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MATLAB Code Repository

This repository stores various file conversion scripts

to run dicom server:

python --server=innovador.ini

python itk bindings build with


dicom transfer

findscu -P -k 0008,0052=STUDY -aet -aec IPAddress Port# -k 0010,0020= -k 0020,000d -k 0008,1030 -k 0008,0020 -k 0008,0050 findscu -S -k 0008,0052=SERIES -aet -aec IPAddress Port# -k 0020,000D= -k 0020,000E -k 0008,0060 -k 0010,0020= -k 0008,103e movescu -v -S -k 0008,0052=SERIES -aet -aec IPAddress Port# -k 0020,000D= -k 0020,000e=

simple file conversion:

python --ini_file=dog1.ini

all mesh file names, imaging parameters, and affine transformation parameters should be in the ini file

and example ini file is given in dog1.ini: adjust work_dir, mesh_filenames, etc accordingly

Standard prefixes for commit messages

following -

  • BUG: Fix for runtime crash or incorrect result
  • COMP: Compiler error or warning fix
  • DOC: Documentation change
  • ENH: New functionality
  • PERF: Performance improvement
  • STYLE: No logic impact (indentation, comments)
  • WIP: Work In Progress not ready for merge

Naming Conventions

following -

  • Names are constructed by using case change to indicate separate words, as in TimeStamp (versus Time Stamp).
  • Underscores are not used.
  • Variable names are chosen carefully with the intention to convey the meaning behind the code.
  • Names are generally spelled out
  • Use of abbreviations is discouraged. (Abbreviation are allowable when in common use, and should be in uppercase as in RGB.) While this does result in long names, it self-documents the code.
  • If you learn how to use name completion in your editor (e.g.,Vim, Emacs), this inconvenience can be minimized.


$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule 'projects/CurveFit' ( registered for path 'projects/CurveFit'
Cloning into 'projects/CurveFit'...
remote: Counting objects: 401, done.
remote: Total 401 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (401/401), 1.67 MiB | 1.72 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (178/178), done.
Submodule path 'projects/CurveFit': checked out '109825540c0790b3a949f77661a59410fbafb133'

refresh all remotes' branches, adding new ones and deleting removed ones.

git remote update --prune

remove large file from history

  • run from top of repo and push changes

    git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch path/to/largefiles/*' --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all git push origin --force --all

  • other forks/branchnes need to rebase to the master... dangerous ? (

    git pull --rebase origin master

extract a subdirectory as a new repo

  • git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter YOUR_FOLDER_NAME master
  • git push my-new-repo -f .

Merging Repos

Here's a way that doesn't rewrite any history, so all commit IDs will remain valid. The end-result is that the second repo's files will end up in a subdirectory.

  1. Add the second repo as a remote:

    cd firstgitrepo/ git remote add -f secondrepo username@servername:andsoon

  2. Create a local branch from the second repo's branch:

    git branch branchfromsecondrepo secondrepo/master; git checkout branchfromsecondrepo

  3. Move all its files into a subdirectory:

    mkdir subdir/ git ls-tree -z --name-only HEAD | xargs -0 -I {} git mv {} subdir/

  4. Merge the second branch into the first repo's master branch:

git commit -m "STYLE: organizing files"; git checkout master; git merge branchfromsecondrepo

  1. clean up

    git branch -D branchfromsecondrepo; git remote rm secondrepo

  2. git log --follow file

    Continue listing the history of a file beyond renames (works only for a single file).


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