Command line convertor from Wikidot syntax to Markdown syntax.
Most format features are translated to standard Markdown. Some specific nonstandard format features are converted to Obsidian markdown extensions.
Inspired by
To convert a single file:
python3 --input|-i INPUT_FILE [--output|-o OUTPUT_DIR]
To convert all files in an input directory:
python3 --input|-i INPUT_DIRECTORY [--mask|-m MASK] [--output|-o OUTPUT_DIR]
--input INPUT
or -i INPUT
: path to file or directory to be converted. If it contains spaces,
it should be included in quotes: -i "C:\My documents\some wikidot file.txt"
. Required.
is file, this file will be converted and placed to OUTPUT_DIR
is directory, all files in this directory and all its subdirectories, that fits MASK
will be converted and placed to OUTPUT_DIR
The converted file(s) has the same name(s) as input file(s) and ".md" extension.
--output OUTPUT_DIR
: directory where converted file will be placed.
Optional. Default is "output" subdirectory. If directory does not exist, it is created.
--mask MASK
or -m MASK
: mask to select files to convert. Is used only if INPUT
is directory.
Optional. Default is ".txt".
or -w
: allows rewriting existing output file. If not specified,
and the output file already exists, program stops with error.
Be aware of that while input directory is searched recursively, output files are placed in
without subdirectories, that can cause conflicts.
or -n
: don't include \r in line endings on Windows (use Unix style)
The following features can be converted:
plain formatting of bold, italic, bold italic, underlined,
, super- and sub- script text. -
newlines are preserved like in Wikidot:
Some text
new line in the same paragraph
New paragraph
simple hyperlinks (like and hyperlinks with text like this
links to other documents like [[README]] or [[README | read me]]
NB: it uses Wikiref syntax used by Obsidian.
anchors and links to anchors. Anchors are not standard Markdown features and here they are implemented in Obsidian's manner like ^myanchor at the end of paragraph.
code blocks, including language specification:
def f(a):
return a+1
- math formulae: inline (
$\alpha=1$ ) and block formulae, including tags:
- references to equations ([[^eq1 | 1]])
NB: equation auto-numbering is not supported. All equation tags are converted to anchors named as eq.
NB: it uses Wikiref syntax used by Obsidian.
- tables:
Head1 | Head2 | Head2 |
X | 0 | |
0 | 0 |
NB: Wikidot allows table row to have more cells than header. In Markdown extra cells are not displayed. This situation is not handled in any way during conversion.