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Documentation & API update

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@Impelon Impelon released this 23 Apr 09:01


Starting with version 0.7 there are going to be official releases on GitHub. 🎉
This is a major update for PyGVisuals that makes it a lot more easier to use. It also allows for a API-reference-page to be created automatically, meaning PyGVisuals now has a 🌟 homepage 🌟 !

This update does break old code written with this library. That being said, updating to the new version should not be that hard and should be preferred as documentation quality is on a new level now. To ease the updating process, I will highlight changes that will affect every old program and highlight changes that may affect some programs.

Also PyGVisuals should be easier to install now as I have fixed the Simply run pip install git+


important changes

  • now support both python 2 and python 3 (meaning the python-3-branch is counterintuitively designed to support python 2 as well)
  • switch documentation-style to Google's python style allowing for an API-reference-site
  • widgets support properties now for (almost) all aspects that were previously only accessible via getters and setters
    • for example instead of widget.setBackground((0, 0, 128)) one can now write widget.background = (0, 0, 128)
    • generally these getters and setters with the respective properties have been changed slightly, as some of them might accept new arguments and types
    • there are also more properties to allow for more easily customizable widgets
  • restructure module: removed src-folder, module hierarchy is a lot more flat now. Here is how the imports change:
    • pygvisuals.src.widgets ➡️ pygvisuals.widgets
    • pygvisuals.src.widgets.border ➡️ pygvisuals.borders
    • ➡️
    • pygvisuals.src.designs ➡️ pygvisuals.designs
    • pygvisuals.examples are now moved outside the package to an 'examples'-folder
  • merge IconWidget and Imagebox into Widget
    • getIcon/setIcon ➡️ getBackgroundImage/setBackgroundImage or background_image-attribute
    • isSmooth/setSmooth ➡️ hasSmoothScaling/setSmoothScaling or smooth_scaling-attribute
    • function to use for scaling can be accessed via the scaling_function-attribute
    • remove IconWidget
    • remove Imagebox
  • revamp design-system completely
    • create a new default-design
      • this new design includes a border, so all widgets will have a border by default
      • to prevent this, import pygvisuals.designs and change the default-design to the classic-design (old default design) via: pygvisuals.designs.setDefaultDesign(pygvisuals.designs.getRegisteredDesign("classic"))
    • designs are now stored inside a Design-class, instead of dicts
      • designs are applied to widgets by the Design-class directly via: design.applyToWidgets(list_of_widgets)
    • widgets no longer have hardcoded default values that need to be changed, instead they register a default in the fallback-design when loaded
    • that being said, the Design-class can be created from dicts, look at the hardcoded-designs
    • there is now a fallback-design, which is created automatically when importing widgets
      • one can access it via pygvisuals.designs.getFallbackDesign()
    • the default-design; it will be used for every newly created widget
      • change it via pygvisuals.designs.setDefaultDesign()
    • there is now a design-register; registered designs will have the fallback-design as fallback
      • register designs via pygvisuals.designs.registerDesign(name, design)
      • get a registered design via getRegisteredDesign(name)
      • get a copy of the design-register as a dict via getDesignRegister() with the names being the keys and the values the designs
    • for example to apply the "hologram"-design to all widgets in a list (or sprite-group, etc.): pygvisuals.designs.getRegisteredDesign("hologram").applyToWidgets(list_of_widgets)

new features

Add a new example-script: design-chooser
It reads all defined designs and serves some demo-widgets to show the designs of.
Also one can change the background-color from black to white to test the design in different environments.


Since there are no bugs that have been reported, not much, really. Some unexpected behaviour when deleting from an editable Listbox has been made more consistent.

other changes

  • add util-module
    • add automatic docstring-inheritance
    • add util.constants; a collection of every constant defined in PyGVisuals
  • rework a lot of mechanisms
    • some widgets constructors have changed slightly
    • slightly rework the basic update-method for widgets
    • rework borders to have a draworder
    • generally less redundancy, more compact code
  • add more documentation to examples
  • improve README