- Node 18.x
- Docker
- NPM -- note that
package manager is not supported - Rust Nightly 2023-09-18
Switch to the upstream branch
that includes latest changes that work. Note: If you do not use the correct branch then you may encounter issues such as thisgit remote add upstream https://github.com/ImpulseDAO/Vara-Arena git fetch upstream update-frontend:update-frontend git checkout update-frontend
Run the following in the project root directory
Install Rust and build
RUST_NIGHTLY="2023-09-18" rustup toolchain install "nightly-${RUST_NIGHTLY}" && \ rustup component add rust-src rustfmt clippy --toolchain "nightly-${RUST_NIGHTLY}" && \ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain "nightly-${RUST_NIGHTLY}" && \ rustup toolchain install "nightly-${RUST_NIGHTLY}" --profile minimal --component rustfmt rustup default "nightly-${RUST_NIGHTLY}" && \ rustup override set "nightly-${RUST_NIGHTLY}" && \ cargo version && \ rustc --version && \ cargo test && \ cargo install --git=https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack && \ cargo build --release
Optional: Install Node.js without NVM and skip the next couple of steps that use NVM instead.
Install NVM https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager#nvm.
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
install Node.js 18 using NVM
nvm install 18 && nvm use 18
Install Subsquid https://docs.subsquid.io/squid-cli/installation/
Change directory into the indexer/ subdirectory
cd indexer
Generate .env file from .env.example
cp .env.example .env
Obtain Subsquid Cloud deployment key
from https://app.subsquid.io/ -
Add your Subsquid deployment key that you obtained from https://app.subsquid.io/squids as the value of
in the .env file -
Source the .env file to make the environment variables available in your terminal session
source .env
Development environment only
- Modify indexer/squid.yaml as follows:
- Replace
withRPC_ENDPOINT: "wss://testnet-archive.vara.network"
- Replace
MINT_COST: ${{ secrets.MINT_COST }}
withMINT_COST: "10"
- Replace
- Modify indexer/squid.yaml as follows:
Production environment only Update Subsquid CLI secrets https://docs.subsquid.io/squid-cli/secrets/
sqd secrets:set RPC_ENDPOINT
- Paste
- Press CTRL+D twice to save/exit (make sure you do it twice)
- Check configured Subsquid CLI secrets
sqd secrets:ls
- Paste
Change back to the project root directory, and then login to Subsquid Cloud using the Subsquid CLI using a script that reads your deployment key from the .env file. Note: This avoids the security risk of entering the deployment key directly in the terminal
Stop and remove any previous indexer Docker containers that may be running:
docker stop indexer-db-1 && docker rm indexer-db-1
Run the following in the indexer/ subdirectory:
npm i -g @subsquid/cli@latest sqd --version sqd --help npm i sqd up sqd build sqd run . docker ps -a
View GraphiQL playground available at http://localhost:4350/graphql
- View Postgresql DB by entering the docker container's shell and running the following commands
docker exec -it --user=root indexer-db-1 /bin/bash root@123:/# pg_isready /var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections root@123:/# psql -U postgres postgres=# \l
- View Postgresql DB by entering the docker container's shell and running the following commands
Open a new terminal window. Change to to frontend/ subdirectory.
cd frontend
Modify the file _env.example. Replace
Generate .env file from _env.example
cp _env.example .env
Source the .env file
source .env
Install dependencies, build, and run the frontend:
npm i npm run prebuild npm run build npm run dev
Wait until it displays the following in the terminal logs, where X.X.X.X is your public IP address
[1] Local: http://localhost:3000/Vara-Arena
[1] On Your Network: http://X.X.X.X:3000/Vara-Arena
[1] webpack compiled successfully
[1] No issues found.
- Go to http://X.X.X.X:3000/Vara-Arena in your browser to connect your wallet and play the game.
- Note: It may automatically open http://localhost:3000/Vara-Arena, but that does not load the game, so replace
with your public IP address
- Note: It may automatically open http://localhost:3000/Vara-Arena, but that does not load the game, so replace
- Vara-Arena tasks: https://github.com/orgs/ImpulseDAO/projects/2/views/1
- If you get an error
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:23798
then try stopping and removing the indexer Docker container by runningdocker stop indexer-db-1 && docker rm indexer-db-1
, then try re-running the above commands again. If that still doesn't work, then try modifying the indexer/docker-composer.yml file before stopping and removing the indexer Docker container and re-running the above commands as follows:- Add
PGUSER: postgres
- Change
- Add