerChamber chamber)
+ {
+ // The right remote keycard interaction config according to the locker type
+ bool remoteKeycard;
+ // Bulletproof locker
+ if (((gameObject.name == "Collider Keypad") || (gameObject.name == "Collider Door" && !Config.BulletproofLockers.OnlyKeypad)) && Config.BulletproofLockers.IsEnabled)
+ remoteKeycard = Config.BulletproofLockers.RemoteKeycard;
+ // Weapon locker
+ else if (gameObject.name == "Door" && Config.WeaponLockers.IsEnabled)
+ remoteKeycard = Config.WeaponLockers.RemoteKeycard;
+ // Else, the specific locker interaction isn't enabled, return
+ else
+ return true;
+ // Return if the locker doesn't allow interaction
+ if (!chamber.CanInteract)
+ return true;
+ // Deny access if the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled, and either remote keycard is disabled or the player doesn't have the right keycard in their inventory
+ if (!player.IsBypassModeEnabled && (!remoteKeycard || !player.Items.Any(item => item is Keycard keycard && keycard.Base.Permissions.HasFlag(chamber.RequiredPermissions))))
+ {
+ locker.RpcPlayDenied((byte) locker.Chambers.ToList().IndexOf(chamber));
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Open the locker
+ chamber.SetDoor(!chamber.IsOpen, locker._grantedBeep);
+ locker.RefreshOpenedSyncvar();
+ }
+ // Elevators
+ else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is ElevatorPanel panel && Config.Elevators.IsEnabled)
+ {
+ // Get the elevator associated to the button
+ Lift elevator = Lift.Get(panel.AssignedChamber);
+ // Return if there's no elevator associated to the button, it's moving, it's locked and the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled, or it can't get its doors
+ if (elevator is null || elevator.IsMoving || !elevator.IsOperative || (elevator.IsLocked && !player.IsBypassModeEnabled) || !ElevatorDoor.AllElevatorDoors.TryGetValue(panel.AssignedChamber.AssignedGroup, out List list))
+ return true;
+ // Should the buttons break ? (Generate a number from 1 to 100 then check if it's lesser than config percentage)
+ bool elevatorBreak = Random.Range(1, 101) <= Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakChance;
+ // Lock the elevator if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break BEFORE moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config if it's greater than 0
+ if (!elevator.IsLocked && elevatorBreak && !Config.Elevators.MoveBeforeBreaking)
+ {
+ foreach (ElevatorDoor door in list)
+ {
+ door.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.SpecialDoorFeature, true);
+ elevator.Base.RefreshLocks(elevator.Group, door);
+ }
+ if (Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
+ Timing.CallDelayed(Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime, () => elevator.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.SpecialDoorFeature));
+ // Don't interact with the elevator if the player doesn't have bypass mode enabled
+ if (!player.IsBypassModeEnabled)
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Move the elevator to the next level
+ int nextLevel = panel.AssignedChamber.CurrentLevel + 1;
+ if (nextLevel >= list.Count)
+ nextLevel = 0;
+ elevator.TryStart(nextLevel);
+ // Lock the door if the door isn't locked and the buttons should break AFTER moving, then unlock after the time indicated in the config, if it's greater than 0
+ if (!elevator.IsLocked && elevatorBreak && Config.Elevators.MoveBeforeBreaking)
+ {
+ foreach (ElevatorDoor door in list)
+ {
+ door.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.SpecialDoorFeature, true);
+ elevator.Base.RefreshLocks(elevator.Group, door);
+ }
+ if (Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime > 0)
+ Timing.CallDelayed(Config.Elevators.ButtonsBreakTime + elevator.MoveTime, () => elevator.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.SpecialDoorFeature));
+ }
+ }
+ // Grenades
+ else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is TimedGrenadePickup grenadePickup)
+ {
+ // Custom grenades
+ if (CustomItem.TryGet(Pickup.Get(grenadePickup), out CustomItem customItem))
+ {
+ // Return if custom grenades aren't enabled
+ if (!Config.CustomGrenades.IsEnabled)
+ return true;
+ // Set the attacker to the player shooting and explode the custom grenade
+ grenadePickup._attacker = player.Footprint;
+ grenadePickup._replaceNextFrame = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TimedProjectileInteraction grenadeInteraction = grenadePickup.Info.ItemId switch
+ {
+ ItemType.GrenadeHE => Config.FragGrenades,
+ ItemType.GrenadeFlash => Config.Flashbangs,
+ _ => new TimedProjectileInteraction() { IsEnabled = false }
+ };
+ // Return if the interaction isn't enabled, it can't get the grenade base, or it can't get the throwable
+ if (!grenadeInteraction.IsEnabled || !InventoryItemLoader.AvailableItems.TryGetValue(grenadePickup.Info.ItemId, out ItemBase grenadeBase) || (grenadeBase is not ThrowableItem grenadeThrowable))
+ return true;
+ // Instantiate the projectile
+ ThrownProjectile grenadeProjectile = Object.Instantiate(grenadeThrowable.Projectile);
+ // Set the physics of the projectile
+ PickupStandardPhysics grenadeProjectilePhysics = grenadeProjectile.PhysicsModule as PickupStandardPhysics;
+ PickupStandardPhysics grenadePickupPhysics = grenadePickup.PhysicsModule as PickupStandardPhysics;
+ if (grenadeProjectilePhysics is not null && grenadePickupPhysics is not null)
+ {
+ Rigidbody grenadeProjectileRigidbody = grenadeProjectilePhysics.Rb;
+ Rigidbody grenadePickupRigidbody = grenadePickupPhysics.Rb;
+ grenadeProjectileRigidbody.position = grenadePickupRigidbody.position;
+ grenadeProjectileRigidbody.rotation = grenadePickupRigidbody.rotation;
+ grenadeProjectileRigidbody.velocity = grenadePickupRigidbody.velocity + (player.CameraTransform.forward * (grenadeInteraction.AdditionalVelocity ? grenadeInteraction.VelocityForce : 0));
+ }
+ // Lock the grenade pickup
+ grenadePickup.Info.Locked = true;
+ // Set the network info and owner of the projectile
+ grenadeProjectile.NetworkInfo = grenadePickup.Info;
+ grenadePickup._attacker = player.Footprint;
+ grenadeProjectile.PreviousOwner = player.Footprint;
+ // Spawn the grenade projectile
+ NetworkServer.Spawn(grenadeProjectile.gameObject);
+ // Should the grenade have a malfunction ? (Generate number from 1 to 100 then check if lesser than interaction percentage)
+ // Set the fuse time of the grenade projectile to the interaction fuse time if it should malfunction
+ if (Random.Range(1, 101) <= grenadeInteraction.MalfunctionChance)
+ (grenadeProjectile as TimeGrenade)._fuseTime = grenadeInteraction.MalfunctionFuseTime;
+ // Activate the projectile and destroy the pickup
+ grenadeProjectile.ServerActivate();
+ grenadePickup.DestroySelf();
+ }
+ }
+ // SCP-2176
+ else if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent() is Scp2176Projectile projectile && Config.Scp2176.IsEnabled)
+ projectile.ServerImmediatelyShatter();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ShootingInteractions/Plugin.cs b/ShootingInteractions/Plugin.cs
index a88a752..4950ecf 100644
--- a/ShootingInteractions/Plugin.cs
+++ b/ShootingInteractions/Plugin.cs
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-using Exiled.API.Features;
-using ShootingInteractions.Configs;
-using System;
-using PlayerEvent = Exiled.Events.Handlers.Player;
-namespace ShootingInteractions {
- public class Plugin : Plugin {
- private static readonly Plugin Singleton = new();
- public override string Name => "ShootingInteractions";
- public override string Author => "Ika";
- public override Version RequiredExiledVersion => new(8, 9, 4);
- public override Version Version => new(2, 3, 4);
- private EventsHandler eventsHandler;
- private Plugin() { }
- public static Plugin Instance => Singleton;
- public override void OnEnabled() {
- RegisterEvents();
- base.OnEnabled();
- }
- public override void OnDisabled() {
- UnregisterEvents();
- base.OnDisabled();
- }
- public void RegisterEvents() {
- eventsHandler = new EventsHandler();
- PlayerEvent.Shooting += eventsHandler.OnShooting;
- PlayerEvent.Shot += eventsHandler.OnShot;
- }
- public void UnregisterEvents() {
- PlayerEvent.Shooting -= eventsHandler.OnShooting;
- PlayerEvent.Shot -= eventsHandler.OnShot;
- eventsHandler = null;
- }
- }
+using Exiled.API.Features;
+using ShootingInteractions.Configs;
+using System;
+using PlayerEvent = Exiled.Events.Handlers.Player;
+namespace ShootingInteractions {
+ public class Plugin : Plugin {
+ private static readonly Plugin Singleton = new();
+ public override string Name => "ShootingInteractions";
+ public override string Author => "Ika";
+ public override Version RequiredExiledVersion => new(9, 0, 0);
+ public override Version Version => new(2, 3, 6);
+ private EventsHandler eventsHandler;
+ private Plugin() { }
+ public static Plugin Instance => Singleton;
+ public override void OnEnabled() {
+ RegisterEvents();
+ base.OnEnabled();
+ }
+ public override void OnDisabled() {
+ UnregisterEvents();
+ base.OnDisabled();
+ }
+ public void RegisterEvents() {
+ eventsHandler = new EventsHandler();
+ PlayerEvent.Shooting += eventsHandler.OnShooting;
+ PlayerEvent.Shot += eventsHandler.OnShot;
+ }
+ public void UnregisterEvents() {
+ PlayerEvent.Shooting -= eventsHandler.OnShooting;
+ PlayerEvent.Shot -= eventsHandler.OnShot;
+ eventsHandler = null;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ShootingInteractions/ShootingInteractions.csproj b/ShootingInteractions/ShootingInteractions.csproj
index d51ab31..9e6e97a 100644
--- a/ShootingInteractions/ShootingInteractions.csproj
+++ b/ShootingInteractions/ShootingInteractions.csproj
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
- Debug
- AnyCPU
- {CAB84CFC-2008-4CDB-84AB-2446E1E5CF81}
- Library
- Properties
- ShootingInteractions
- ShootingInteractions
- 9.0
- v4.8
- 512
- true
- true
- full
- false
- bin\Debug\
- prompt
- 4
- pdbonly
- true
- bin\Release\
- prompt
- 4
- true
- False
- ..\..\..\..\Packages\Exiled-8.9.4\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
- False
- ..\..\..\..\Packages\Exiled-8.9.4\Mirror.dll
- False
- ..\..\..\..\Packages\Exiled-8.9.4\UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll
- False
- ..\..\..\..\Packages\Exiled-8.9.4\UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- False
- ..\..\..\..\Packages\Exiled-8.9.4\UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll
- 8.9.4
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ {CAB84CFC-2008-4CDB-84AB-2446E1E5CF81}
+ Library
+ Properties
+ ShootingInteractions
+ ShootingInteractions
+ 9.0
+ v4.8
+ 512
+ true
+ true
+ full
+ false
+ bin\Debug\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ pdbonly
+ true
+ bin\Release\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ true
+ False
+ ..\..\..\..\..\Packages\SCP SL 13.5\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
+ False
+ ..\..\..\..\..\Packages\SCP SL 13.5\Mirror.dll
+ False
+ ..\..\..\..\..\Packages\SCP SL 13.5\UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll
+ False
+ ..\..\..\..\..\Packages\SCP SL 13.5\UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
+ False
+ ..\..\..\..\..\Packages\SCP SL 13.5\UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll
+ 9.0.0-alpha.7
\ No newline at end of file