SimpleEnum is a simple library that implements Enumerations in Elixir.
An Enumeration is a user-defined type that consists of a set of several named
constants that are known as Enumerators.
The purpose of SimpleEnum is to provide an equivalent for the Elixir language.
SimpleEnum is:
- fast: being based on a macro system, access to the Enum will be resolved at compile time when it is possible (see. Fast vs Slow access)
- simple: the use of the library has been designed to be as simple as possible for a developer to use. In addition to providing Enums, it automatically defines their types and provides an introspection system.
The package can be installed by adding simple_enum
to your list of dependencies
in mix.exs
# my_app/mix.exs
def deps do
{:simple_enum, "~> 0.1"}
Then, update your dependencies:
$ mix deps.get
Optionally, if you use the formatter, add this line to .formatter.exs
# my_app/.formatter.exs
import_deps: [:simple_enum]
iex> defmodule MyEnums do
...> import SimpleEnum, only: [defenum: 2]
...> defenum :color, [:blue, :green, :red]
...> defenum :day, monday: "MON", tuesday: "TUE", wednesday: "WED"
...> end
iex> require MyEnums
iex> MyEnums.color(:blue)
iex> MyEnums.color(0)
** (ArgumentError) invalid value "MONN" for Enum Expected one of [:monday, :tuesday, :wednesday, "MON", "TUE", "WED"]
Full documentation can be found at
Copyright (c) 2021 DarkyZ aka NotAVirus.
SimpleEnum source code is licensed under the MIT License.