This project is part of the Cloud Computing Assignment for Cranfield University MSc. CSTE 2019-2020.
The assignment is inspired by DEBS 2015 challenge :
It aims to solve a restricted part of the challenge using Spark. The assignment can be found at doc/assignment-2019-2020.pdf
Query 1: Frequent Routes The goal of the query is to find the top 10 most frequent routes during the last 30 minutes. A route is represented by a starting grid cell and an ending grid cell.
Following information is for installing spark on a EC2 RHEL-8.0.0 instance
-> Install java
sudo yum update
yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
-> Download apache spark binaries (This application as been developed for spark-3.0.0-preview2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz ):
yum install wget
mkdir spark
cd spark
wget <link to Apache Spark Distribution>
tar xvzf spark-3.0.0-preview2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
-> export $JAVA_HOME
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
(for setting up a complete cluster on aws cf :
Clone this repository :
sudo yum install unzip
Download sbt : (cf
curl > bintray-sbt-rpm.repo
sudo mv bintray-sbt-rpm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install sbt
Packaging the application :
sbt package
Some fake data are provided in data/test_data
with a corresponding data/
for testing purposes
Actual data can be download from the DEBS 2015 challenge website : Two datasets are provided. One contain the first twenty days of 2013 and the other the entire year.
In order to be use some of spark functionality we need to export the following environment variable :
export SPARK_TESTING=$true
Cf CloudComputingAssignment/Query1_Stateful_Streaming.scala:31
for more explanations.
In order to run the spark application that we just packaged, assuming that the zip file has been unzipped in the home folder, we use:
./../spark/spark-3.0.0-preview2-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --class "CloudComputingAssignment.Query1_Stateful_Streaming" --master local[*] target/scala-2.12/cloud_computing_assignment_2.12-0.1.jar
There are three implementation that can be run Query1_Simple_Dataset, Query1_Batch and Query1_Stateful_Streaming
The input data files should be placed in data/taxiRides
The output files will be found in Result
For simple_dataset and streaming implementations the results is
outputted across different files.A small makefile is available to help merge and sort these output data.
make sortStreaming
can be use to merge and sort files outputted by Query1_Stateful_Streaming. The resulting file will be ordered by time_window and then last update. In case of multiple rows corresponding to the top N for a given time window, only the most recent one should be taken into account -
make sortDataset
can be use to merge and sort files outputted by Query1_Simple_Dataset. The resulting file will be ordered by time_window. In this implementation each element of the top N element generate a row. Unfortunately the rank column being the last printed, the sort command line will not order elements properly for a same time Window. -
make sortBatch
can be used to sort the output file by time window if several batches have been computed. In this implementation each element of the top N element also generate a row. Unfortunately the rank column being the last printed, the sort command line will not order elements properly for a same time Window. Moreover if several batches arrive it wont be possible to distinguish from which batch the element is coming from. -
make cleanResults
remove the Result folder. Query1_Simple_Dataset require that the folder to which it is supposed to output does not exist before running the application.