Basic SMEFTsim tutorial for a PhD course.
you will need:
- Madgraph >=2.6.x
- pyROOT for python2
download material cloning this repository and move to this folder
cd Material
launch MadGraph
inside the MadGraph terminal, run
import model ./SMEFTsim_U35_MwScheme_UFO-massless_Hvlvl
SM process:
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP=0 NPprop=0
display diagrams
output Hvlvl_SM
pure SMEFT process (quadratics):
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP==1 NPprop=0
display diagrams
output Hvlvl_SMEFT
check diagrams operator by operator (without exporting)
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP==1 NPcll1==1 NPprop=0
display diagrams
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP==1 NPcHl3==1 NPprop=0
display diagrams
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP==1 NPcHW==1 NPprop=0
display diagrams
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP==1 NPcHbox==1 NPprop=0
SM-SMEFT interference:
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP=1 NP^2==1 NPprop=0
output Hvlvl_SMEFT_linear
SM-SMEFT interference, propagator corrections:
generate h > e- ve~ mu+ vm SMHLOOP=0 NP=0 NPprop=2 NPprop^2==2
display diagrams
output Hvlvl_SMEFT_prop
- exit MG. in the main shell, copy the predefined cards in the folders just generated
cp param_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SM/Cards/param_card.dat
cp param_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SMEFT/Cards/param_card.dat
cp param_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SMEFT_linear/Cards/param_card.dat
cp param_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SMEFT_prop/Cards/param_card.dat
cp run_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SM/Cards/run_card.dat
cp run_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SMEFT/Cards/run_card.dat
cp run_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SMEFT_linear/Cards/run_card.dat
cp run_card_Hvlvl.dat Hvlvl_SMEFT_prop/Cards/run_card.dat
- launch the SM event generation
when prompted, remove all optional tools (shower, delphes, analysis etc) leave default param and run cards
- launch the generation for quadratic terms. We will check only the operator
when prompted, remove all optional tools (shower, delphes, analysis etc)
modify param_card setting cHl3=1
- launch the generation for interference terms.
when prompted, remove all optional tools (shower, delphes, analysis etc)
modify param_card setting cHl3=1
- launch the generation for propagator corrections
when prompted, remove all optional tools (shower, delphes, analysis etc)
modify param_card setting cHl3=1
reweight cards and a script to run them are provided in the material folder. if needed, change the name of the SM directory or run in the
script and then launch it
when prompted, leave all reweight cards unchanged
to run automatically
over all the generated lhe files. This produces a root file for each generation, that contains 4 histograms, corresponding to differential distributions of
script assumes that the directories are named as in the previous steps, and stores root files in a directory called Root_files
. Modify it if needed.
- for the direct generations, check out the histogram shapes from ROOT, eg.
root new TBrowser()
- for the reweighted samples, create pdf plots for each distributions by running
modifying the script
python Root_files/Hvlvl_SM_run_01.root
it is possible to select which EFT contributions to plot and to adjust the plot ranges.